Astris CWhat Linkin Park’s Comeback Taught Me About GriefThe hardest part of ending is starting again.Sep 6Sep 6
Astris CThe Most Unexpectedly Formative Experience of My Adolescence: FanfictionPhoto by Andrew Neel on UnsplashAug 31Aug 31
Astris CThe Paradox at the Root of My TrichotillomaniaLiving with contradictory feelings of gratitude and miseryJun 242Jun 242
Astris CLiving Out of CuriosityI don’t necessarily have hope. Call it a morbid curiosity if you like. I just want to live to see how things turn out, for me and for the…Mar 30Mar 30
Astris CHorror, Ugliness, and TrichotillomaniaFirstly, I would like to apologize that I can't go back to writing my signature pieces with uplifting endings, because I'm in a dark place…Mar 221Mar 221
Astris CResponsibility is My Greatest Weakness and Greatest StrengthA story darker than I would’ve liked, but oh well Oct 19, 2023Oct 19, 2023