Properties of Ketu

Nidhi Astrologer
3 min readFeb 21, 2024


Ketu is one of the most spiritual and dreadful Grahas in Vedic jyotisha. Just like Rahu, it does not have the best prestige but is supposedly smaller inauspicious. Here are some common consequences associated with the Ketu dasha and its conjunctions in the birth chart.

People who have an ascendant or Moon in the zodiac of Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, and Pisces feel well in Ketu periods.

For rising Capricorns, Ketu co-rules the 11th bhava and if it is related or aspected by a powerful Mars, then financial accomplishment can be expected during the Ketu duration.

If Ketu is conjunct with any Yogakaraka (for instance, Mars for Cancer and Leo rising or Shukra for Capricorn and Aquarius), then time promises to be very beneficial.

Generally, Ketu’s conjunction with Jupiter is deemed extremely promising. It imparts spirituality, inner peace, and devotion of energy. And if 2 or 11 houses are implicated, then wealth.

And if Ketu is found out together with Saturn or in the same nakshatra with it, then the individual will be serious, prone to loneliness and self-denial. If Venus is implicated, then the combination of Saturn-Venus-Ketu makes an individual a recluse, indifferent to worldly interests .

If Ketu and Saturn are in close conjunction and there are no beneficial aspects, then the person will encounter difficulty in assembling a career.

Ketu passes through itself and alters the power of any Graha with which it is in conjunction. For instance, in the same house with Mars, Ketu will improve his power, but not in the sense of boosting aggressiveness or an exaggerated ego. On the contrary, the influence of Ketu will allow an individual to have good control over feelings and direct energy towards attaining goals.

Ketu with the Moon provides the ability to focus, as well as coldness and emotional separation. This is particularly true in fixed signs - such people are distinguished by rare peace and stillness.

Ketu with Mercury provides an analytical intellect, understanding and excellent mathematical capacities if Mercury is powerful.

Ketu in 1st bhava or close to the Moon provides adequate intuition.

Ketu’s conjunction with the Sun or Moon often implies weak eyesight. With the Sun, among other things, there may be bone fractures or back difficulties throughout life.

Ketu, together with a powerful and well-placed Sun, gives high spirituality and equilibrium. As a rule, this arrives from the father.

Ketu conjunct Mars in the 1st, 6th, 8th or 11th houses (particularly if there is less than 5 degrees between them) boosts the likelihood of losses and injuries. If there are no benefic aspects, but there is an aspect of Saturn, even a fatal consequence is feasible.

Mahadasha Ketu usually carries disappointment in job and slowdown in personal development. During this period, it is difficult for a person to change anything in life.

Gochar of Ketu through houses containing Saturn, Ketu, Rahu, or Mars in the natal chart in Ketu mahadasha can induce surprising negative circumstances.



Nidhi Astrologer

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