Bridgett Walther
5 min readFeb 2, 2017

One Key That Often Determines Compatibility

If you are wondering about compatibility, it might help to look at this classification of the zodiac signs:

A curious element often reveals how compatible two people might be — and it’s overlooked frequently, even though this element is a useful and effective indicator.

This element breaks up each group of signs then binds them into three distinctive categories. The first category belongs to Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Cardinal signs are noteworthy because of their loyalty, dignity, determination, competition and honesty. Aries is fiery, bold, impatient, and competitive. Aries despises slo-mo’s and delays. The next Cardinal sign is Cancer, the mother sign of the zodiac. Cancer craves security, home, family, privacy, comfort, and often studies her family tree. The third Cardinal sign is Libra, known for sociability, ongoing connections with friends and lovers, business partnerships, and camaraderie. She enjoys marriage so much that she may marry more than twice. And the final Cardinal sign is Capricorn, famous for her endurance, loyalty, gutsy determination, honor, and wealth of knowledge. Capricorn is serious about commitment, honor, and loyalty. As you can see, the Cardinals are the people who do their best to create and protect more balance and peace in their lives.

The next group belongs to the Fixed signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These signs are often way ahead of the curve — and choose to continue exploring alleged “impossible” dreams. The amazing side of this is that ultra-determined Fixed signs OFTEN achieve so-called “impossible” dreams. Look at the bios of VERY SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE, and you’ll find a plethora of Fixed signs. Let’s start with Taurus, the sign most likely to keep an eagle eye on finance, start-ups, investment accounts, valuable and appraised antiques, parcels of land for development purposes, and architecture. Wow! I’ll bet you didn’t know how dynamic Taurus actually is. The Bull is one impossible dreamer whose expectations OFTEN materialize. The next fixed sign is Leo — a lover extraordinaire who flaunts her beauty, humor, and almost perfect hair. Yes, Leo is somewhat obsessed with having wonderful manes. Leo also possesses a huge flirtation streak literally setting men’s libido on fire. Leo enters a room with panache, style, and a reputation for wooing men left and right, even if she’s married or engaged. At times, her flirting is just a game — a feel-good kind of game. Scorpio is the third Fixed sign, quietly famous for her productivity, tenacity, extreme intensity, sexuality, desire for power, winning and dominating, as well as her notable discretion. Tell a Scorpio a secret and as long as the two of you remain friends, she’ll never reveal it. But, if the two of you crumble, she’ll reveal your secret, details intact, and spread it all over the map. Scorpios are notorious for getting revenge. The final Fixed sign is delightful Aquarius, full of intelligence, a unique personality, eccentricity, inventiveness, freedom and avant-garde concepts. Aquarius discovers details that others overlooked. Small details are transformed into seeds for one of Aquarius’s upcoming discoveries.

The final group is the Mutable signs — Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. This group is flexible to the point of personal loss and injury as well as career problems. But the upside is that certain risks that no other sign is willing to hazard seem doable to the Mutables. At least half of the time, their participation in an unlikely venture succeeds! So it’s wise to never underestimate the flexible, productive Mutable signs. Gemini represents duality by managing several projects simultaneously and at the same time, keeping her children fed, clothed, and escorted all over town. Just so you know, Mutables often marry more than once. The next Mutable is Virgo, a healing savior in a doctor’s uniform. Virgo underestimates her value on a daily basis. She sets her goals so high that in her own mind, she never quite makes things right. Of course, her associates respect her work and regard her as a miracle worker who gets along well with everyone. In fact, the people who know her socially or professionally regard her as a healing saint. Because of all the stress she buries, her digestive system can be sensitive. Pulling up third place is Sagittarius, a teacher, writer, traveler, and often a very spiritual force of nature. Sagittarius adores freedom, peace, and often relies on a creative project to escape from noisy, rowdy types. Sagittarians often develop hearing problems, but not always because of medical issues. Sagittarians simply tune out what they don’t want to hear. And finally, the last Mutable is Pisces, a true healing sign who adores animals and babies — and works hard to protect all living things. Pisces is sensitive and psychic, always conjuring spiritual healing and energy from the other side. When you read anything by Edgar Cayce, you’re reading the words of a Piscean “sleeping prophet.” Pisces are fussy about their footwear, mainly because their feet are super-sensitive….

Okay. Now you understand a little bit more about the Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable signs, but what does any of this have to do with COMPATIBILITY? Here’s a flawed but still useful rule of thumb: Cardinals are compatible with other Cardinals, especially if their signs oppose one another. Opposition = attraction, balance, and teamwork. So Cancer and Capricorn or Aries and Libra can generate an excellent traditional marriage or business partnership.

Cardinal signs often blend well with Mutables. For example, an Aries is likely to find Gemini pretty darn perfect because Gemini is willing to try almost anything new and different. There are times when Gemini chats too much and Aries leaves the room or asks for silence.

Cardinals can find Fixed signs very, very sexy and desirable. For example, a Capricorn might find Leo to be extremely hot and mysterious. Cardinal Libra may get along very well with Aries, but still find Taurus to be an extreme turn-on. So Libra might stray from Aries, while pursuing luscious Taurus.

If you have access to the astrology wheel that begins with Aries and ends with Pisces, locate your birth sign, and count your sign as #1, then count until you reach the 8thsign after yours. That’s the sign that may be mysterious, hot, and sexy for you. Ironically, that #8 may not be as taken with you as you are with him.

So there you have it. Compatibility is fun, informative, and worth studying, but there are always exceptions and other details. This story is for your benefit and can be used as a tool for mapping out what works and what sometimes disappoints.

Bridgett Walther has been an astrologer and writer for over 40 years, during which time she has built a substantial following, including celebrity clients. She has authored two books to date, with more in the works. You can read her full bio on our About Us page.

Originally published at

Bridgett Walther

Seasoned writer of astrology and numerology with a celebrity client base.