Your Questions to the Universe

2 min readAug 5, 2023


Take a moment and think about what you would ask the Universe, given the chance.

Asturia in the library of the Universe
Asturia in the library of the Universe

How did it go? How many questions did you come up with? What did you ask about? Was it difficult to formulate the questions?

Personally, I often find it challenging and I’m always open to hints and recommendations. Today, I am sharing a basic list of questions that you should definitely ask the Universe and your Higher Self:

Questions about energetic and physical health:

  1. What is the state of your chakras? How to balance them?
  2. Which organs and organ systems of your body need attention and help? How exactly can they be helped?
  3. Describe specific symptoms, what exactly is bothering you.

Personal Questions:

  1. What are the reasons of your problems with relationships, family, children? How to best resolve them?
  2. What is causing the problems with social standing, with friends? How to fix this?
  3. What are the issues related to the professional or creative sphere, with money? How to fix this?

Questions about spiritual growth:

  1. What is currently hindering your spiritual growth?
  2. Are there any past lives that are affecting your life and spiritual growth? What exactly happened there, how is it affecting you now and how to correct it?
  3. What is the state of connection with the Higher Self? How to improve it?
  4. Which spirit guides are helping you go through this incarnation? How exactly do they help? How to establish a connection with them?

Questions about the Soul:

  1. The origin and age of the soul, to which star civilization it belongs.
  2. In which aspect is the soul incarnated now? What are its purpose and tasks?
  3. How well is the soul handling the tasks set for this incarnation? What is preventing the correct passage of this incarnation? How to correct this?

In almost every contact session that I conduct for clients, we go through these questions. Of course, not all of the above may be of interest to you or seem important, so some questions can be removed, other added. Quite often in the session I receive unexpected important information when it’s the time for the person to find out about it, even if they did not ask about it.

Isn’t it amazing to learn about yourself the most intimate information?

