There’s a cosmic message being broadcast to all of us. Can we tune in to hear it?

The Astrology of 2020 (Part 2)

The Collective Crisis & Our Individual Response

Daljeet Peterson
8 min readAug 4, 2020


The Astrology of 2020 involves a constellation of three powerful planetary archetypes: Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto.

In my last article I focused on how the convergence of three major planetary archetypes — Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto — all constellated in the sign of Capricorn, were finding expression on the world and national stages as evidenced by the global coronavirus pandemic, subsequent quarantines, economic disruptions and widespread civil unrest. Society is being pushed to the brink.

But these same archetypal forces are also affecting us all on an individual basis.

So in this article I’ll examine what all this means to each of us as individuals, and help develop some strategies for personally coping with the crisis and find ways to rise and meet the challenges of these unprecedented times.

We are all feeling the weight of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction of January 2020 — the two “Heavies” of the Zodiac.

If we recall, the main theme or tone for the year was set by the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in January 2020. The one-two punch of these two “Heavies” of the zodiac can take its toll on society and individuals alike. But as with…



Daljeet Peterson

Astrology Apostle | Yoga Disciple | Media Craftsman @DaljeetPeterson