Implementation of CRUD in Developing a Student Data Management System

Angela Astrid Febiyani Tjandra
4 min readNov 14, 2023

A Student Data Management System is a software solution designed to simplify and enhance the efficiency of managing student information within a school. Developed using the Python programming language, this system offers a range of essential features, enabling functions such as searching, adding, updating, and deleting student data.

The student data management system operates based on CRUD principles-Create, Read, Update, Delete. It enables authorized users to add new student records, access stored information, modify existing data, and remove specific entries. Through input forms, users input details like student ID, name, gender, religion, class, email, and address. This system ensures efficient management of student information, allowing users to modify or delete data based on a distinct identifier, thereby ensuring database accuracy and organization.

In this system, using password as data protection in the student data management system. This is an important step to maintain the security, privacy, and integrity of student information.

Here are detailed explanations for each option in the main menu of the student data management system :

Picture 1. Main Menu

Menu 1 : Display Student Data (Read)

Allows users to view or retrieve information about students stored in the system.

Picture 2. Menu for Display All Students

Selecting option 1 : Display All Students

Showcases the complete list of enrolled students, offering an overview of all student details present in the system.

Picture 3. Menu for Display Student by Student ID

Selecting option 2 : Search Student by Student ID

Allows users to find specific students by entering their student ID, providing detailed information based on the entered student ID.

Selecting option 3 : Return to Main Menu

This option helps you quickly navigate back to the main menu for easier access to other functions.

Menu 2 : Add Student (Create)

Allows users to input new student details into the system.

Picture 4. Menu for Add Student Data

Selecting option 1 : Add Student Data

The purpose is to enable users to input new student information into an existing student database. During this process, users provide details such as student ID, name, gender, religion, class, email, and address. Validation ensures that the student ID contains only digits, is 10 characters long, and specifies the gender as ‘Male’ or ‘Female’. Upon accurate input, a confirmation acknowledges the successful addition of the student. Additionally, the system prevents duplicates by notifying users if a student ID already exists, prompting them to use a different one.

Menu 3 : Update Student (Update)

Allows users to modify or update the existing information of a student in the system based on their student ID or other identifying information.

Picture 5. Menu for Update Student Data

Selecting option 1 : Modify Student Data

The system enables users to identify a student using their provided student ID. It displays student details associated with that ID for review and potential modification. Users can update specific fields like name, gender, or religion by inputting new data. The system confirms with the user before finalizing any modifications and provides confirmation after successfully updating student information.

Menu 4 : Delete Student (Delete)

Allow users to remove specific student data from the existing student database in the student management system.

Picture 6. Menu for Delete Student Data

Selecting option 1 : Delete Student Data

If the system identifies the student ID in the database after entering it, the student’s data will be removed from the system, providing a message indicating successful deletion. However, if the student ID is not found, the system will display a message stating that the student was not found.

Menu 5 : Exit

Picture 7. Exit from Program

Provides a function to stop the program. When the user selects this option, the program will provide a farewell message.


The student data management system, operating on CRUD principles, aims to handle, organize, and provide insights into student information. It enables users to add, access, edit and remove student. Its purpose is to support educational institutions in analyzing data for more efficient student data management.

One of the developments that needs to be done in this system in the future is the integration of a ranking system based on student achievement. This feature will help in assessing and accessing student achievement in a more structured manner.

In addition, it is necessary to improve the password creation feature in the system by making the password input invisible when entered, can use the getpass function in Python. This function prompts the user to enter a password without displaying it on the screen.

To explore the code: Student Data Management System — GitHub

