Letter to President Crow and ASU Administration Concerning the 2020 Reopening Plan

ASU Community Of Care Coalition
46 min readAug 7, 2020


If you share the concerns and goals expressed in this letter, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SIGN ON TO IT.

Dear President Crow and the Arizona State University Administration:

We write to you today as concerned members of the Arizona State University community. Since Spring 2020, the University and the world have faced one of the greatest challenges in our lifetime. We applaud your closing of campus in mid-March and the work you have done to keep ASU functioning to its full capability. Moreover, we appreciate that the pandemic creates an existential threat to universities such as ASU that are dependent upon tuition revenue. We write to you about the return to in-person instruction with an ethos of care and a desire to work together in order to protect all members of our community. We are committed to ASU’s core mission of “assuming fundamental responsibility for the economic, social, cultural and overall health of the communities we serve.” We hope that you consider our concerns, enact the specific calls for action listed below, and alter ASU’s strategy for dealing with the pandemic going forward.

Over the course of the summer, we waited for ASU to make firm its plan to return to in-person instruction and communicate those plans to members of our community. According to Arizona State Superintendent of Education, Kathy Hoffman, “Arizona is not currently in a place to resume traditional in-person instruction or hybrid learning models. Every indicator shows that there is high community spread across the state.” Communication regarding the reasoning for ASU’s return to in-person instruction at this time and regarding what will happen when an eventual outbreak occurs on campus has been lacking.

We urge the Office of the President and the University administration to postpone in-person instruction for the Fall semester until the following minimum recommendations are met. ASU should:

  1. Establish public, scientifically determined metrics, informed by rigorous testing of all students, faculty and staff, that create a transparent standard for resuming in-person instruction. We urge ASU to use the recently released guidance for returning to in-person instruction at state schools and continue in-person instruction when the Phoenix metro area has met the benchmarks for minimal spread.
  2. Grant accommodations for all faculty, staff, and graduate students who have requested them regardless of reason, and reissue the call for such requests to allow all those who need accommodations to receive them.
  3. Create a formal and transparent process whereby a committee representing all stakeholders (including track and contingent faculty, staff, and students) in the ASU community can advise the executive leadership team on questions pertaining to COVID policy.

These action items are informed by the following concerns:

  1. ASU Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Student Workers do not have the Same Options as Undergraduate Students. ASU clearly values students’ health enough to provide all students the option of attending ASUSync classes through an online portal. However, ASU has not made online teaching and other forms of work available to ALL ASU faculty, staff, and graduate student workers.
  2. Lack of Transparency in Decision-Making Process. Faculty and staff have been cut out of decision making, and communication from the ASU administration. The administration has been focused mostly on how to adapt classes to ASUSync, without formal consultation with classroom faculty, and not as focused on matters of community health. We understand that an executive committee has been tasked with steering the University through the response to COVID-19. However, faculty, staff, and students face the most direct health risks for the decisions made by a committee on which they are not adequately represented. This lack of transparency has most recently manifested in ASU’s refusal to publicize COVID cases in the ASU community.
  3. Benchmarks and Contingency Plans. It is unclear what benchmarks are being used to make the decision to resume in-person instruction and what steps the university will take when an outbreak does occur on campus. Current research shows that the greatest danger for spread of contagion exists in situations where individuals spend extended periods of time indoors without external ventilation. This is exactly the situation that most students and instructors will find themselves in when classes are held in-person. It is not clear how ASU plans to mitigate this risk. According to a recent JAMA Network Open article, students would have to be tested every two days and other unlikely conditions would have to prevail for a safe return to campus, and this model was for a much smaller student population size than ASU. Moreover, it is unclear how ASU will communicate with impacted parties and make decisions about individual classes when COVID-19 cases are identified on campus.
  4. Risk to the Community Beyond ASU. Because ASU is not an island unto itself but an integrated part of the greater Phoenix area, the likely outbreak caused by the concentration of faculty, staff, and students will further strain critical community resources like ICU beds and medical personnel. As it stands, Georgia Tech’s COVID risk assessment tool tells us that, for Maricopa County, in a group of 10, the likelihood that 1 person has coronavirus is almost 50%. In a group of 25, the risk is 80%. This is a recipe for a return to exponential caseload growth. Moreover, many of our students, particularly Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Asian students and those who are first generation and working class, live in intergenerational households, and an outbreak at ASU will likely create a disparate impact on those communities. Endangering these communities contradicts the Office of the President’s own statement in which President Crow called for ASU to lead the fight against systemic racism.
  5. Current Trajectories. When the Office of the President re-affirmed ASU’s commitment to resume in-person instruction, Arizona’s daily reported cases had just begun to plateau and the testing backlog was just being addressed. This good news does not account for tens of thousands of ASU community members descending on our campuses. Consider that many local K-12 and universities in the state districts do not plan to return to in-person instruction until October.
  6. Lack of Fairness and Transparency in Accommodations Process. ASU offered two paths for accommodation: ADA accommodations granted through Human Resources and personal accommodations granted through direct and indirect supervisors. There was little transparency as to how decisions would be made, and numerous community members felt pressured into not asking for an accommodation. Supervisors should not be asking employees for health-related information or making determinations based on their family status. Administration should not be pressuring, implicitly or explicitly, faculty and staff into making decisions that endanger their health to benefit the university. HR is likely a more suitable path for granting all forms of accommodations because it reduces inadvertent pressure on faculty, staff, and community members.
  7. Financial Burdens of Pandemic-Related Costs. In the late spring and early summer, we were told that ASUSync would allow faculty to stay home if they needed while students could be in class with Technology Assistants running the on-the-ground operation. Recently several units have been told that Technology Assistants will not be widely available because the cost of these positions will need to be picked up by individual units. We are concerned that both health and pedagogical concerns of faculty and students will be addressed depending on the financial standing of their respective units.
  8. Risks to non-ASU Employees who are a Part of the ASU Community. Building custodial staff, food service workers, and other indirectly-contracted employees are a part of the ASU community. Because we believe that the return to instruction on campus yields a high risk of a viral outbreak and because this time calls for tremendous mutuality, we want to know that these essential workers are fully equipped with PPE and any other needed supplies and that their employing companies also make necessary accommodations.

This crisis has illuminated so many of the strengths of the ASU community. As faculty, staff, and graduate student workers, we were all inspired by the work ethic and alacrity with which the Sun Devil community transitioned to remote instruction in the spring. We see those same values motivating the extraordinary dedication shown by faculty and staff as we work through the summer to reimagine our work on behalf of our students in the light of these extraordinary circumstances.

This crisis also, however, illuminated long-standing weaknesses. ASU has long failed to meaningfully include its staff, faculty, and graduate student workers in its decision making processes. This is especially true of the many precarious workers, both staff and faculty, that ASU employs with at-will contracts. By addressing the concerns and action items above, ASU’s leadership can take an important step towards not only creating a true “community of care” in the face of our immediate crisis, but fulfilling our mission as a democratic institution of higher learning that serves the people of Arizona.

To be clear, as faculty, staff, and students, we want to return to campus and we believe in our educational mission. But the timing of that return must be determined by scientific benchmarks and the input of the workers and students who will be shouldering the risk. This time of crisis requires us to come together, but to do this, we must all have a seat at the table.

In solidarity with the ASU community and our public service mission,

Over 1100 members of the ASU community, including 170 tenured or tenure-line faculty, and counting…

If you wish to join the signatories below, PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SIGN ON TO THIS LETTER.

Madelaine Adelman, Professor, School of Social Transformation
Angelica Afanador-Pujol, Associate Professor, School of Art
Jess K Alberts, President’s Professor, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Shamara Wyllie Alhassan, School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies
Julie Anand, Associate Professor School of Art
Elizabeth K. Anthony, MA, MSW, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Watts College
Angela Arzubiaga, Associate Professor School of Social Transformation
Lisa Aubrey, Associate Professor, School of Social Transformation & School of Politics and Global Studies
Alexander Aviña, Associate Professor, SHPRS/History
Hannah Barker, Assistant Professor, SHPRS
Lee Bebout, Professor, English
Natasha Behl, Associate Professor, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Matt Bell, Associate Professor, Department of English
Marta Berbés, Assistant Professor, School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Katie Bernstein, Assistant Professor, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Evan Berry, Assistant Professor, SHPRS
Melanie Bertrand, Associate Professor, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Mildred Boveda, Assistant Professor/Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Daniel C. Brouwer, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Jason Bruner, Associate Professor of Religious Studies / School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies
Lenka Bustikova, Associate Professor, School of Politics and Global Studies
Nat Butler, Associate Professor, SESE
Katherine Bynum, Assistant Professor, SHPRS
Marta Tecedor Cabrero, Assistant professor & The College/SILC
Frederic R Canovas, Associate Professor, SILC
Cristalís Capielo, PhD, Assistant Professor, College of Integrative Sciences and Arts, Counseling and Counseling Psychology
David Lee Carlson, Associate Professor, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Myla Vicenti Carpio, Associate Professor, American Indian Studies
Gray Cavender, Professor Emeritus, School of Social Transformation
Arianne Cease, Associate Professor, Schools of Sustainability and Life Sciences
Trevis Certo, Professor, W. P. Carey School of Business
Angela Chen, Associate Professor, Edson School of Nursing & Health Innovation
Chingwen Cheng, Assistant Professor, The Design School
Anna Cichopek-Gajraj, Associate Professor, SHPRS
John Eugene Clay, Associate Professor, SHPRS
Maria Cruz-Torres, Transborder Studies
Marivel Danielson, School of Transborder Studies
Sarah Amira de la Garza, Associate Professor, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Sherman Dorn, Professor and Director, Division of Educational Leadership and Innovation, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Aviva Dove-Viebahn, Assistant Professor, Department of English
Marisa Duarte, Assistant Professor, School of Social Transformation
Uttaran Dutta, Associate Professor. Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Hallie Eakin, School of Sustainability
Kristin Ferguson-Colvin, School of Social Work
Gustavo E. Fischman, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Nilda Flores-Gonzalez, Professor, School of Social and Family Dynamics
Sarah Florini, Department of English
Cora Fox, Associate Professor, English, CLAS
Abdullahi Gallab, Assoc Professor, School of Social Transformation
Rocio Garcia, Assistant Professor, SSFD
Ed Garnero, Professor/School of earth and space exploration
Monica Gaughan, Professor, School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Lance Gharavi, Associate Professor, School of Music, Dance and Theatre
Daniel Gilfillan, Associate Professor, School of International Letters and Cultures
Stephen Goldinger, Professor, Psychology
peter goggin, assoc prof english
Alan Eladio Gómez, Associate Professor- Justice Studies/School of Social Transformation
Brian K. Goodman, Assistant Professor, Department of English
C. A. Griffith, Associate Professor & Independent Filmmaker, The New American Film School
Nancy Grimm, Regents Professor, School of Life Sciences
Rudy Guevarra Jr., Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Social Transformation
LaDawn Haglund, Associate Professor, School of Social Transformation
Alexander Halavais, Associate Professor, Social & Behavioral Sciences
Dr. Christopher Hanlon, Professor, School of Humanities, Arts, & Cultural Studies
Toby Harper, Assistant Professor, SHPRS
Lauren Hayes, Assistant Professor of Sound Studies, School of Arts, Media and Engineering
Michael Hechter, Foundation Professor, SPGS
Michelle Hegmon, SHESC
J. Bryan Henderson, Associate Professor, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Anna Holian, Associate Professor, SHPRS
Mary Hood, Associate Professor, HIDA, School of Art
Hilde M Hoogenboom, Associate Professor SILC
Kristin Hunt, Associate Professor, Music, Dance and Theatre
Ana Magdalena Hurtado, Professor, School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Masumi Iida, Associate Professor, School of Social and Family Dynamics
Tara Ison, Professor, Department of English
Kelly Jackson, Associate Professor School of Social Work
Kirk Jalbert, Assistant Professor, School for the Future of Innovation in Society; School of Computing, Informatics and Decision Systems Engineering
Suren Jayasuriya, Assistant Professor, Arts, Media and Engineering
Adriene Jenik, Professor, School of Art
Christopher D. Johnson, Associate Professor, School of International Letters and Cultures
Erik Johnston, Professor, School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Nancy Jurik, Professor Emerita School of Social Transformation
Arunachala Mada Kannan, Professor, TPS
Lauren Keeler, Assistant Professor, School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Nadia Kellam, Associate Professor, Fulton Schools of Engineering
Heewon Kim, Assistant Professor, The Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Marianne Kim, Professor — School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies
Robert Kirsch, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Leadership and Interdisciplinary Studies
Sharon Kirsch, Associate Professor of English, New College
Dr. Kristina Knowles, School of Music
Kelli L. Larson, Professor of Geography and Sustainability
Pat Lauderdale, SST: Justice and Social Inquiry
Claire Lauer, Associate Professor, College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Stephanie Lechuga-Peña, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work
Charles Lee, Associate Professor, School of Social Transformation
Benny LeMaster, Assistant Professor, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Karen J. Leong, SST
Roy Levy, Professor, School of Social and Family Dynamics
wei li, sst / sgsup
Julian Lim, Associate Professor of History, SHPRS
Kristina Lopez, Assistant Professor
Ilana Luna, Associate Professor, SHArCS
Barry Maid, Professor CISA
Laurie Manchester, Associate Professor, SHPRS
Naomi Mandel, Yellow Corporation Professor, W. P. Carey School of Business
Annika Mann, Associate Professor of English, School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies
David Manuel-Navarrete, Associate Professor, Sustainability
Nathan Martin, Associate Professor, School of Social Transformation
David Martínez, Associate Professor American Indian Studies
Stephen Massia, Associate Professor SBHSE
Aya Matsuda, Associate Professor, Department of English
Eileen Díaz McConnell, Professor, School of Transborder Studies
Jeff McMahon, Professor, School of Music, Dance and Theatre, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Michael McQuarrie, Director for the Center for Work & Democracy and Associate Professor in the School of Social Transformation
Jacob A Meders, School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies
Claudia Mesch, Professor, School of Art
Ariane Middel, Assistant Professor, School of Arts, Media and Engineering
Majia Nadesan, Professor, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Kathy Nakagawa, Associate Professor, School of Social Transformation
Changho Nam, Associate Professor, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Richard G Newhauser, Professor, Department of English
Eric Nystrom, Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication, CISA
Brendan O’Connor, Associate Professor, School of Transborder Studies
Young Oh, Associate Professor, SILC
Punam Ohri-Vachaspati, College of Health Solutions
Katherine Osburn, Associate Professor, SHPRS
Molly Ott, Associate Professor, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Victor Peskin, Associate Professor, School of Politics & Global Studies
Douglas W. Portmore, Professor of Philosophy, School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies
Indulata Prasad, Assistant Professor, School of Social Transformation
Ed Prescott, Distinguished Professor, W.P. Carey School of Business
Matthew Prior, Associate Professor, English
H. L. T. Quan, Associate Professor, School of Social Transformation
Henry Quintero, English Department
Mark Ramirez, School of Politics and Global Studies
Steven L Reynolds, School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies
Jennifer Richter, School of Social Transformation/ School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Anthony Roberto, Professor, HDSHC
Michael Rohd, Institute Professor, HIDA
Mary Romero, School of Social Transformation
Claudia Sadowski-Smith, Professor, English
Christina Saidy, Associate Professor, The College/English
Yasmin Saikia, Professor of History and Hardt-Nickachos Chair in Peace Studies
Gregory Sale, Associate Professor, School of Art
Casandra Salgado, Assistant Professor, Sanford School
Deborah Salon, Associate Professor, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning
Jennifer Sandlin, Professor, School of Social Transformation
Leah Sarat, Associate Professor, SHPRS
Dr. Steven Saul, Assistant Professor, CISA Science and Mathematics
David Schildkret, Professor, School of Music, Dance & Theatre
Corine Schleif, Professor, School of Art
Peter Schmelz, Professor, School of Music, Dance, and Theatre
Daniel Schugurensky, Professor, School of Social Transformation and School of Public Affairs
Karen Schupp, Associate Professor, School of Music, Dance and Theatre
Elizabeth A. Segal, School of Social Work
Solmaz Sharif, Assistant Professor, Department of English
Nicholas J. Shea, Assistant Professor; Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts; School of Music
Matthew Simonton, Associate Professor of History, School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies
Noah Snyder-Mackler, School of Life Sciences
Claudia Cervantes Soon, Associate Professor, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Lisa Beth Spanierman, Professor and Head, Counseling and Counseling Psychology
Michael Stancliff, Associate Professor of English, School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies
Robert S. Sturges, Professor, English
Beth Blue Swadener, Professor, School of Social Transformation, Justice and Social Inquiry
Heather Switzer, Women and Gender Studies, SST
Natasha Tasevska, Associate Professor, College of Health Solutions
Mark Tebeau, Associate Professor, SHPRS
Alex Temple, Assistant Professor of Composition, School of Music
Victoria Thompson, Associate Professor, School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies
Evan Tobias, Associate Professor, School of Music, Dance, and Theatre
Alisia Giac-Thao Tran, Associate Professor, Counseling and Counseling Psychology
Michael A. Tueller, Professor, SILC
Desiree Vega, Associate Professor
Sujey Vega, Associate Professor, School of Social Transformation
Jessica Viñas-Nelson, Assistant Professor School of Social Transformation
Sarah Viren, Assistant Professor, Languages and Cultures, CISA
Linh Vu, Assistant Professor, School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies
Jacqueline Wheeler, Faculty Emeritus, English Department
Melissa Wilson, Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences
Joseph Wytko, Professor of Music Emeritus
Brandon Yoo, Associate Professor, SST/SSFD
Laurie Stoff, Principal Lecturer & Honors Faculty Fellow, Barrett, The Honors College
David Boyles, Instructor, Department of English
John Lynch, Principal Lecturer & Honors Faculty Fellow, Barrett The Honors College
Logan Gin, PhD student / School of Life Sciences
Alex Trimble Young, Honors Faculty Fellow, Barrett, the Honors College
Rian Bosse, PhD Student / Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Sarah Graff, Principal Lecturer, Barrett, The Honors College
Benjamin Fong, Honors Faculty Fellow, Barrett, the Honors College
Stephanie L. Downie, Lecturer, CISA Languages and Cultures
Deanna Zembrzuski, PhD Candidate SOLS/ ELS
Joseph P. Foy, Honors Faculty Fellow at Barrett, the Honors College
Ariane Foias Redding, CLAS Student
Anonymous Contingent Faculty, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Valerie Ramos, Department of Psychology
Caroline S Wallinger, External Consultant
Taylor R. Genovese, Ph.D. Candidate, School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Dawn M. Demps, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Adam D Hoffman, English Instructor — Writing Programs
Lindsey Plait Jones, Graduate Support Coordinator, School of Sustainability
Colin Lynch, Graduate Student SOLS
Katherine Weiss, Graduate Student/Teaching Assistant, School of Life Sciences
Anthony J. Basile, Graduate Student, Teaching Assistant — School of Life Sciences
Jeffrey Haight, PhD Student, School of Life Sciences
Jill Azzolini, Evolutionary Biology Ph.D Student, SOLS
Rolando Robles Ramirez, Doctoral Candidate, Arizona State University, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Jisoo Kim, Graduate Student, School of Earth and Space Exploration
Steven Messer, PhD Candidate, School of Life Sciences
Catherine Rezza, Instructor of English, Language & Cultures, CISA
Nilanjana Bhattacharjya, Barrett, the Honors College
Katie Surrey, PhD Student, School of Life Sciences
Jacquie Scott, Principal Lecturer, Barrett Honors College
Danny Jackson, Evolutionary Biology Ph.D. Student, School of Life Sciences
Mathieu Feagan, Lecturer, School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Adriana Samper, Associate Professor, W.P. Carey School of Business
Jason Sauer, Graduate Student Assistant
Catherine Novotny, Undergraduate Student, Barrett the Honors College
Michelle Miranda-Thorstad, Library
Sarah Snyder, Dept of English
Mandy Kuhn, PhD Student, School of Life Sciences
Alexandra Gilbert, Ph.D. student, Linguistics & Applied Linguistics
Pamela Stewart, Senior Lecturer, College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Miranda Bernard, School of Life Sciences PhD student
isaias peraza, MSc/PhD student
Matthew Peter Casey, Clinical Assistant Professor of History
Rebecca Chatham, PhD student, English Education
April D Miller, Barrett, the Honors College Principal Lecturer
Anonymous Staff, SHPRS
Cameron Adams, Undergrad student in the School of Politics and Global Studies
Matthew Pascucci, Instructor for Writing Programs
Jenny Dyck Brian, Associate Chair and Senior Lecturer, Barrett, the Honors College
Althea Pergakis, Education Coordinator, School of Arts, Media and Engineering
Rong Ren, TA, Department of English
Anonymous Graduate Student, The College
Anonymous Staff, Coordinator Sr., School of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Joshua T Horton, PhD student School of Arts and Sciences
Brendan Lake, EdPlus
David Agruss, Lecturer and Honors Faculty Fellow; Barrett, The Honors College
Justine Hecht, Phd Student — Justice & Social Inquiry
DeAnna Soth, Assistant Director, EdPlus
John Adamson, Student, The College
Mark Haunschild, College of Integrative Sciences and Arts (Languages and Cultures)
Joe Benfield, Instructional Designer, EdPlus
Anonymous, University College
Zhen Holmes, Els phd student
Jean-Marie Stevens, PHD, instructor, SHPRS, History
Rachel Emling, Graduate Teaching Associate, English
Paisley M. Benaza, Ph.D. Student, Cronkite School
Emma Galligan, Student at ASU
Elizabeth Lee, Instructional Design Associate/ EdPlus
Roberto Renteria, PhD Candidate, Counseling & Counseling Psychology, CISA
Jimmy Garcia, TA, English
Xiao Tan, Teaching Assistants at English department
Scott Daughtridge, MFA Candidate in Creative Writing and Writing Programs TA Instructor
Claudia Willett, Assistant Archivist, ASU Library
Leah Newsom, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Hae Ryun Park, Graduate student/TA/English Department
Alexis Faison, Graduate Student, Counseling Psychology
Christina Lam, CISA
Erica May, Manager, Marketing & Communication, SHPRS
Rebecca Reining, Manager of Graduate Programs, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning
Wyetta Lane, assistant to the director/school of social work
Anonymous Staff & ASU Graduate Student
Anonymous Staff/Graduate Student, EdPlus
Baylee LaCompte, Graduate Student. ASU Tempe
Raphael David, Industrial Engineering 2022
Amanda K. Riske, Doctoral Student, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, LLT
Marisa Ruiz, Instructional Design Specialist/EdPlus
Anonymous, Faculty
Ekkarat Ruanglertsilp, Teaching Associate/Department of English
Abigail Smith, Instructional Designer, School of Historical, Philosophical, & Religious Studies
Graduate Student, Watts College of Public Service and Community
Satchel Hannibal Pratt, Doctoral Student Counseling & Counseling Psychology
Don Fette, Honors Faculty Fellow, Barrett, the Honors College
Clarissa Rubio Goldsmith, PhD Student in English Literature
Rachel VanDaalen, Doctoral Candidate, Counseling & Counseling Psychology, CISA
Sumaita Mulk, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ashley Moseley, Graduate Student, Master of Counseling
Sierra Porritt, Student
Dan Jackson, Tech Support Analyst -AME/Digital Culture
Jimmy Garcia, TA, English
Gage Clow, Undergraduate Student in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Karla Caldera, MS Student in New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Peter Van Cleave, Clinical Assistant Professor of History; School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies
Alysha Helmrich, Graduate Teaching Assistant, SSEBE
Jesús Villa, Academic Success Advisor
Jacob E Day, Graduate Teaching Associate
Lei Duan, Lecturer, SHPRS
Christopher Vito, PhD student
Felix Santoyo, Parking and Transit Services
Annabelle Atkin, Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics
Aaron Byungjoo Bae, Lecturer, Asian Pacific American Studies, School of Social Transformation
Asri Nurul Qodri, Graduate Teaching Assistant
Clarissa Abidog, Graduate Student; The Sanford School
Anonymous Graduate Student, School of Life Sciences
Anonymous, ASU Student
Natasha Murdock, PhD student English
Iesha Jackson, Postdoctoral Research Scholar/Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Abigail Gabriel, Phd Student, SSFD, Family and Human Development
Mellissa dowd, School of life sciences
Mary Stephens
Jade Cho, MFA Candidate in Creative Writing, Graduate Teaching Assistant, English Department
Nicole Berge, Student, Arizona State University
Amelia Miholca, PhD Student, School of Art
Kin (Kevin) Lau, PhD candidate in Counseling Psychology
Luiza Maria Aparecido, Postdoctoral Fellow/SESE
Timothy Langille, Lecturer, SHPRS
Sierra Porritt, Student
Rebecca Barry, Senior Lecturer, School of Community Resources and Development
Marco Mangini, PhD student at W.P. Carey School of Business
Melissa Warr, Doctoral Candidate, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Errold Elad, DBH graduate student and University Staff
William C Holly, PhD Candidate GTA School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies
Monica Barrientos, School of Politics and Global Studies
James M Edmonds, Teaching Assistant, Religious Studies
Sandra Price, Lecturer — School of Community Resources & Development
Jamise Caesar, Office Specialist, SHPRS
Ronae Matriano, Graduate Student, Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics
Mark Barrios, Graduate Programs Coordinator
Michael Breed, PhD student, Environmental Life Sciences
Ian James, Graduate Teaching Associate Department of English
Theodore Cogley, SOLS
Kenzie Tommaney, Undergraduate Student, School of Life Sciences
Gilberto Perwira, TA/English Department
Amy Liu, Undergraduate Student, Herberger
Maria Woodson, MFA Candidate in Creative Writing (Poetry)
Anonymous Staff, Office Specialist Senior, School of Sustainability
Andres Aguilar, He/Him/His School of Politics and Global Studies
Undergrad Student at Arizona State University
Garrett Benson, University Technology Office
Megan Patzem, School of Arts, Media and Engineering
Andrew Hudson, Fellow, Center for Science and the Imagination
Jennifer Lobos, Doctoral Student of Counseling Psychology
Mathew Sandoval, Barrett
Arthur Onno, Assistant Research Professor — School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
Errold Elad, DBH graduate student and University Staff
Michael Hall, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of English
Alexia Isais, USG-T Senator for the College
Anonymous Staff, College of Health Solutions
Anonymous, Undergraduate Student
Thad Botham, Lecturer SHPRS
Andrea Dickens, Lecturer, English Department
Kim Alexis Adversario, Student, Barrett the Honors College and The College
Tyler Daulton, Technical Support Analyst — College of Health Solutions
Raphael Romero Ruiz, Student/Barrett, The Honors College; Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Mass Communication; School of Transborder Studies
Huda Khalife, Master of Sustainability Solutions, School of Sustainability
Adam Gabriele, SFIS PhD student
Ian Derk, Instructor
Daniel Lopez, Student at The CLAS
Nanette Schuster, Instructor, School of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies
Diane Contreras Harris, Customer Service Specialist
Pedro Gomez, Student
Kelsey Abele, Instructor- Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Anonymous Staff, Instructional Designer, EdPlus
Jonathan Drnjevic, Faculty Associate, English Department
Florian A Schneider, PhD student, School of Sustainability
Anonymous (Fixed term faculty), Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
Liz Dietz, PhD Student, School of Life Sciences
Christian Ross, PhD Candidate, School of Life Sciences
Hayden Casey, Graduate Teaching Assistant — Department of English (Writing Programs)
Colin Bonini, Graduate TA — College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Anonymous Faculty, Instructor
Sarah Guthrie, Alumni — School of Social Transformation
Kelly Baur, PhD student in Linguistics
Taylor Hines, Barrett, the Honors College
Ndey Bassin Jobe, PhD Student, SOLS
Reslie Cortés, Doctoral candidate- Hugh Downs
Cassandra Lyon, PhD Student, SOLS
Roxanne Shand, Academic Success Coordinator/SHPRS
Alana Burnham, Specialist, School of Sustainability
Trevor Alec Marey, CSS, Tempe Campus PTS
Romain Dahan, Graduate student, School of Life Sciences
Nevada Drollinger-Smith, Graduate Student, SHPRS
Rikki Tremblay, Graduate Student and Instructor
Miriam Araya, PhD Student SST
Nicole Berge, Student, Arizona State University
Luke Kautz, Digital Design Fabrication Specialist — Arts, Media and Engineering
Marlene Tovar, Graduate Assistant/ASU
Chris Burrell, Instructor of Philosophy/CISA
Michelle Pasco, Postdoctoral Researcher, T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics
Maile Canlas, Academic Success Advisor SHESC
Adam Wiechman, PhD Student, School of Sustainability
Dane Whittaker, PhD Student, School of Sustainability
Mark Reynolds, Graduate Student, School of Life Sciences
Glorynel Ojeda-Matos, Ph.D. student, School of Sustainability
Michael Stevens, CISA Instructor
Joseph Orton, Graduate student (school of life science)
Anonymous Contingent Faculty, Lecturer, English Department
Anonymous Instructor, Instructor, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of English
Joanna Alvillar, Administrative Assistant/Cronkite
Katie Senzig, Recruitment coordinator, College of Health Solutions
Leah Jean Shaffer, School of Sustainability PhD student
Emily Webb, PhD Candidate, School of Life Sciences
Alexandra Ramey, Teaching Assistant, School of Sustainability
Robert McKinney, Instructional Technology Specialist/UTO
Ryan Dekker, Graduate Teaching Associate/Department of English
Elizabeth M Larson, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning
Brett S. Goldberg, Doctoral Student & Teaching Associate, Justice Studies, School of Social Transformation
Paul Falsone, Concurrent degree graduate student (MSUS/MUEP)
Yan Mann, Clinical Assistant Professor of History, School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies
Anonymous Faculty/Staff/Graduate Student, ITS UTO
Wesley Morgan Tierney, Graduate Student Researcher
Denise Mosso Ruiz, Student & school of sustainability
Nayibe Azzad, Teaching assisstant SILC
Anonymous staff and graduate student, ASU
Anonymous Staff Member, Coordinator, School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Elora Mastison, MFA Candidate, School of Music, Dance and Theatre
Elise Daniells, Student Archivist
Marina Lauck, PhD Candidate, School of Life Sciences
Kayla Elizondo-Núñez, Arts, Media and Engineering
Xavier Nokes, Arts, Media, and Engineering
Mo Anderson, School of Social Transformation
Tyler Quigley, Ph.D. Candidate School of Life Sciences
Emmaline Gates, PhD student (Teaching Assistant)/School of Life Sciences
Michaela Starkey, Faculty Associate, Ira A Fulton Schools of Engineering
Levi Ybarra, Senior in Construction Management
Travis McCoy, University Technology Office
Michael Ostling, Senior Lecturer / Honors Faculty Fellow, Barrett
Emily Curtis, School of Sustainability
Gabriel Bushnell, Student Services Coordinator/School of Life Sciences
Jacqueline Brady, Instructor, English Department
Anastassia Erudaitius, PhD Student, School of Life Sciences
Blake Dirks, Graduate Student, SOLS
Kerry H Green, Graduate Teaching Associate; Spanish and Portuguese Department
Jennifer Meritt, Instructor, Department of English (Writing Programs)
Yan Rou Yap, GSA, SOLS
José Salazar, Teaching associate SILC
Brian Grant, PhD Student, School of Sustainability
Ryan Heintzman, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning
Jessica Antonio, BS of American Indian Studies, BS of Nutrition (Dietetics), BA of Business Adminstration, Graduate Student of Medical Nutrition at College of Health Solutions on ASU Downtown Campus
Erin Murphy, PhD student SoLS
Alfredo Hernandez, ASU Graduate Student & Teaching Associate, SILC
Nick Nist, Barrett Honors Alumni
Erin Victoria Zamora, Doctoral Candidate, Hugh Downs School of Human Commiunication
Anonymous, Lecturer, English
Melissa Dickman, Coordinator SR, New American Film School
Lawton Jackson, Adjunct Professor — Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law
Christopher Corbin Albin-Brooks Ph. D., neuroscience candidate, School of Life Sciences
Katie Boyce-Jacino, Lecturer, Barrett
Valeria Fernandez, Lecturer, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
Dagmar Van Engen, Honors Faculty Fellow, Barrett Honors College
Robin DeWeese, Research Assistant Professor, College of Health Solutions
Olivia Rines, Doctoral Candidate, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Camila Delgado-Montes, PhD Student, School of Life Sciences
Infynity Hill, Masters student; School of Life Sciences
Michael Hatch, Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of English
Lori Burmeister, Doctoral Student, Counseling and Counseling Psychology, CISA
Julia Gutierrez, School of Social Transformation
Harmon Wayne Byerly, Music Performance/Education- Herberger Institute
Stefanie Bobar, Academic Success Coordinator, School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Ariane Foias Redding, CLAS Student
Heath Maag, University Technology Office
Alexis Faison, Graduate Student, Counseling Psychology
Samantha Sokol, Student, Engineering
A. Nonymous, Lecturer, Fulton Schools of an Engineering.
Stephen Elser, Environmental Life Sciences PhD Candidate, School of Life Sciences
Christina Tierney, Spouse of a Graduate Student
Claire Richardson, Graduate Student, School of Earth and Space Exploration
Daniel Roush, Postdoctoral Researcher CFAM/Biodesign
Katherine Berta, Supervising Editor, The Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing
Katie Senzig, Recruitment coordinator, College of Health Solutions
Wondra Lee, Academic Success Advisor, School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Andrew Burchill, School of Life Sciences
Ronae Matriano, Graduate Student, Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics
Anonymous Faculty Member, Lecturer University College
Giovanni Choi, Undergrad, ECEE
Julie Bethany Rakes, Ms./School of Life Sciences
Juliana Fillies Testa Muñoz, Silc
Anonymous, Instructor, English Department
Anonymous Faculty/Staff/Graduate Student, Barrett, The Honors College
Kassandra Dudek, PhD Candidate in School of Life Sciences
Clarissa Abidog, Graduate Student; The Sanford School
Courtney Currier, PhD Candidate, School of Life Sciences, CLAS
Travis Franks, Alumni, Department of English
Sarah Martinelli, Clinical Assistant Professor, CHS
Anonymous, Faculty, Herberger Institute
garrett laroy johnson, Graduate laborer, School of Arts Media and Engineering
Yanjun Lyu, PhD student, School of Arts, Media and Engineering
Lorna Headrick, Graduate research assistant, School of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences
Staff, Watts college
Muneera Batool, Herberger Institute
Alana Varner, Library Specialist
Sean Spille, Doctoral Student Counseling & Counseling Psychology
Carina Muñoz, Teaching Assistant/MFA Candidate
Suyang Yu, Graduate student
Matthew Voorhees, Barrett, the Honors College
Jake Friedman, Marketing and Outreach Specialist, The Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing
Lily Villa, PhD Student School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Grace Logan, School of Sustainability Student
Martha Serrano, Academic Research Coordinator/Psychology
Anonymous, School of Life Sciences
Reese A. Conner, Instructor, Writing Programs
Courtney Fowler, Instructor, Department of English
Paul Horton, Graduate Student, School of Earth and Space Exploration
Zac Bettersworth, Teaching Assistant, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Kaitlin Keresty, Undergrad student, SHPRS
Elizabeth Athens, Lecturer, School of Social Work
Anonymous, Graduate Student in Mathematics
Shuyi Li, SOMSS
Janae Stevenson, Undergraduate Student, School of Politics and Global Studies
Irina Levin, Associate Director, Melikian Center
Cecilia La Place, Ph.D. student, FSE, Engineering Education Systems and Design
Bianca Cruz, PhD Candidate, School of Life Sciences
Serenity Ruiz, ASU 4th Year Undergrad Student
Madeleine F. Jennings, Graduate Student, Fulton School of Engineering
Bala Vignesh Sundaram, PhD student Ira A. Fulton School of engineering
Zaellotius Wilson, PhD Design, Environment, and the Arts Student
Alana Varner, Library Specialist
Alyssa Sherry, MS, Student, Sandra Day O’Connor School of Law
Erica May, Manager, Marketing & Communication, SHPRS
Corey Nelson, PhD candidate, SOLS
Meshall Khalid, BSN, Arizona State University
Amalie Strange, PhD student, School of Life Sciences
Wanda Kolomyjec, Faculty Associate/School of Social Transformation
Kevin Klicki, Graduate Student, School of Life Sciences
Theresa Crain, Project Coordinator, School of Earth and Space Exploration
Jin Lu, Department of Physics
Theresa Yip, PhD student, School of Life Sciences
Linda Keo, Undergraduate Student
Tristan Gutierrez, Undergraduate Student, College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Kerry H Green, Graduate Teaching Associate; Spanish and Portuguese Department
Keeley Phillips, Community Assistant, Barrett the Honors College
Abby Loebenberg, Senior Lecturer Honors Faculty Fellow, Barrett The Honors College
Levi Helm, PhD Student, School of Life Sciences
Anonymous, Instructor, CISA
Melissa Elliott, Faculty Associate/School of Social Work
Melinda Johnson, Clinical Associate Professor, College of Health Solutions
Fern Van Vliet, Graduate Teaching Assistant, School of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences
Scott Caddy, PhD candidate, Literature
Anonymous, Faculty, SHESC
Vanessa Pablo, Success Coach, EdPlus
Scott Caddy, PhD candidate, Literature
Angela Labador, Doctoral Student, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Carter Lane Johnson, Instructor, LEAD
Bella Espinoza, Transfer specialist/Admissions, Student in Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
Wenbo Wang, PhD student
Claudia Vega, Graduate Research Assistant, T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics
Miriam Antonieta Carpenter-Cosand, Teaching Assistant, School of International Letters and Cultures
Tara Bartlett, PhD Student, RA MLFTC
Corinne Johnson Undergraduate Student, School of Sustainability
Anonymous, Professor, Senior Sustainability Scientist & Affiliated Faculty, Lincoln Center for Applied Ethics
Matt Messbarger, Reference Coordinator, ASU Library
Anonymous, University College
Sarah Xi, Undergraduate, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Daniela Moreno Diaz, Success Coach, ASU EDPLUS
Tucker Leighty-Phillips, Graduate Teaching Assistant, English
Tony Clark, Senior Lecturer, CISA Faculty of Interdisciplinary Humanities & Communication
Megan McCaughan, Graduate Teaching Assistant, School of Life Sciences
Daniel Bernard Roumain, Institute Professor and Professor of Practice
Analissa F. Sarno, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Life Science
Alexandra Comeaux, Instructor, Department of English
Anonymous, Senior Lecturer, Barrett the Honors College
Anonymous Faculty Associate, Faculty Associate, The Design School
Lara Heard, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Ryan Boyd, Graduate student, School of Molecular Science, Biodesign Institute
Nathan Serrano, PhD student, School of Life Science/Biology
Steffi Sin, Graduate Teaching Assistant, English Department
Anonymous Staff, ASU Libraries
Tyler Richey-Yowell, Graduate Student, School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE)
Lucas Garnand, Community Assistant in the Barrett Honors Complex
Vidya Raghuraman, Student/ Barrett Honors College
Johanna Kruckenberg, Community Assistant, Barrett, The Honors College
Andrea Koesters, Watts College Staff
Samantha Sabbara, Student, School of Life Sciences
Jackson Liguori, Doctoral Student of Counseling Psychology
Mickey Calata, Undergraduate Student, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Alejandro Urbina-Bernal, Undergraduate Student, School of Politics and Global Studies
Daniel Bisgrove, Community Assistant
Benjamin Voller-Brown, Barrett, The Honors College Undergraduate
Carmen J Umeres caceres, MLS Student
Monica Garcia, MFA Candidate in Creative Writing, Teaching Assistant, English Department
Mackenzie Barrows, Student Herberger School of Art
Alexander Amaya, Former Lead Community Assistant
Alexia Childress, Biodesign Researcher, School of Life Sciences
Kathleen McNamara, Instructor, Department of English, Writing Programs
Anna Elovitz, Barrett, The Honors College
Chad Fore, Instructor, English Department
Mya Vallejo, Undergrad Student at Arizona State University
Anonymous Faculty/Staff/Graduate Student, Community Assistant, University Housing
Anonymous Faculty, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work
Agnes Kefeli, Clinical Professor, SHPRS
Celeste González de Bustamante, Associate Professor, University of Arizona
Lily Whipple, Undergrad Student/Mary Fulton Teachers College
Noah Kelly, Student, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Anonymous staff and ASU Alum, Enrollment Services
Sandra Soto, Associate Professor of Gender & Women’s Studies, U of Arizona
Hunter Paulson, Barrett Community Assistant
Kelsey Yule, Project Manager, NEON Biorepository, School of Life Sciences
Lucas Garnand, Community Assistant in the Barrett Honors Complex
Leila Fleming, Undergrad student in School of Politics and Global Studies
Matthew Pierre, Undergraduate student
Alexandra Ramey, Teaching Assistant, School of Sustainability
Ryan Holden, Lecturer, University College
Valerie M. Fazel, MA, PHD., Instructor, Department of English
amy dawn shinabarger, Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Humanities and Communication, CISA
Anonymous staff/student, Community Assistant, Barrett the Honors College
Yisha Ng, Community Assistant, Barrett Honors College
Benjamin Renquist, Associate Professor, University of Arizona
J. R. O’Neill, Senior Lecturer, Barrett, the Honors College
Hunter Paulson, Barrett Community Assistant
Benjamin Knight, Student, Fulton School of Engineering
Anonymous faculty, Instructor /English
Juliana Calixto, PhD student — School of Life Sciences (SOLS)
Ian Albert Vicino, Neuroscience PhD student in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Sharon C. Smith, Ph.D., ASU Library, Distinctive Collections
Brett Beardsley, Marketing
Gabby Ducharme, Student
Dan Turbyfill, Alumni ’95 and former staff
Viviana Moreno, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts/ Undergraduate student
Sarah Winkelman, ASU ’19 SPGS, ASU ’22 M.Ed MLFTC
MaryKelly Starrs McCarthy, Undergraduate Global Health School Of Human Evolution and Social Change
Anonymous, Graduate student, College of Health Solutions
Elizabeth Blackburn, Program Coordinator, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Joshua Manriquez, Undergraduate Student, School of Politics and Global Studies
Callie Graham, Graduate Teaching Associate, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Al Hawn, Graduate Student and Instructor
Brian Bender, Instructor, Department of English
Michelle Flores, Student
Alia Raderstorf, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering undergraduate
Hailey Edwards, Graduate Student/Mary Lou Fulton Teacher’s College
Sophia Gerken, Undergraduate Student, College of Nursing and Health Innovation
Sam Ducey, Student
Rachel Reeher, Graduate Teaching Assistant, English
Anonymous Staff, ASU Libraries
Jason Knorr, Student, School of Politics and Global Studies
Julia R Robinson, Graduate student of Elementary Education
Jack Shaffstall, Community Assistant for Vista del Sol @ Barrett
Emma Horn, Undergrad student in the Ira A Fulton School of Engineering
Anonymous, CISA Faculty
Tyler S Rife, Graduate Instructor, The Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Erin Noehre, Graduate student, TA/RA English Department
Kristian Ramon Castro, Undergrad at W.P. Carey School of Business
Anonymous, Staff, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Emma Menjivar, Graduate student- MLFTC
Patricia Retiguin, Student, W. P. Carey School of Business
Maritza N. Estrada, MFA Candidate Creative Writing, Graduate TA/RA
Ashlee Conway, College of Health Solutions
Travis Hueber, Student at SPGS
Rachel Brackney, Student at WP Carey
Mark Watkins, Program Manager, Central Arizona-Phoenix Long-Term Ecological Research Program
Molly Boyle, Undergraduate Student, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Community Assistant
sherri wasserman, PhD student, School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Amy McGovern, Arizona State University
Stacey Flores, PhD student, SSFD
Morgan McKinney, MED
Noel Pereda Hernandez, Ira Fulton School of engineering student
Liam O’Mara, Aerospace Engineering
Anonymous Faculty, College of Health Solutions
Courtney Nelson, Graduate Student, Mary Lou Fulton Teacher’s College
Alexander Owen, Community Assistant
Juleah Brewer, Alumni and SHESC volunteer in the Center for Bioarchaeological Research
Tyler Andrew Haggerty, Sophomore Public Service and Public Policy (Law) Major, Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
Kevin Shufford, Graduate Teaching Associate, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Arianna Quetzal Vargas, Phd candidate for Sociology
Carla Naranjo, Student, The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Addison Spencer Perry, Economics PhD Student
Anonymous, Anonymous Staff
Mary Maddison Armentrout, Undergraduate, Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
Ram G Athreya, Alumni — Fulton Schools of Engineering
Anonymous, Undergraduate student and Faculty in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and The Watts College
Melissa La Corte, Student, SHESC
Yolanda Contreras, Alumni — New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
Leslie George, JD Candidate, ASU Law
Tinnley Subsin, Undergraduate Student, School of Liberal Arts and Life Sciences
Joseph Sexton, Undergraduate Student, W.P. Carey School of Business
Meghan Rasmussen, Undergraduate Student, College of Nursing and Health Innovation
Kay Angela Adversario, Student, EDSON College
Anonymous Faculty/Staff/Graduate Student, Barrett, The Honors College
Leila Fleming, Undergrad student in School of Politics and Global Studies
Mariah Merriam, Student at Barrett Honors College and The College
Kelsey Roberts, Undergraduate Honors Student, The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Psychology)
Michael Karger, Graduate Teaching Associate, School of Social Transformation/Justice and Social Inquiry
A. Meinen, Graduate teaching assistant, Writing Programs, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Andrew Cullen, Alumni Thunderbird School of Global Management
Jessica Sims, Student, The College
Victoria Carrera, Student, College of Integrative Sciences & Arts; Student worker, Arizona PBS
Taylor Tufano, Student, WP Carey, Barrett The Honors College
Andrew Kennedy, Undergraduate, School of Sustainability
Blayne K. Harcey, Graduate Teaching Associate School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies
Elizabeth Z. Pineda, Graduate Student/Teaching Assistant — Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts; School of Art
Fred Lee, Political Science, University of Connecticut
Jason Miech, Graduate Student, School of Molecular Sciences
Jasmine Davis, Ira A Fulton Undergraduate student
Jayley Janssen, Graduate Research Assistant
Mariah Merriam, Student at Barrett Honors College and The College
Leilani Grey, Alumni
Alexis Garibay, Undergraduate Student at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Haley Tenore, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Advocating Sun Devils Club President
Sarah Polekoff, Ph.D. Student, School of Life Sciences
Anonymous Graduate Student, PhD Student, The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Caroline Livingston, Undergrad Student, SPGS
Sarah Le, Undergraduate Student, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Charlotte Mar, Community Assistant, Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering
Stephanie Koebel, Parent of student
Stephan Koebel, Parent of student
Chloe Koebel, Student
Anonymous, Staff member and adjunct faculty
Christian Lague, Student, SEMTE
Romy R Stewart, Undergrad Student, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Gabriel Weinert, Office Specialist Senior, URS
Nick Estes (Lower Brule Sioux Tribe), Assistant Professor of American Studies, University of New Mexico
Todd Ingalls, Research Professor, School of Arts, Media and Engineering
Cory Rogers, Development Officer, Herberger Institute
Anonymous, Assistant Professor, The Polytechnic School, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Cory Rogers, Development Officer, Herberger Institute
Scott Ross, Alumnus, CLAS and Teacher’s College
Anonymous, Staff, School of Music, Dance, & Theatre
Jasmine Kabiri, Student — Cronkite School
Elena Boyd, Student Worker, The Biodesign Institute
Tristian Ugalde, Undergraduate Student
Katelyn Rust, student, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Elizabeth Grumbach, Assistant Director, Institute for Humanities Research
Ashley Cooper, PhD student, Justice & Social Inquiry, School of Social Transformation
Anissa Borgens, Undergraduate student & Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Anonymous, Undergraduate student and Faculty in The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and The Watts College
Yasin Mohammed, Student
Jenny Galliger, Student, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Beth, Staff, Anonymous, Tempe campus
Karen Bruhn, Principal Lecturer, Barrett the Honors College
Grant Yamashita, Fmr Lecturer and Postdoc
Monica Hernandez, PhD Student, School of Social Transformation
Romy R Stewart, Undergrad Student, School of Human Evolution & Social Change
Luke Fernando, Community Assistant, Biomedical Sciences, School of Life Sciences
Nicholas Noland, Student; Barrett, The Honors College and WP Carey School of Business
Patrick Gelvin, Student, Fulton School of Engineering
Abigail Howell, Grad student, SOLS
Sarah Moser, Institute for Humanities Research, Research Advancement Admin.
Anonymous Staff, W P Carey Information Technology staff
Daniel Cyrus, Undergraduate Student, Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering
Jeffrey Larsen-Clark, Undergraduate Student in The College of LIberal Arts and Sciences: Humanities and Social Sciences
Anonymous Faculty Member, School of Music, Dance and Theatre
Shilo Patchin, Shift Supervisor — ASU Library
Olivia Bartholomaei, Undergraduate Student, School of Social Transformation, Barrett, The Honors College
Dhantin Kumar, Masters in Computer Science, Ira A Fulton
Richard A. Glover, Ph.D. Student, School of Social Transformation
Nathan Smith, PhD Candidate School of Life Sciences
Kole Davis, ASU west
Kara Childress, CISA
Brittany May, Student, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kai Williams, Undergraduate Student at the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Cassandra Savel, School of Sustainability
Dana Orozco, School of Life Sciences
Ylce Irizarry, Ph.D., Associate Professor, English, U of South Florida
Vic Perez-Carranza, Undergraduate Student, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning
Thuý-Kim Le, Senior Lecturer — SILC
Waverly Roeger, Alum of Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Zachary D. Angulo, Alumn, SHPRS, Class of 2014
Kylie Inman, Student within interdisciplinary studies
Mason Mahaffey, Dean’s Fellow, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Zina Al Sahouri, Graduate student, SMS
Jonmaesha Beltran, Undergrad student/Cronkite
Zachariah Webb, Alum, Barrett the Honora College (Class of 2016)
Saivirup Akavarapu, Undergraduate student of the Ira A Fulton Schools of Engineering
Lauren M Puglisi, Graduate Student, Arizina State University
Rachel Kennedy, Student Recruiter/Study Abroad Office
Brittany MacPherson, Alumni, Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
Anonymous staff Staff
Anna Cortabitarte, Undergraduate Student
Jamis Anthony Guy, Graduate Student — Herberger School of Design and the Arts, Architecture
Onyekachi Ekeogu, Doctoral Candidate. School of Social Transformation
RICK REINFRIED, facilities employee, retired
Connor Wade, Undergraduate, W.P. Carey School of Business
Anonymous, Staff, Knowledge Enterprise
Anonymous Student, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
Anonymous, PhD student SPGS
Chloë Boxer, Alumna ’20, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ned Slocum, Student
Alex clark, Student
Jacky medina, Student SOLS
Debbie Faulkner, Monographic Processing Supervisor
Andrea Avery, ASU alumna (BA, MFA, Ed.D)
Garine Palandjian, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Anonymous, Staff — University College
Graduate Student, SHPRS
Jenna Neff, Alumni, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Michelle M. Martin, ASU Spouse/Concerend Citizen
Juan Hernandez, Psychology
Alexandra Williams, Graduate Student & RA, School of Politics and Global Studies
Isaac Akapnitis, PhD Student, ASU School of Social Work
Rebecca Pannell, Student in School of Earth and Space Exploration
Arturo Magaña, Advisor, Adjunct Faculty, Arizona Western College
Julia Campbell, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Christopher Harry Edward Smith, Student W.P. Carey School of Business
Eyal Bar, School of Politics and Global Studies
Anonymous, Ph.D. student
Cameron Lee, Undergraduate Student, Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering
Cory Buckband, PhD student, Fulton Teachers College, Educational Policy
Sarthak Bhat, Student, W. P. Carey & Barrett, The Honors College
Anne Mickey, Master’s student, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Cristianne Scherrer, Admin Assistant (SEMTE)
Brian R. Brehman, instructor, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Bryce Greenberg, Undergraduate student, Ira Fulton School
Rachael Kha, Undergraduate Student, Ira A Fulton Schools of Engineering
Connor Tucker, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Senior level student
Brandon Mechtley, Assistant Research Professor, School of Arts Media and Engineering
Jay Barbuto, Graduate, ASU Teachers College & President of PECTA.
Chen Jiang, Graduate Teaching Associate, SPGS
Wanda Deglane, Graduate Student, T Denny Sanford School of Family Dynamics
Neil Robbins, Data Science Specialist, College of Health Solutions
Mary Fryda, Student, Fulton Schools of Engineering
Conor John Bonfiglio, Deferred MA Sports Journalism Student
Steven S. Marsiglia, PhD Student, CISA Counseling Psychology
Peter Smith, Student, W.P. Carey School of Business
Anonymous Staff, Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation
Haley Rivard-Lentz, ASU graduate
Karen Nazario Moranchel, Undergraduate Student in the Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Ryan McGinn, Alumni
Valeria Ochoa, PhD student and Teaching Assistant, SILC
Akash Vasant Devdhar, Graduate Student at Ira Fulton
Olivia Perryman, Barrett, the Honors College & The College
Sarah Varghese, Undergraduate at School of Life Sciences
Leslie Danakirby, Ph.D., parent
Anonymous, Enterprise Marketing Hub
Christine Holman, Senior Lecturer, School of Social Transformation
Anonymous, Assistant Professor
Sabrina Liu, Freshman at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Jerome Clark, PhD Student, Department of English
David Pineda, Ph.D., Residential Faculty / Phoenix College — Spouse of Graduate Teaching Assistant
Kim Swisher, Lecturer, School of Arts, Media and Engineering
Ciera Parkhurst, School of Sustainability student
Larry Ellis, Principal Lecturer/Department of English
Anonymous Student, Undergraduate Student — W. P. Carey School of Business
Rayanna Pearson, Undergraduate student of the Fulton Schools of Engineering
James Neel, Teaching Assistant, Department of English
Robert Lopez, Undergraduate Student, ASU Polytechnic
Alexandra Kolnacki, Undergraduate Student in the Sanford Schools: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Kevin Redifer, Research Coordinator, The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Psychology)
Justin Noga, Faculty Pool, Creative Writing and Composition
Svetlana Antropova, Student / ASU
Kai Graham, Student, School of Engineering
Nicholas Weis, Fulton School Undergraduate and ASU Intern
Lane Everett Engle, Student of W.P. Carey School of Business
Celine Kwan, Undergraduate student, Hugh Downs School of Communication
Anthony Delphy, Sophomore Student, Computer Science
Elizabeth Baker, Communications BA
Rebecca Shook, Alumni School of Social Sciences
Sarah Geren, PhD Student, School for the Future of Innovation in in Society
Samantha Whitman, The School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Amanda Atkinson, ASU
Alison Cutler, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Colleen Wiseman, Parent, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Eileen Baden, MUEP Program Coordinator
Tabitha Sloan, Community member
Anonymous Student, CIDSE at the Fulton Schools of Engineering
Natalie Raine Sabinsky, Student in the ASU School of Social Work
Cory Bloedorn, Undergraduate Student, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Tiffany Tal-Pomrening, International Student Advisor /International Student and Scholar Center
Michael McVeigh, Jr., Graduate Teaching Associate, English
Kevin Correa, Director, First-Year Success Center
Catherine Puertas, Parent
Paulina Munoz, ASU Student
Amanda Einig, Undergraduate, New College
Emi Hashi, Instructor, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Anonymous, Staff — College of Law
Anonymous, Graduate Student in The College
Petra Santos, Doctoral Student
Bonnie Ervin, Contingent Faculty, School of Social Work
Ryan Young, Undergraduate Political Science Student at Phoenix College
Anastasia Vann, Student at ASU
Lisa Fellars Watrous, Lecturer, Barrett The Honors College
Gregory Powell, School of Life Sciences
Colden Balfour-Wallace, Student, Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
LL, Graduate Assistant, CIDSE
Jana Smith, Events Coordinator Sr.
Marie-Louise Paulesc, Lecturer, Languages and Cultures
Alex Baker, Graduate Student, W. P. Carey School of Business
Barbara Trapido-Lurie, Research Professional, School of Geographical Sciences & Urban Planning
Anonymous Faculty, Associate Professor
Anonymous Faculty, Associate Professor, Fulton Schools of Engineering
Shelby Steed, Art History MA Candidate, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts
Kyli Denton, Graduate student — School of Life Sciences
Eryk Dashaun Mejia, Student, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Macy Dimson, Undergraduate Student, School of Molecular Sciences
Kiriakos Manoleas, Undergraduate Student, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Barbara D’Angelo, Clinical Professor, CISA
Anonymous Postdoc, Postdoctoral scholar, SHESC
Vik Peer, Graduate Teaching Associate, School of Social Transformation
Carol Comito, Academic Advisor/Human Communication
Anonymous Staff, Office of the University Provost
Jessica Bersson, Graduate Student/TA, School of Earth and Space Exploration
Kelli Lynch, Parent of Undergrad and Graduate Students
Katelyn Lynch, Alumna, Thunderbird School of Global Management
Cameron Chavez Reed, Undergraduate, School of Earth and Space Exploration/School of Sustainability
Alexys Delaney, Undergraduate Student, Communications
Camilo Fonseca, Honors Academic Success Advisor — Barrett, The Honors College
Steven Andrew Maierson, Academic Success Advisor
Grace Chang, Justice and Social Inquiry
Michael Josic, Facilities Project Coordinator, CPMG
Steven Samrock, Doctoral Student / CISA
Hanna Norris, Enterprise Marketing Hub
Ross Glass, Director, Systems & Development
john stobbe, Visual Designer, The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Caleb Bell, Walker Cronkite School
Hannah Irene Walsh, Adjunct Faculty Associate, School of Art, Herberger Institute
Paris Christensen, Student, College of Liberal Arts and sciences
Jessica Curtis, Student, College of Nursing and Health Innovation
Stephen A. Lazer, Lecturer in SHPRS
Anonymous, Staff, Watts College
James Dupey, Clinical Assistant Professor/SHPRS
Madison Lynch, Science Laboratory Instructional Aide, College of Health Solutions
Lance Watkins, PhD Geography student School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning
Nathaniel Byce, Student
José Echeverría Vega, Alumnus, Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
Jessica Palomo, Student & Community Engagement Specialist at The School of Art
Elliot Gorokhovsky, Undergrad @ School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Mark Fogelson, Sr. Instructional Designer, Academic Success Hub, College of Health Solutions
Lisa Hoffner, Adjunct Faculty/ School of Art
Katrina Fogelson, M.Ed, Instructional Designer, College of Health Solutions
Peggy-Jean Allin, Graduate Student School of Politics and Global Studies
Nicholas Johnsen, Masters student of mass communications at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
Anonymous, Undergraduate, College of Health Solutions
Conor Leonard, Graduate Student
Madison Fulton, Health Promotion Specialist, American Indian Studies Alumni
Kelly Bevin Butler, PhD Candidate, HIDA, Art History
Mariah Charlie, Student, Arizona State University
Homero Alejandro Garza Navarro, Student, SGSUP
Paulina Sanchez, Events Coordinator, Cronkite School
Molina Walter, Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Carolina Gray, Student
Carolyn Evans, PhD Student, School of Historical, Philosophical, and Religious Studies
Azucena Rodriguez, Student
Anonymous, PhD Student
Danielle D. Lucero, PhD Student in Justice and Social Inquiry in the School Of Social Transformation
Delaney Vullo, Student/ junior/ CONHI
Heather Karlson, parent
Anonymous, Staff, University College
Olivia Perryman, Barrett, the Honors College & The College
Anonymous, Staff/Graduate Student, School of Social Work
Anonymous, Lecturer, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Ashley Foster, MS biology student, graduate TA and research assistant
Lauren Catron, Alumni
Rachel Reeher, Graduate Teaching Assistant, English
Harrison Fowler, Student at W. P. Carey School of Business
William Leeson, MD, Parent of Undergraduate
Kyra Ellis, Student, WP Carey
Kyle Fray, HDSHC
Reslie Cortés, Doctoral candidate- Hugh Downs
Anonymous, Student at Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Anonymous, Graduate TA, Herberger
Christina Jensen, Herberger Undergrad Student
Madalyn Williams, Graduate Student, Student Worker, and ASASU Member — Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
Katrina Montgomery, Alumna, W.P. Carey School of Business
Gustavo Lara, Research Analyst
Tasheena Upshaw, Student
Nikki Stevens, PhD Candidate, Human and Social Dimensions of Science and Technology
Anonymous, Student- tempe campus
Owen Ma, Postdoctoral Researcher, Ira A Fulton Schools of Engineering
Zujaila Ornelas, Graduate Student, MLFTC
Jason Bryant, Instructor, English
Haley Schaaf, Graduate Teaching Associate, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Dylan LaCourse, Ira A. Fulton Engineering School
Bee Bohannon, ASU Alumnus
Amanda Lindsay, Instructor criminal justice
Anonymous, University College
Lauren Mark, Instructor, Hugh Downs School of Communication
Shele Taylor, parent
Erin Kispert, Student of SBHSE in the Fulton School of Engineering
Daniel R Furnish, Graduate Student and student worker / School of Social Transformation — Justice Studies
Jacob Klemm, PhD student SOLS
Sarai Richter, Program Manager, Lodestar Center for Philanthropy and Non-profit Innovation
Megan Towles, Instructor
Kyle Hanners, Graduate Teaching Associate, The Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Anonymous, Assistant Professor, HIDA, School of Art
Tonya Eick, Instructor, Department of English; PhD student in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Emma E Bonham, Undergrad Student
Zachary Stites, ASU Student
Brandon Bayles, Graduate TA, Fulton Schools of Engineering
Shannon Wilson, Phd student and teaching associate. College of health solutions
Michael Holladay, Instructor, Department of English
Anonymous, Student
Katherine Thompson, Teaching associate, school of sustainability
Jill Mceldowney, Arizona State University College of Law JD Candidate
Linda Paloma Soto, ASU alumna/3rd generation ASU grad
Anonymous Staff, ASU Library
Diana Jenkins, Graduate Assistant, Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics
Éva Szeli, Principal Lecturer, CLAS/Psychology
Mackenzie Barrows, Student Herberger School of Art
Saretta Morgan, Faculty Associate, English
Mackenzie Powers, Student/SSFD
Anonymous, Instructor, University College
Edna Zuhric, Student//T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics
Dacheng Zhang, TA, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Ira Ochs, Coordinator, HDSHC
Anonymous Faculty, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Maria Pedregon, Admin Spec — Dean’s Office, Edson College of Nursing & Health Innovation
Miranda Judd, Junior at The Walter Cronkite School
Samantha Maas, Junior, School of Life Sciences
Hannah Grabowski, PhD Student, The School of Social Transformation
Ricardo Hernandez, IT Analyst Sr. / University Technology Office
Luis Angel Cruzes Carlon, Secondary Education Student at ASU
Yasli Reyes, Student, Walter Cronkite
Alexandra Johnson, Undergraduate Student and Student Worker at ASU
Geoffrey Way, Manager of Publishing Futures, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Anonymous Staff, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Sean Thompson, ASU alumni
Katherine Martjn, Student, Arizona State University
Michael Barden, Undergrad Student, School of Math and Natural Sciences
Emily Tanner, Graduate Student, Fulton Schools of Engineering/Biomedical Engineering
Tammy Nguyen, Masters of Sustainability Solutions Student, School of Sustainability
Anonymous, Staff Research Administrator
A.C., Graduate student, School of Social Work
Vincent Gomez, Student, The College
Mary Sampey, Parent of student
Bryanna Gutierrez-Coatney, Astrophysics undergrad in SESE program
Kylee Gillespie, Student, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
AWR, Lecturer, Barrett
Aidan Smith, Student, Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering
Michael Vidaure, Student, School of Sustainability
Molly-Kate Golek, Alumnus, Ira A Fulton School of Engineering
Elizabeth Hoven, W.P. Carey Student
Chloe Cline, Anthropology student
Emilee Shearer, Graduate Teaching Associate, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Blanca Romero Pino, Graduate Teaching Associate/ Department of English
Nicole M Powers, Administrative Assistant, Edson CONHI
Anonymous, Contract Faculty, SHPRS
Helen Hendricks, Student School of Music
Eric Hardy, Alumni
Sanjivan Manicka, BSE Student, Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering
Anonymous, College of Health Solutions
Dominic Morales, Student
Marisel Herrera, Alum/ASU parent
Ebony McIntyre, Student
Zoe Averill, Undergraduate Freshman at Barrett, Tempe
Jean Boucher, Postdoc Fellow, SFIS
Anonymous Student, Graduate Student
Anonymous, Writing Programs
Anonymous, Undergraduate Student, Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering
Maria Steenburgh, Undergraduate Student; Department of English, SILC
Humberto Fuentes Martines, Computer Science Student ASU
Joshua Vincent, School for Engineering of Matter, Transport, and Energy
Irene Rodriguez, Program Coordinator, Sr — CISA
Joshua Vincent, Doctoral Candidate, Chemical Engineering
Lauren Wilson, Graduate Student SHESC
Mary Sampey, Parent of student
Anonymous Faculty/Staff/Graduate Student, Faculty Associate, SILC
Smita Gopalakrishnan, Student, Arizona State University
Aldo Arath Castro Rodriguez, Asu
Kierra Otis, Ph.D. Student in School of Social Transformation
David Morrison, PhD Student, School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Danielle Mealer, Student — CLAS/Barrett, the Honors College
Alexandria Semien, PIRT Office Assistant, Physics Department, Barrett the Honors College and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Student
Emily Rumney, Alum, School of Music & School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Anonymous, Clinical Assistant Professor
Katherine Romero, Forensic Psychology Undergraduate, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences West
Emilia Rosten, ASU Student
Maxwell Rosten, Student/College of Health Solutions
Carol Brochin, Associate Professor, College of Education, University of Arizona
Harmony-Lynn Salvas, Student of the School of Music
Alissa Monk, ASU school social work/community member/
Anonymous, ASU Enterprise Partners
Sakura Thomas, Arizona State University
Brianna Miloz, Program Coordinator, Barrett The Honors College
Danielle Miller, Parent of student
Anonymous, ASU EP staff
Danielle Olson, Accounting specialist/FS and Grad student
Chastity R. Yazzie, BA Anthropology SHESC (2006), parent of current student
Carolyn Cavanaugh Toft, Principal Lecturer, The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences/Psychology
Bonnie Duarte, Alumni and current parent of ASU student
Demetra Presley, Alumni
Keirien Taylor, Graduate Student, New College of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
Madison Macias, Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Tempe Student: Ira A Fulton Schools of Engineering
Richard Cisneros, Student, college of natural science
Jack Edward Cullen, student
Kira Grace Lackey-Freedle, ASU school of technical communications
Ciara Endicott, Student Watts
kiahra jones, Student of Barrett the Honors College and Liberal Arts & Sciences
Alise Crippen, Undergraduate Student, School of Sustainability
Dave Osmundsen, MFA Student, HIDA
Margaret De Leon, Working Class/Student
Andrew Castillo, Ira A Fulton Student
Anonymous Faculty/Staff/Graduate Student
Chance Price, Senior, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Anonymous, Undergrad Student at The College of Health Solutions
Anonymous, undergrad student at the college of health solutions
Aimee Antila, Student, ASU Downtown
William Shreffler, Sophomore- Ira A. Fulton School or Engineering
Chermiqua Tsosie, Student and Student worker, College of Health Solutions
Emma Petersen, Student, School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering and Barrett, the Honors College
Cynthia Howell, Office Specialist, SILC
Aubrey Garcia, Student, Ira A Fulton School of Engineering
anonymous, PhD Student at Fulton College
Rosalie Mace, Student at WP Carey
Anonymous Staff, University College
Anonymous Grad. Student, Grad. Student Education
Richa Venkatraman, Graduate Student, School of Life Sciences
Anonymous Graduate Student, PhD Candidate, ECEE
Diana Diaz Gomez, Teaching Associate
Julianna Gwiszcz, MSSW, PhD, Academic/Research Professional , Global Futures Laboratory / Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability and Innovation
Cierra Huff, PhD student, School of Earth and Space Exploration
Anonymous, undergrad student at the college of health solutions
Kelli Lynch, Parent of Undergrad and Graduate Students
Marilyn Buettner, Retired high school teacher/Parent of current ASU student
Ashley Faucher, Fulton Schools of Engineering
Edward Buie II, Graduate Student
Edward Buie II, Graduate Student, School of Earth and Space Exploration
Anonymous Faculty, College of Health Solutions
Candace Wilson, LMSW, MACJ candidate/student
Corey Colwell, Parent
Sydney Millerwise, Student- School of Sustainability
Chaisten France, Student, New College
Anonymous, ASU EP staff
Anonymous undergraduate, Community Assistant
Saasil Caballero, Herberger Digital Culture Student
Madison Lynch, Science Laboratory Instructional Aide, College of Health Solutions
Lindsay Reineke, Mary Lou Fulton & Barrett student
Sean Sederstrom, Business Analyst, Graduate College
Maitreya Moon Thomas, Student, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology
Adam Bradley, ASU alumnus
Cheryl Velasquez, student- MSW
Nicole Swatton, Undergraduate Student Fulton Schools of Engineering
D Polk-Bethune, Parent
Derius Bethune, Student
Della Polk, Parent
Rev. Simpson, Pastor of student
Alexandra Anadiotis, Parent of ASU student
Katirina Macias, Undergraduate Student with Herberger Institute
Mason Mahaffey, Dean’s Fellow, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Belle A Edson, Dir. of Undergraduate Studies, Hugh Downs School of Human Comm
Anonymous, Staff Member, Dept of Psychology, The College
Jody M. Pratt, Coordinated Care Strategist, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Rachel Reeher, Graduate Teaching Assistant, English
Robert Hobbins, PhD Candidate, School of Sustainability
Anonymous, ASU Enterprise Partners staff
Brett Petersen, Lecturer, School of Social Work
Sirrena Ault, Office Specialist Sr, University Registrar Services
Kaitlyn Thontlin, Student, SSEBE
Alexa Penalosa, ASU Law
Madison Hood, Student, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Kyle Gray, PhD student, School of Life Sciences
Yanet Peñaloza, Student Services Assistant, School of Life Sciences
Justin Martin, Student, ASU Engineering
Laura stack, The Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications
Anonymous Alumni (both graduate & undergraduate), Alumni, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism & Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law
Ann Leilani Kroemer, Parent
Olivia Medina, ASU Student, Special Education and Elementary Education
Anonymous, Faculty Associate, Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law
Elizabeth Lowry, Senior Lecturer, English Department
Julie A. Freemole, Parent of ASU senior and ASU Alum
Gavin Radke, Student
Autumn Belon, Student, Ira A Fulton, School of Engineering
Jenny Nguyen, ASU Student
Laurie Nerat, Health Educator, ASU Reach Institute HC4HS Project
Anonymous undergraduate, Community Assistant
Angel Villalba, Student, ASU Herberger institute of the arts and design
Brendan Tracy, Graduate Student, Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law
Madison Macias, Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Tempe Student: Ira A Fulton Schools of Engineering
Amber Pakos, student, Downtown Campus, College of Health Solutions
Blake Sevin, Student
Maxwell Rosten, Student/College of Health Solutions
Kelli Shill, Graduate Student, School of Music
Jane Londoño, Student, College of Health Solutions
Max Hadley, Coordinator of Engagement and Success FSE
Arianna Quetzal Vargas, Phd candidate for Sociology
Xavier Hernandez, W.P Carey Student
Charlotte Wall, Student at The College
Anonymous, Knowledge Enterprise
Kaitlyn Whittaker, Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
Devika Dileep, Undergraduate Student, SBHSE/Senior
Christina van Essen, Graduate Teaching Associate
Anonymous Faculty/Staff/Graduate, SILC
Carlie Brickley, ASU
Brianna Avalos, Graduate Teaching Associate, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Nora Martinez, Student, President of the Undergraduate Anthropology Association at ASU
Jacqueline Muñoz, Undergrad student
Frank Mungeam, Professor of Practice, Cronkite School of Journalism
Reem Soliman, BMUS in music theatre, Herberger institute of design and arts
Nicole Bower, Student, Integrative Health and Science
Nicole Jakubczyk Oster, Graduate Student, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Cindy Christensen, Parent of undergraduate
Barbara DeDecker, Academic Success Coordinator/ Hugh Downs School
Maxx Patterson, PhD SE Student / School of Sustainability
Molly Longton, Non Degree Seeking Graduate Student
Maxwell Rosten, Student/College of Health Solutions
Tayloranne Lakso, Undergraduate Social Work Student
Jaquelin Mena Martinez , Student/ Downtown/ College of Health Soultions
Tayloranne Lakso, Undergraduate Social Work Student
Brandon Sours , Assistant Director, First-Year Success Center
Dagny Cunningham , Ms & ira a Fulton school of engineering
Anonymous, undergrad student at the college of health solutions
Mariam Fayad, Alumni/Ira A. Fulton Schools of School of Engineering Polytechnic
Susanne Hinrichs, Administrative Assistant, Center for Biodiversity Outcomes
Heather Wood, Undergraduate student Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation
Sarah Montgomery, Research Advancement Manager, School of Molecular Sciences
Lia Rocha, Arizona State University
Shannon Mullarkey, Lab Manager, CISA
Kaitlin Mulvaney, Student in the college of liberal arts and sciences
Vicki Krell , Assistant Director Research Advancement, The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Angelica Yetzemani Beltran Cuevas , Student, College of Health Solutions
Megan Stephenson , PhD Student & TA, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Zoe Sugg, ASU Alumni
Rye Bails, Undergraduate Student, Ira A Fulton Engineering Schools
Selene Gonzalez-Contreras, Student at The College of Liberal Arts
Maxwell Rosten, Student/College of Health Solutions
Anonymous Staff / Graduate Student, Global Futures / Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Anderson Wray, Graduate Student, WP Carry Master’s of Accountancy & Data Analytics
Dayana Vega, Undergraduate Student ASU Tempe
Lorena Austin, School of Transborder Studies
Geri Rosas, Alumni/ parent of student
Renee Garcia, Manager of Clinical Program, College of Law
Anonymous Library Staff, ASU Library
Anahi Mendez, Manager, Communications and Business Operations, CBO/GIOS
Chelsea Slay, Undergraduate Student, SFIS
Genevieve Geenen, College of Health Solutions
PAULINE ARRILLAGA, Professor of Practice, Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Emily Beach, Staff, W. P. Carey
Steven Rodriguez, Student W.P. Carey Business School
Shannon Burke, Graduate Student/Mary Lou Fulton
Anonymous, Faculty member, Fulton Schools of Engineering
Shannon Burke, Graduate Student/Mary Lou Fulton
Dayna Kloeber , PhD candidate, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Cassandra Snyder, Graduate Teaching Associate / Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Amanda K. Riske , Doctoral Student, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, LLT
Abraham Gonzalez, Student
Jasmine Pigott, ASU Junior
Eric Nguy, Data Analyst, College of Law
Skyler Mendes, Graduate Student & Teaching Associate, CLAS/Psychology
Talya Kalman, Undergraduate in the College of liberal arts and sciences
Andrea Savord, Doctoral Graduate Student, Psychology Quantitative Research Methods
Steven Rodriguez, Student W.P. Carey Business School
Sonja Prychitko, Graduate Student, Arizona State University, Department of Music
Jonathan Pogge, Grad student. Masters in Counseling
Ayse B Mardinly student , Non Degree student
Anonymous, Staff — Office of the University Provost
Valerie Stutterheim, School of film dance and theatre
Connor Stevens, Graduate Student, Mary Lou Fulton Teacher’s College
Benjamin M. Sullivan, Lecturer in SHPRS
Jodie Hanrahan, Undergraduate, College of Health Solutions
Daniela Del Campo, Student, College of Health Solutions
Heather Smyth, Graduate Student College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Psychology
Lorena Austin, School of Transborder Studies
Director, Edson College of Nursing & Health Innovation
Molly J. Gardner, PhD student, CLAS
Yanan Zhang, PhD students, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering
Natalie Hebert, Administrative Associate, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
Gionni Ponce, Administrative Specialist, Office of the Provost
Ryan McConnell, Web Administrator, Thunderbird School of Global Management
Renee Benoit, Graduate Teaching Associate, Department of Psychology
Lauren Mucciolo, Professor of Practice, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism
Nicole Rose, Electrical Engineering Student and Employee
Steven Rodriguez, Student W.P. Carey Business School
Carmen O Arias, Mother of a student/alumnus
Lauren Keeler, Assistant Professor, School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Alana Varner, Library Specialist
Staff, SESE
Toby Kidd, Manager of Online Learning, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Lizett Mendez, Undergrad of ASU Polytechnic campus
Emily Atlee, Engineering Student
Angela Sakrison, PhD Student, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning
Avery Jones, Student, Department of English
Nancy Chavez Silva , T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics
Michael Bello, Undergraduate Sophomore
Alice Letcher, Project Manager
Angela Greaves Duke, MD, MPH Obstetrician/Gynecologisy
Anonymous, Graduate Student
Allison Smith, Concerned Tempe Resident
Katherine Arguez, PhD Student Evolutionary Biology
Susan Morris, ASU Graduate, Tempe resident
Kat Martinez, School of Social Transformation
Parent of ASU student, Parent of engineering student
Noah Snyder-Mackler, School of Life Sciences
Dakota Thompson, ASU Alumni
Timothy Wells, Faculty Associate
Olivia Davis, PhD Student, School of Life Sciences
Madoka Wada Clark, Graduate Student, School of Art
Abigail Suzanne Galvin, Faculty Associate/College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Mark Cruse, School of International Letters and Cultures
Charis Elliott, MA Digital Culture & BA Political Science Alum
Linda C Day, Attorney ASU Barrett Honors & ASU Law
Anony mous, Research Assistant & Arts,media and engineering
Anonymous Student, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Anonymous Staff / Graduate Student, Global Futures / Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Laura Burmeister, Staff at College of Health Solutions
Andrea Pro, Undergraduate student
Emily Steinberg , Student, W.P. Carey School of Business
Adina Guntermann, Student at ASU’s School of Sustainability
Kassandra Barraza, Student / Arizona State University
Elliot Winter, ASU alumnus (BA in English, MFA in Creative Writing), former student worker/Graduate TA, current Tempe community member
Joel Salcido, Joel Salcido MFA poetry 2019
Madison Pennisi, Alumni of The Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
C.A. Stamper, PhD Alumna, Department of English, CLAS
Skyler Mendes, Graduate Student & Teaching Associate, CLAS/Psychology
Erika Paola Sangolquí Paltán, School of Life Sciences
Xu Li, MFA graduate student
Jeff Goodman, Alum
Jennifer Napoles, CLAS Undergraduate
Megan Towles, Instructor
Sionainn Ditto, Graduate TA — SILC
Anonymous , Lecturer, College of Health Solutions
Anonymous , Undergraduate Student
Michael Sheppard, PhD Candidate — Engineering Education Systems and Design
Lawrence Fatica, Alumnus
Tegan Garland, Alumna
Lorena Austin, School of Transborder Studies
Jason Herr, ASU AME Graduate
Ryan Le, Digital Culture Alma Mater
Ashton Grove, Alumnus and ASU community member
Anonymous Faculty , Asst. professor, HIDA
David Lee Carlson, Associate Professor, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Eric Nguy, Data Analyst, College of Law
B. Liahnna Stanley, Doctoral Student and Graduate Instructor, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication
Ann Leilani Kroemer , Parent
Megan Towles, InstructorStacie Hipp, Alumni
Sohinee Roy, Alumna (CLAS/NCIAS/Barrett)
Liza C. Kurtz, School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Kelly Parrish, Assistant Director Academic Services — School of Social Work
Abigail Colburn, Graduate Student, CHS
Lucas Crane, Environmental Engineering Bachelor’s/Master’s Student, School of Sustainable Engineering and Built Environment
Julia Goldstein , Undergrad student, English/Italian
Zoe Van Cleve, College of Integrative Arts and Sciences
Mary Katherine Geraghty, Marketing and Sports Business at W.P. Carey University
Hannah O’Regan, Senior Content Strategist, W. P. Carey School of Business
Megan Kimball, College of Integrative Sciences and Arts
Mary Wright, PhD Student, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning
Carolina Marquez, Program Coordinator Sr., Entrepreneurship + Innovation, Cronkite School Grad
Anonymous, Associate Professor, Fulton Schools of Engineering

