Traits of Ketu

Nidhi Astrologer
3 min readOct 25, 2023


Ketu or south node is one of the most spiritual and mysterious graha in Vedic Jyotish. Also, like Rahu, it does not have the best reputation but is considered less malefic than Rahu. Here are some common effects inherent in the Ketu or south node dasha and its combinations in the birth chart.

Best in Mahadasha Ketu or south node feel people who have Lagna or Moon are in the rashi/zodiac of Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, and Pisces.

In lagna Capricorns, the Ketu or south node co-rules the 11th bhav and if it is related or aspected by a powerful Mars, then during the Ketu or south node period one can expect financial luck. ,

If Ketu or south node is related to any yoga karaka (like Mars for lagna Cancers and Leos or Venus at Capricorns & Aquarius) then his mahadasha promises to be exceptionally fruitful.

Usually, Ketu's conjunction with Jupiter is supposed especially favorable. It provides spirituality, inner harmony, and love for life. And if 2 or 11 bhavas are involved, then prosperity.

And if Ketu or the south node is located along with Saturn or in the exact nakshatra with him, then the person will be profound, prone to loneliness and self-denial. If Venus is involved, then the assortment of Saturn-Venus-Ketu or the south node brings in an individual a hermit, indifferent to worldly goods.

If Ketu or the south node and Saturn are in near conjunction and there are no aspects of benefits, then the native will have difficulty in building employment.

Ketu or south node passes through itself and remakes the energy of any planet it is in conjunction with. For illustration, in the same bhava with Mars, Ketu or the south node will boost his energy, but not in the sense of increasing aggressiveness or bloated ego. On the contrary, the influence of Ketu or south node will allow an individual to control emotions well and direct power to achieve goals.

Ketu or the south node with the Moon gives the proficiency to concentrate, as well as coldness and emotional separation. This is especially true in fixed signs - such people are distinguished by rare serenity and peace.

Ketu or south node with Mercury gives analytical intellect, insight, and excellent mathematical ability if Mercury is powerful.

Ketu or the south node in Lagna or near to the Moon endows with good instinct.

Ketu's relationship with the Sun or Moon often speaks of weak eyesight. With the Sun, among other items, there may be bone fractures or back pain throughout life.

Ketu or south node along with the strong and well-positioned Sun endows with high spirituality and poise. It usually comes from my father.

Connecting Ketu or the south node to Mars in 1, 6, 8, or 11 bhavas (especially if there are less than 5 degrees between them) boosts the likelihood of accidents and injuries. If there are no aspects of benefits, but there is an aspect of Saturn, even a lethal outcome is feasible.

Mahadasha Ketu or south node usually brings dissatisfaction in one career and a slowdown in personal growth. During this time, it is hard for a person to change anything in life.

Gochar of Ketu or south node through bhavas in which Saturn, Ketu, Rahu, or Mars are in the birth chart, in Mahadasha Ketu or south node can cause surprising negative circumstances.




Nidhi Astrologer

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