Choosing Between Vedic Astrology And Western Astrology? Know The Difference…

Anuradha Sharda
2 min readAug 23, 2019


The debate between Vedic astrology and western astrology has been going on for decades. There is almost equal number of groups, experts or astrologers themselves siding one form of astrology over the other. Both forms of astrology support the improvement of individual’s personal issues, business and overall life. Both astrology forms use planets, individual’s birth date and related information to identify the aspects influencing the individual’s life. However, it can be said that the demand for Vedic Astrologer is higher compared to western astrologers. This can be due to the origin of the Vedic astrology, different notions of faith across western and eastern culture and the number of individuals who are ready to believe in this form of traditional science subject. So here are some traditional differences between Vedic astrology and western astrology which can help you in identifying the right subject to pursue.


This is the fundamental difference between Vedic & western astrology. Western astrologers utilised Tropical Zodiac. On the other hand, Vedic Astrologers utilise Sidereal Zodiac based upon position of constellations in sky.

House System

The type of house systems utilised by the Western Astrologers differ from those used by the Vedic Astrologers. Western Astrology used various house systems based on degree of ascendants as beginning of First House. On the other hand, Vedic Astrology opts for Whole-sign houses

Planets & Sign rulerships

In western astrology, all major planets such as Uranus, Neptune as well as Pluto are utilised. These also attribute rulership based on the Zodiac signs and planetary positions. On the other hand, Vedic Astrology focuses only on visible planets and utilise only traditional rulerships.

Planet Strengths & Weaknesses

Western Astrology puts retrograde planets as weak. On the other hand, Vedic Astrology focuses on orientation of planets in actual sky. As a result, the retrograde planets as per Vedic astrology are considered as strong since the retrograde planets are larger, brighter and visible.

It is clear that fundamental differences lie between Western astrology and Vedic Astrology. Both has been studies, researched and applied for a long time and those studying or using this subject in their lives consider this as sacred. Vedic Astrologers provide directions for the physical, mental and spiritual health and well-being of those who follow this science-backed tradition and no matter the type of astrology services one chooses, it is important to have faith and trust in the service and the belief so that the benefits can be reaped.



Anuradha Sharda

Anuradha Sharda is a Tarot Coach & Vedic Astrologer in India with more than 20 years experience.