2 min readAug 31, 2023

Hey there, astrology enthusiasts and fabulous lesbians! Tonight, we’re diving into the cosmic comedy of being a Lesbian Aries. Get ready for some laughter, love, and a whole lot of ramming through life! 🌟

First up, let’s talk about the pros of being a Lesbian Aries. You fearless trailblazers are like superheroes of the zodiac, fighting for justice and equality with your rainbow-colored hammer. Move over, Wonder Woman, there’s a new hero in town, and she’s rocking a flannel shirt! 🌈✊

But that’s not all! As passionate lovers, you set hearts ablaze with your love volcano. When you fall in love, it’s like a wildfire spreading through your soul, leaving heart-shaped ashes in your wake. 🔥

And let’s not forget about your independent badassery. You don’t need a knight in shining armor, because you are the knight, the armor, and the damn horse too! You’re like a unicorn in a world of horses, standing tall and proud, ready to conquer anything that comes your way. 💪

Now, let’s address the cons of being a Lesbian Aries. Patience may not be your strong suit, but hey, who has time for waiting when there’s a world to conquer, right? Impatient impulses are just a part of your fabulousness. ⏰😡

And yes, your competitive spirit can sometimes get out of hand. Life may not be a game show, but that doesn’t mean you can’t turn a friendly game of Scrabble into a cutthroat battle, right? 🏆🔥

Restlessness is another trait that comes with being a Lesbian Aries. You crave constant stimulation and easily get bored. Who needs stability when you can have a constantly evolving living room, right? 🚶‍♀️🌪️

Now, let’s talk about that short fuse syndrome. You have a quick temper that can ignite like a wildfire, but hey, as long as you find healthy outlets for your anger like kickboxing or screaming into a pillow, who’s to stop you? 💣😤

Lastly, we have the blunt force honesty. You have a tendency to speak your mind without a filter, which can sometimes make your friends cry during game night. Oops! 🗣️🔨

But fear not, my fellow Lesbian Aries individuals! Embrace your unique experiences and fabulousness. Remember, astrology is just for fun, but being a lesbian Aries is a cosmic comedy all on its own! 🌈♈️✨ So go out there, slay the day, and let your inner ram roar with laughter!

Based on the original article: