How To Get The Best Value On Gift Card Sales

It is a straightforward affair, to get the best value on your gift card sales, you have to find a platform that offers the most favourable exchange rate, which translates to a better exchange value for your gift card. And no outlet beats Astro Africa when it comes to good and favourable exchange rates in Nigeria and Ghana.

Astro Africa
2 min readJan 29, 2023

About Astro Africa

If you’re looking for the best place to safely and quickly exchange your gift cards, Astro Africa is the top site to do it. With our amazing platform, you can get high rates for your gift cards in Nigeria and Ghana. You won’t want to miss out on the extra benefits that come with trading with a top-notch gift card exchange platform, so your search for a reliable site is totally justified. When you go through Astro Africa, you’ll maximize the return on your gift card sales — something that all smart gift card owners want to take advantage of.

Why Use Astro Africa?

Astro Africa is widely considered the best platform for trading your gift cards. Our customers are sure to get the best price for their cards because they always receive an advantageous exchange rate. These rates will vary depending on the gift card, as some are more valuable than others due to supply and demand dynamics. To check the rates of any given card, you can take advantage of their rate calculator feature.

In addition, Astro Africa stands out with their fast payment times — payments are disbursed right away when your gift card is verified. This process may take a bit of time, yet Astro Africa makes certain that it is completed as quickly as possible no matter what type of card you are trading.

“It’s quite easy to access the Astro Africa platform; simply visit or download the ‘Astro Africa’ app from Google Play Store. Both the mobile app and website have a great user interface and an impressive user experience that facilitates trading gift cards with a few clicks.

You can exchange a variety of gift cards on Astro Africa, including Google Play, iTunes, Amazon, Steam, American Express, Nordstrom, Nike, Sephora and Apple gift cards — plus more!”

How to sell gift cards on Astro Africa

  • Visit Astro Africa or download the mobile app.
  • Create an account with your credentials.
  • Set up your account by adding your bank account details.
  • Navigate to the sell gift cards interface.
  • Enter the gift card details.
  • Upload the picture of the gift card, and add a note if necessary.
  • Your account will be credited immediately after the authenticity of your gift card is confirmed.
  • Make a withdrawal to your bank account. Voila!!! You have successfully traded your gift card for cash.



Astro Africa

If you're looking for a way to sell gift cards and cryptocurrencies, look no further than Astro Africa! 😎