Forging The Pillar

Astra^ — mining for people.
2 min readOct 4, 2018


The firstborn cryptocurrency still is and will likely be the most attractive asset in the crypto industry for a long time to come. Bitcoin’s dynamics are holding firm as the market is struck by waves of uncertainty and large investors are seeking ways of capitalizing on new assets. However, there is not always a need to look for newfangled innovations, when the old and trusted methods can be simply adjusted to fit new realties and generate revenue.

Blockchain technology was established on the Bitcoin network with Satoshi Nakamoto’s covenant White Paper. Though many will point to the limitations of the Bitcoin blockchain, the value of the coin remains undeniable while many other altcoins have lost value. The value of Bitcoin rests on the fact that it has a limited issuance and as that limit is reached, its value will skyrocket. The more Bitcoins are mined, the more expensive they will become.

Hardly a day goes by without Bitcoin being mentioned in the news with prophecies of its price reaching astronomical values. The growth of trust towards Bitcoin from institutional investors who see it as a serious contender as a value storage instrument is a powerful signal that the coin has untapped prospects.

Bitcoin is a real alternative to fiat currencies as the examples of national currency devaluation in Venezuela and Iran have demonstrated. Even the US dollar is starting to feel its clay legs cracking as international political pressure rises and many emerging economies are making the transition to settlements in national currencies to maintain their economic independence. The inflation factor is another important aspect to consider cryptocurrencies, relatively stable ones like Bitcoin, as an alternative to fiat.

Mining Bitcoin is the only way of ensuring its supply. However, traditional mining is no longer cost-effective as mining equipment manufacturers are ratcheting up prices. In addition, the equipment quickly becomes outdated as new calculations become more intensive and the software updates make mining card models obsolete. With the increase in processing power requirements, the associated costs of electricity expenses and maintenance fees increase, making mining a luxury for many.

The alternative that was cloud mining has exhausted its credibility due to negligent organization, prompting the emergence of an alternative. ASTRA is the evolution of cloud mining that aims to make mining profitable again and accessible to all.

By creating a network of remote mining pools with affordable entry thresholds and combined computing capacities placed in the cheapest available locations around the world, ASTRA will attract members globally and offer a solution to generating one of the most promising value storage assets on the market.

As the value of Bitcoin rises, it is best to stay ahead of the curve and take advantage of the possibilities offered by advanced mining solutions. Solutions offered by ASTRA.



Astra^ — mining for people.

We stand for responsible mining with a focus on transparency and sustainability.