Martian Megaliths and Ancient Aliens

Ashley Villar & Alex McCarthy
5 min readJul 4, 2019

A few nights ago we were enjoying an episode of our favorite show, Ancient Aliens. For anyone who hasn’t seen or heard of Ancient Aliens, it is the history channel show with a surprising amount of (biased, racist) history that dares ask the question “What if all ancient mythologies were true because ALIENS”.

Anyways, this particular episode is all about Mars, and one piece of evidence presented particularly caught our eye:

Marshenge (left) vs Stonehenge (right). Similarish? Credit: Daily Express

Above is a side by side picture of an image of a stone formation on Mars and Stonehenge here on Earth. Ancient Aliens explains that ancient astronaut theorists believe that this structure of stones on Mars is evidence of an ancient Martian civilization, and that in fact it was these ancient Martians that eventually gained the technology to travel to Earth and inspire the creators of Stonehenge to create a monument of similar likeness (or maybe they’re stargates, or something).

Intrigued, we investigated the size of this Marshenge compared to Stonehenge. We did this using publically available data from this site. These images have an incredible 25 cm/pixel resolution, or about ONE FOOT!

We actually couldn’t download the full image due to its size, so we are showing you an image, below, with a roughly correct scaling. We overlay a circle representing the rough diameter of Stonehenge for…



Ashley Villar & Alex McCarthy

We apparently only write about ghosts and aliens…statistically.