Legion Conquest War (Testing Phase)

6 min readAug 20, 2024


The Legion Conquest War (Testing Phase) will span 7 days, with participating legions divided into red and blue teams to battle for control of strongholds. The team with the highest points will emerge victorious, and the winning legion will truly rule the land!

Event Duration: From August 26, 2024, at 00:00 to September 1, 23:59.

It will be divided into 4 phases:

  • Registration Phase (2 days): August 26, 00:01 — August 27, 23:59
  • Team Matching and Defense Setup (1 day): August 28, 00:01–23:59
  • War Phase (3 days): August 29, 00:01 — August 31, 23:30
  • Reward Phase (1 day): September 1, 00:01–23:59
- Defending warlords and skills for the main character and warlords can be set in the “Defense” menu.

► Event Description

Registration Phase
- Registration will take place during the first 2 days of the event.
- Registration conditions:
▸ The legion must be level 10 or above and not in a forced disband period.
▸ The leader or deputy leader must register through the event interface.
▸ Players in the registered legion must be level 15 or above and have been in the legion for more than 5 days to participate.

Team Matching and Defense Setup
- The system will match legions with similar point levels.
- Defense team setup:
▸ Up to 4 generals can be placed, with skills (A.I.) selected in order.
▸ The system will automatically assign NPCs for defense, but players can replace them with their own teams.
▸ Each player can participate in the defense of only one stronghold and may switch strongholds if their original one is defeated.

Defending warlords and skills for the main character and warlords can be set in the “Defense” menu.
Defending warlords can be changed, and various skills can be configured in this window.
Select each type of base on the side to assign the defense team to protect that base.
A defense team can only be placed in one base.
Once the defense team is placed, it cannot be changed until that base is defeated.

Types of Strongholds
- Enemy and allied strongholds (red or blue) come in 4 types:
▸ Village: 3 points, 2 defense team slots
▸ Camp: 8 points, 3 defense team slots
▸ Fortress: 12 points, 5 defense team slots
▸ Capital: 15 points, 7 defense team slots

- Neutral stronghold (yellow):
▸ Drum Factory: 0 points, 7 defense team slots

War Phase — Begin the battle to capture strongholds!

▸ Attack enemy strongholds connected to your stronghold by a path.
▸ Neutral strongholds can be attacked without a connecting path.
▸ The attack interface will show the defending team members on the left and the defending generals on the right.
▸ There are 3 difficulty levels for challenges, with varying star levels. Stronger enemies yield higher personal points upon victory.
▸ The battle ends when one side is completely defeated.
▸ If the battle lasts longer than 20 rounds, the attacking side loses.

The team must be captured with 3 stars to be considered defeated.

Attack Attempts:
Players start with 3 “Attack Attempts.”
- The system restores 1 “Attack Attempt” every 3 hours (maximum 3).
- TSX Coins can be used to purchase up to 3 additional attempts per day.
- Refilling the “Attack Attempt” will require 15 TSX Coins for the first time, then increase to 25 Coins and 35 Coins, respectively.
- “Attack Attempts” are counted immediately, regardless of victory or defeat.

If the number of attacks reaches 0, TSX Coins can be used to refill it.

General Usage Limit:
Each general can be used in battle up to 2 times per day, with attempts resetting at 00:00 daily.
- Each battle counts as 1 usage, regardless of the outcome.

Each warlord will display the number of attack attempts available.
The battle will consist of the main character and the selected number of warlords for the attack.

Capture (Red or Blue Strongholds):
- Each defense team member has 3 stars. Losing all stars means defeat.
- When all defense team members at an enemy stronghold are defeated, the stronghold is captured by your team.

Drum Factory (Neutral Stronghold):
▸ All defense team members at the Drum Factory are NPCs.
▸ Defeating defense team members rewards your legion with 1 war drum per team.

Rebuilding Period:
▸ Captured enemy or allied strongholds enter a “Rebuilding” period for 15 minutes.
▸ The neutral stronghold (Drum Factory) enters a 3-hour rebuilding period after all its defense team members are defeated.

Ceasefire Period:
▸ A ceasefire occurs daily from 23:30–00:30, during which no attacks can be made, and battle commands are refreshed.

Attacks cannot be made during the truce period.

Battle Commands:
▸ The legion leader and deputy leader can issue battle commands.
▸ Each command has a different effect and duration.
▸ Battle commands are added 1 per hour in the interface, with a maximum of 4 commands stored.
▸ War drums are required to issue commands, with the quantity varying per command.
▸ The leader and deputy leader can refresh battle commands.

War Drums:
▸ 1 War drum is added every hour, with a maximum of 5 stored.
▸The leader or deputy leader can use Gold to purchase a war drum up to 3 times per day.
▸ War drums can also be obtained by attacking the Drum Factory.

▸If all strongholds are captured, the red or blue team can counterattack from their capital.

Reward Phase
The battle results will be finalized starting at 23:30 on day 6 of the event.
- Rewards will be distributed via in-game mail at 00:01 on day 7.

All rewards:
▸ Victory/Defeat rewards and personal point ranking rewards will be distributed via mail during the reward phase.
▸ Personal point rewards will be sent via mail once the target is reached.
▸ Personal point rankings will be updated every hour.

※ During the testing phase, issues may arise. Wins and losses will still be determined according to the game’s system. Apologies for any inconvenience.
※ Event details are subject to change in the future.

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