Check Out Which Tarot Card Symbolizes Your Zodiac Sign — Part 1

Anuradha Sharda
3 min readNov 21, 2019


We all know what our zodiac sign is according to our birthday. Whether we believe in horoscope or not, at least once in our life every one of us must have checked what our zodiac sign says about our life and personality. Now coming to the tarot cards, we know there are 22 major arcana cards as discussed in previous articles. But did you know 12 of these arcana cards represents your respective zodiac signs? You can learn more by taking an Online Tarot Card Reading Course. But for now, check out the first six zodiac signs and their respective major arcana tarot card.

Aries’ Tarot Card: The Emperor -

If your zodiac sign is Aries then it is represented by The Emperor. Emperor is someone who will always be there in time of need. It represents loyalty and also someone who stays with their friends through thick and thin. As an Emperor, you most probably use your authority and analytical powers to help others and to achieve your goals.

Taurus’ Tarot Card: The Hierophant -

The Hierophant represents knowledgeable teachers who can help you search for higher truths by exploring traditions that are real. Sifting through the superficial, these learned souls can lead you to the heart of matters, where profound insights reveal important life lessons.

Gemini’s Tarot Card: The Lovers -

Represented by your Tarot card, The Lovers every Gemini is blessed with a dual nature. Often enough a Gemini might have to get involved by making a moral choice between taking the high or low road. This card encourages you to follow the path dictated by your personal integrity and to weigh your options carefully before doing that.

Cancer’s Tarot Card: The Chariot -

The Chariot which represents Cancer means standing strong and proud. It also means steering a steady course and rising above life’s conflicts. Along with security Cancers loves the freedom of the open road where they can use their highly-developed intuition to win the race.

Leo’s Tarot Card: Strength -

The fifth zodiac is Leo which is represented by the card Strength. Strength doesn’t only mean physical strength but also emotional, mental, and spiritual strength. Leo like the Lion is blessed with plenty of courage, which helps them overcome even the most difficult problems and obstacles.

Virgo’s Tarot Card: The Hermit -

The Hermit is an old man who is wary of the outer world. If you are a Virgo then your card is The Hermit which means, you might need to slow down and go within to focus on your purpose in life.

So, these are the first six zodiac signs representing their tarot cards. In the next article, we will come back with the next six zodiac signs. If you want to know more about the connection between zodiac signs and tarot cards then you can take up an Online Tarot Card Reading Course.



Anuradha Sharda

Anuradha Sharda is a Tarot Coach & Vedic Astrologer in India with more than 20 years experience.