The Astrology of 2020

Cycles of Collective Crisis

Daljeet Peterson
7 min readAug 3, 2020


The Astrology of 2020 is a constellation of 3 archetypal complexes involving Saturn, Pluto and Capricorn

“May you live in interesting times” ––Traditional Chinese Curse

As an astrologer, it’s not surprising that I’ve fielded a lot of questions in recent months about my astrological perspective on the events of 2020 and the unprecedented times we now find ourselves living through, with the crushing confluence of the COVID19 pandemic, the BLM protests, the widespread social unrest and our increasingly polarized political climate.

Like many astrologers, I’d been eyeing the approach of 2020 with some trepidation, as this year was set to bear witness to some significant planetary configurations that have historically portended dark and challenging times — namely, the cyclical conjunction of Saturn and Pluto, which occurs every 30–40 years.

Saturn and Pluto — “The Heavies” of the zodiac (Original Artwork by Author)

The planets Saturn and Pluto are considered “The Heavies” of the zodiac, and their cyclical alignments have historically been linked with war, famine, terrorism and disease. In fact, the last conjunction of Pluto and Saturn was in 1982, which corresponded with the beginning of the AIDS crisis. At that time Pluto was about to enter Scorpio — the sign of sex and death. And in 2001, Saturn and…



Daljeet Peterson

Astrology Apostle | Yoga Disciple | Media Craftsman @DaljeetPeterson