Importance of the Fire Element in Vastu Shastra

Astro Vastu Remedies
3 min readJul 22, 2019


Ancient Hindu Mythology believed in the existence of five elements that made up the entire existence, including the human body. These 5 elements were named earth, water, fire, air, and space. The interactions between these elements, directions and the stars together make up the science and craft of Vastu Shastra. Amongst these elements, the one that gets higher importance in the Vastu remedies for kitchen, home, and shops is the element of fire. Related to the giver of all life on earth, the Sun, the fire element is known to be the propagator of strength and vitality in a person’s life. But how does fire do that?

The misconception about fire is that it is a harmful element when in reality, fire is actually what many believe to be the greatest discovery in the favor of mankind. It helped us bring light, keep danger away, cook the food, run the vehicles, and marks the last journey of a person after they have left this world. And in Vastu, fire has a very important part to play in a person’s life. So here is how the fire element in a person’s home/shop affects his life, according to Vastu.

Fire and Sun

As stated earlier, the element of fire is related to the sun. As the sun is the best natural source of light, energy, and heat, the fire is symbolically synonymous with the star of the solar system. Fire, in Vastu Shastra, brings out a similar effect in a person’s life. It adds more light, brightness and colors to a person’s life, fills their house and surroundings with positive energy, and adds warmth to their relations.

The Sunlight and Fire

Sunlight, just like all other white lights, is made up of 7 visible and 2 invisible colors of light. When the sunlight hits the atmosphere, it divides into a spectrum of different lights. Starting from the North East, the first one is known as ultraviolet light, followed by the rainbow pattern of VIBGYOR (Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red) that runs through Northeast and Southeast, ending in the infrared light in the southeast sector.

Fire Element and the Southeast Direction

In Hindu Mythology, the southeast direction is considered auspicious for the fire element and is known as ‘Agneya’. The significance of Agneya comes from the fact that the Sun God presides in the Southeast direction. It is also said that a lifestyle conforming to Vastu Shastra will make the Agneya direction warm, which in turn, brings the man wealth and harmony. As per the best Vastu remedies in Hindi, the articles and appliances related to the fire element must be kept in this direction only. That is why it is sometimes advised that the kitchen especially must be built in that direction. A point to remember in this case is that there should be no fault in the Agneya direction as it causes the person to become short-tempered.

Fire In Different Directions

Where southeast is home to the fire element, right opposite to it is the northwest direction, known to be home to the air element. With a single line connecting both the direction, the elements are interconnected in a way that both these directions are considered a great choice to place features and appliances of fire on this line. This includes the stove, fireplace, and most important, kitchens.

Faulty placement, in this case, would be to place in on the other diagonal line of the compass, which is on the Northeast-Southwest direction. This brings about a disruption in the harmony and equilibrium of the house. A kitchen or fireplace built in the northeast direction may prove to be disastrous for your finances. Similarly, a southwest kitchen will cause health issues in females of the house. And that is why appeasing the fire element in Vastu Shastra has always been an important point.



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