Bread and Circuses

Astra Rai
2 min readMar 6, 2022


Poetry inspired by Ms. Hill’s “The World is a Hustle,” “Imagine” by “John Lennon, and “Words I Never Said” by Lupe Fiasco

Picture of elephants and participants at circus
Photo by Becky Phan on Unsplash

The silence of ignorance is cryptic
The clouds’ energy cautioned humans to amend destructive, counterproductive customs
Attempting to guide us, the ancestors delivered encrypted messages written in hieroglyphics

We are the voices of unheard children screaming silently in the wilderness
Some pose the question, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
To answer “no” is illogical
For some, ignorance is bliss
I guess there is comfort in feigning obliviousness

The modus operandi of appointed officials and governors in white house is suspect
We incarnated in this experience to love, create, collaborate and evolve — not devolve
What’s the point in settling for less?

The constant gardening of concrete jungles continues
Daily, the FDA forwards messages written in lemon juice on white napkins The memo always reads: The genocide of the collective is on the menu
To cope, some attempt to numb inconvenient truths, citizens subconsciously opt for escapism and entertainment
Welcome to the Truman Show
It’s the 2011 remix of bread and circuses

Social media timelines spoon-feed viewers bottomless bowls of Franklin Roosevelt’s genetically engineered alphabet soup
Meanwhile, distracted fools search for fool’s gold at the end of rainbows that don’t exist
Unfortunately, the masses are too obese, lethargic, disenchanted and brainwashed to strategically protest

To thrive
To live beyond survival
One must open their mind, heart, and eyes
Tactical actions fuel innovation and evolution
If we desire long-term, sustainable change, it’s imperative to do more than simply hope and believe

As always, thank you for taking the time to read these words
Love is the only answer


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Poem written by Astra Rai Daniels © 2011 | AKA “The Sober Coder”

