What is a Smart Contract?

Blockchain Hacks
Published in
12 min readJun 6, 2023


What is a Smart Contract?
Photo by AstraKode created with Canva

In the vibrant landscape of blockchain technology, smart contracts have emerged as a game-changing innovation, providing a transformative way to execute agreements with efficiency, security, and reliability.

Derived from computer scientist Nick Szabo, smart contracts are self-executing digital agreements. They are fundamentally contracts translated into computer code, where the terms of the agreement between the involved parties are encoded directly into the program. This code, representing the contractual obligations and conditions, resides on a decentralized blockchain network.

Smart contracts’ defining feature is their ability to execute transactions automatically. They are designed to monitor, enforce, and carry out the obligations of an agreement as soon as the predefined contractual conditions are met.

In essence, smart contracts symbolize a paradigm shift in how agreements are formulated and executed in the digital world. They blend the robustness of blockchain technology with the convenience of automation, propelling a new era of efficient and secure transactions.

Related blog: What is blockchain?

How Do Smart Contracts Work?

Smart contracts are essentially digital, automated counterparts of traditional legal contracts. They employ software code to automate and self-execute the stipulated terms and conditions of an agreement. These contracts are coded and stored on a decentralized, transparent, and secure blockchain network, making them tamper-proof.

In operation, smart contracts function as self-operating programs that execute when predefined conditions are met. Consider a supply chain blockchain application: a smart contract might automatically trigger payment upon receipt of a delivery confirmation, eliminating the need for manual intervention or third-party mediation.

Interestingly, the implementation of smart contracts drastically reduces the necessity for traditional intermediaries like banks or lawyers, thus mitigating risks associated with fraud, error, or non-compliance. Ethereum’s blockchain platform played a vital role in popularizing these smart contracts by offering a robust framework for their development and application in diverse industries such as finance, real estate, and supply chain management.

The deterministic nature of smart contracts, along with their uniform replication across the nodes in a blockchain network, ensures that the execution of an agreement is synchronized and transparent to all participants. Despite the numerous advantages, it’s crucial to remember that the immutable nature of smart contracts demands thorough auditing and testing of the code prior to deployment to prevent potential errors or vulnerabilities.

The Central Role of Smart Contracts in Blockchain

Smart contracts are digital protocols stored on a blockchain platform, designed to facilitate, verify, and automatically execute the terms of a contract. As the lifeblood of blockchain technology, smart contracts redefine the very notion of contractual agreements with their inherent automation capabilities.

Once smart contract terms are established and deployed on the blockchain, the system becomes autonomous. The contract autonomously executes stipulated clauses when it detects fulfilled conditions. This fundamental attribute sets smart contracts leagues apart from their traditional counterparts, which can be costly, laborious, and vulnerable to errors and manipulation. By contrast, smart contracts, once deployed, are immutable and ensure contractual terms are maintained without a trusted third-party — significantly reducing fraud risks and disputes.

Developing smart contracts demands an understanding of blockchain platforms, programming languages, and legal contract aspects. Blockchain engineers specializing in smart contract writing are pivotal in this process, ensuring the code accurately mirrors the contractual terms and operates seamlessly within the existing blockchain ecosystem.

Blockchain platforms like Ethereum, which was explicitly designed to execute smart contracts, have become popular choices for deploying smart contracts, giving developers diverse options to meet their specific needs. The stage is set for smart contracts to become an integral part of digital agreements, shaping the future of transactions across industries.

Developing Smart Contracts: Solidity and Fabric

The creation of smart contracts, however, relies on the underlying blockchain platform. Among various platforms available, Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric are two of the most commonly used for smart contract development.

Developing Smart Contracts in Solidity

Solidity, often considered the bedrock of Ethereum-based smart contracts, is a statically-typed programming language purpose-built for the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). When developing smart contracts on this public blockchain platform, Solidity serves as the cornerstone.

An intuitive example of a smart contract written in Solidity could be an agreement between two parties, Person A and Person B. The contract terms might state, “When Person A transfers 10 Ether to Person B, in return, Person B will send a digital artwork to Person A.” In this case, the smart contract acts as a digital, automated escrow system, ensuring that the artwork’s delivery and the Ether’s transfer happen simultaneously once the conditions are met. This automatic execution is the essence of using smart contracts on the blockchain, eliminating time delays and fees often associated with traditional legal contracts.

At Astrakode, we understand the significance of Solidity in smart contract development, especially for Ethereum-based projects. With our low code approach and visual environment, you can create blockchain networks and smart contracts. Hence, AKB offer comprehensive Solidity support on our platform, facilitating the creation, testing, and deployment of efficient, reliable smart contracts. To experience the simplicity of Solidity smart contract creation firsthand, give Astrakode a try!

Learn more about Astrakode Blockchain.

Developing Smart Contracts in Hyperledger Fabric

Venturing into the landscape of enterprise blockchain, we encounter Hyperledger Fabric, an open-source, permissioned blockchain platform designed for use in enterprise contexts. The development of smart contracts, known as ‘chaincode’ in Fabric, offers a distinct flexibility. Chaincode can be written in general-purpose programming languages such as Go, Java, and JavaScript, widening the scope for smart contract development.

To illustrate, consider a supply chain use case. A chaincode smart contract might stipulate, “Upon the arrival of Product A at Location B, update its status to ‘Delivered’ in the system.” Here, the smart contract automates a vital step in the supply chain process, ensuring seamless, real-time updates in response to predefined conditions. This automatic, prompt action characterizes the application of smart contracts, providing an efficient, trustless mechanism that is vital in today’s fast-paced digital world.

To sum it up, whether it’s Solidity for Ethereum or Chaincode for Hyperledger Fabric, the development and application of smart contracts are playing an instrumental role in driving the next generation of blockchain innovation. By automating contract execution and eliminating the need for intermediaries, smart contracts are paving the way for a more decentralized and efficient digital future.

Astrakode also supports the development of Hyperledger Fabric chaincode. We’re committed to making the process of creating and deploying smart contracts on Fabric as seamless as possible. Interested in exploring how simple it can be? Try out Astrakode today!

Smart contracts usher in numerous benefits:

By harnessing the potential of smart contracts, industries can experience unprecedented levels of transparency, security, efficiency, trust, and cost-effectiveness.

  • Transparency: One of the standout benefits of smart contracts is the level of transparency they offer. The terms and conditions of smart contracts are not just visible but also accessible to all participants in the blockchain network. Each party involved in a transaction can verify the conditions and outcomes independently, eliminating any uncertainty or ambiguity that could potentially arise in traditional contracts.
  • Security: When it comes to security, smart contracts are unparalleled. Leveraging the power of blockchain technology, the data in these digital contracts is encrypted and stored across multiple nodes in the blockchain network. This decentralized and cryptographic nature of blockchain makes it extremely difficult for hackers to infiltrate, ensuring that the details of your contract remain secure and unaltered.
  • Efficiency: Efficiency is an inherent feature of smart contracts, with automation playing a central role. By automating contract execution, smart contracts accelerate transactions, considerably reduce processing times, and remove the need for cumbersome paperwork. Whether it’s a supply chain agreement or a financial transaction, smart contracts streamline processes, enabling businesses to operate more smoothly and effectively.
  • Trust: Smart contracts are designed to execute outcomes exactly as agreed upon, creating an environment of unprecedented trust. They eliminate the uncertainties often associated with traditional agreements, ensuring that every contractual obligation is fulfilled precisely as per the coded terms. This trust is further amplified by the immutable nature of blockchain, where once a contract is deployed, it cannot be altered without consensus.
  • Cost Reduction: One of the most enticing benefits of smart contracts is the significant reduction in costs they offer. By automating execution and eliminating the need for intermediaries such as notaries, lawyers, or banks, smart contracts can significantly cut down on transaction costs. This enables businesses to conduct transactions more affordably, fostering greater economic efficiency.

Diverse Uses and Applications Across Sectors

In the revolutionary domain of blockchain technology, smart contracts have emerged as a versatile tool, underpinning a myriad of use cases across various sectors. Here, we delve into some key applications where smart contracts are reshaping the traditional ways of executing transactions and operations:

  1. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): A flourishing sector in the blockchain sphere is Decentralized Finance, popularly known as DeFi. This innovative financial model leverages smart contracts to overhaul traditional financial systems, offering a decentralized, open, and equitable alternative. DeFi projects heavily rely on smart contracts to automate intricate financial operations such as lending and borrowing of digital assets, managing derivatives trading, and running decentralized exchanges. The seamless operation of DeFi hinges on smart contracts’ ability to enforce agreements without the need for intermediaries, enhancing efficiency and inclusivity in the financial world.
  2. Supply Chain Management: The supply chain sector, notorious for its complexity and opacity, is also experiencing a transformative shift through the application of smart contracts. By providing real-time updates, verifying product origins, managing inventory, and tracking product movements throughout the chain, smart contracts bring an unprecedented level of transparency and efficiency to supply chain operations. This automation and verification of process steps can mitigate the common issues of fraud, counterfeiting, and inefficiency that plague traditional supply chain management.
  3. Real Estate: The real estate industry is another sector witnessing the transformative power of smart contracts. Real estate transactions often involve multiple parties, stacks of paperwork, and potential for error or fraud. Smart contracts are reshaping this landscape by automating transactions related to property transfer, leasing, purchase agreements, and even enabling innovative concepts like fractional ownership. By making these transactions transparent, secure, and efficient, smart contracts are setting a new standard for real estate operations.
  4. Voting Systems: Democracies depend on the integrity and security of their voting systems. However, traditional voting methods are often subject to manipulations, errors, and inefficiencies. Here too, smart contracts come into play, enabling secure, tamper-proof voting systems. They ensure each vote is unique, immutable, and transparent, enhancing trust in the electoral process.
  5. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): Smart contracts power the NFT revolution, representing unique digital assets on the blockchain. A prominent example is digital art, where artists mint their works as NFTs, each tied to a smart contract. The contract encodes vital information like the artist’s identity, ownership history, and future sales royalties. When ownership changes, the smart contract facilitates a secure, transparent transfer and ensures royalty distribution to the artist’s digital wallet. This direct approach allows artists to bypass traditional intermediaries and engage a global audience, transforming the art market’s landscape. Smart contracts’ versatile and automated nature is paving the way for more innovative applications across industries.

These are just a few examples of the myriad applications of smart contracts. With their ability to automate transactions, enforce agreements, and reduce the need for intermediaries, smart contracts are set to revolutionize numerous sectors, catalyzing a new era of decentralized, efficient, and secure operations.

Examples of Smart Contract Applications

As we venture deeper into the realm of digital transformation, the applications of smart contracts in various industries have seen an upswing. A myriad of platforms are harnessing the power of these self-executing agreements, integrated with blockchain technology, to bring about heightened efficiency, security, and transparency. Here, we delve into some pioneering examples of smart contracts at work.

1. Aave: Decentralizing Finance with Smart Contracts

Aave, a leading name in the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) space, relies extensively on smart contracts for its operations. It is an open-source, non-custodial platform where users can lend and borrow crypto assets. The lending and borrowing process is executed through Ethereum-based smart contracts. These programmable contracts automate the agreement between lenders and borrowers, ensuring secure, transparent, and immediate transactions without the need for intermediaries. This decentralized approach to finance is significantly disrupting the traditional financial landscape, fostering economic inclusivity.

2. IBM Food Trust: Enhancing Food Safety with Smart Contracts

IBM Food Trust, a blockchain-powered initiative, leverages smart contracts to revolutionize the supply chain management of food items. These smart contracts are used to track and verify the provenance of food items, from their origin to the retail shelves. The traceability and transparency offered by smart contracts ensure food safety, minimize the risk of fraud, and boost consumer trust. With these automated agreements, the platform can rapidly pinpoint issues in the supply chain, significantly reducing the time and cost involved in food recalls.

3. Propy: Disrupting Real Estate Transactions with Smart Contracts

Propy, an online real estate marketplace, utilizes smart contracts to facilitate the buying and selling of properties. This groundbreaking use of blockchain technology in the real estate domain has resulted in faster, more efficient, and secure transactions. Buyers and sellers enter into a smart contract, which executes automatically upon fulfillment of stipulated conditions. The transfer of property ownership, payment transaction, and even the commission to agents are carried out automatically and transparently. With smart contracts, Propy is eliminating the conventional hassles and delays associated with real estate transactions.

These examples depict the powerful potential of smart contracts in redefining business operations across industries. The fusion of blockchain technology with the capability to automate agreements is paving the way for a future where transactions are not only efficient and secure but also transparent and reliable.

Future Developments in Smart Contract Technology

As the world increasingly embraces the potential of blockchain technology, the evolution of smart contracts becomes ever more significant. These digital marvels are continually advancing, opening a vista of opportunities that promise to redefine our understanding of transactions and agreements. Let’s explore some anticipated future developments in the realm of smart contracts.

  • Enhanced Security Measures: Security remains a paramount concern when dealing with smart contracts. Given their immutable nature, a small code error can lead to substantial losses, as witnessed in high-profile incidents such as the DAO hack on Ethereum. Therefore, a considerable focus is being placed on improving the security framework of smart contracts. Numerous initiatives are underway to not only identify and rectify existing security vulnerabilities but also to develop new security paradigms. This includes advanced auditing tools and secure programming languages to avoid potential breaches and ensure a secure environment for transaction execution.
  • Incorporation into Legal Frameworks: Another significant future development in smart contracts is their potential integration into established legal systems. Currently, the legal status of smart contracts is somewhat ambiguous; however, strides are being made towards giving smart contracts the same legal recognition as traditional contracts. Legal and blockchain experts are collaborating to create frameworks that can amalgamate these digital agreements into existing legal structures. This evolution would mark a significant milestone, reinforcing the legitimacy and enforceability of smart contracts.
  • Cross-chain Interoperability: As the blockchain ecosystem expands, the need for smart contracts to operate across different blockchains is increasingly apparent. This capability, known as cross-chain interoperability, is a major point of focus for several blockchain projects. Notable examples include Polkadot and Cosmos, which aim to facilitate seamless interaction between different blockchains. With such interoperability, a smart contract executed on Ethereum could interact with another on Bitcoin, creating a truly interconnected blockchain network. This development could significantly enhance the flexibility and scalability of blockchain applications, amplifying the transformative potential of smart contracts.

The future of smart contracts is brimming with possibilities. The ongoing developments in security enhancements, legal recognition, and cross-chain interoperability signal a promising future that could revolutionize how we understand and execute contracts. As we move forward in this digital age, smart contracts will undoubtedly continue to play a critical role in the growth and evolution of blockchain technology.

Smart contracts are truly revolutionizing the way we perceive contracts and trust. Their automated and secure nature brings a new level of efficiency and transparency into transactions, ushering us towards a more decentralized and equitable world.

Recognizing the potential of such transformative technology, Astrakode Blockchain (AKB) provides comprehensive support for Solidity and Hyperledger Fabric’s Chaincode. Astrakode Blockchain (AKB) simplifies the creation, testing, and deployment of smart contracts, making blockchain development more accessible and efficient with our low code approach and visual environment. Whether you’re working with Solidity or Hyperledger Fabric’s chaincode, Astrakode is here to help you harness the power of smart contracts, driving the next generation of blockchain innovation. By automating contract execution and eliminating the need for intermediaries, smart contracts are paving the way for a more decentralized and efficient digital future. Let Astrakode help you be part of that future!

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