Which Hindu god should you worship based on your zodiac sign? Find More Here Part-1

3 min readDec 23, 2022


According to Hinduism’s Vedic worldview, although God is one, he also takes on many diverse forms. Now, each of these instances of God’s revelation has a benefit and a purpose. There are 33 crore gods in India, according to references in Hindu scriptures. People honor a broad variety of deities in different guises. However, according to Agni Purana, daily astrology is a disciplined science that can be used to fully grasp a person’s characteristics, not a belief. If you want to discover serenity, happiness, and wealth in your life, you must first worship the Hindu god who corresponds to your zodiac sign. Your Isht devs are the gods and goddesses who represent the signs in your horoscope.

Gods you should worship based on your zodiac

According to a top astrologer in India


The Lord Graha or Supreme Planet of Aries is Mars, commonly referred to as Mangal. Sun or Surya Dev in the Aries zodiac is hence regarded as the top or uchcha. Surya Dev must be revered every day for him to have a good influence on every element of our existence. Jal Arpan and meditation are recognized as powerful Surya Dev worship techniques. Additionally, Surya dev, Hanuman, Shiva, Kartikeya, and Narasingha are their patron deities.


The ruling planet or Swami Graha of Taurus is Venus, sometimes referred to as Shukra. On Vrisha, the most potent being, or uchcha, is thought to be Moon or Chandra Dev. It can be crucial because Taurus’ good emotional stability is produced by the Moon. The feminine energy in your body can be balanced with your temperament by the Moon, which in turn helps mold who you are. Additionally, the most adored deities for this Rashi are Ganesha, Kali, Shakti, and Saraswati. These zodiac signs and lords should get regular prayers and devotion.


Gemini is an Air Changeable sign with strong energy. Lord Mercury is in charge of the sign of Gemini. Rahu rates Gemini more than Ketu, who has a lower rating.

As a result, if you worship Lord Venkateshwara, you may draw the connection and the male deity may recommend certain areas in which you might grow. We should also adore Brahma, Buddha, and Narayana.


The feminine energy is embodied by Cancer, the watery sign of the zodiac. The Hanuman Chalisa should be recited daily by people born under the sign of Cancer for courage and fortitude. Lord Krishna and Goddess Saraswati should also be worshipped by Cancer residents in order to draw luck, money, and creative aptitude. Visit the Hanuman Temple, distribute candies, and feed jaggery to the birds and squirrels.


The Sun is this male, fire-fixed Zodiac sign’s ruling planet. Leo’s zodiac signs could be significantly influenced by the Sun. Leos would be most attracted to Shiva. He is the God who can connect to the Fire energies the best because of his existence in the world, known as the Linga energy. Pour milk and water on the Shiva lingam every day.


Virgo is the flexible, earthy, and feminine sign. If you are a Virgo, the sign that Mercury rules, Narayan is the deity you might adore. The devoted Virgos love Narayan and are adept at protecting the world and its citizens from imbalanced energies. Your luck and wealth in life will also grow if you respect women.

Also, Read- Benefits Of Wearing A Silver Ring According To Astrology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s):

Which sign in the zodiac is most like God?

The sign of Pisces is the most spiritually like God. Pisces, a fluid, feminine Water sign, ends something to make room for something new to begin. Durga, Radhika, and Sita each exude the same strength or energy, providing them with the same circumstances for overall development and growth.

What zodiac sign does Lord Vishnu belong to?

Sagittarius. Sagittarius fundamentally learns the most important things in life through intense suffering. Sagittarians ought to adore Lord Vishnu as a result.

