Asura World 2021

Asura World
11 min readJul 23, 2021


Over the past many many months, Asura World has traversed through many obstacles and challenges, whilst challenges provide opportunity, it has no doubt caused great ripples of concern through the community. This article will shed some light to many of the obstacles we had to overcome and the updates and changes to the Asura World / Asura Coin project.

This article will cover:

1. New Features

i. New Games
ii. Events & Partnerships
iii. New User Profile System
a. Asura World Points
b. Asura Ranking

iv. Asura Quests
v. 1.2 Changelog

2. Coming Features

i. Marketplace
ii. Asura Points Functions
iii. New Events Page Development
iv. Asura World Create

3. Asura Coin Token Migration

4. Bounty Program

1. New Features

i. New Games

Esports is a train that’s only picking up speed and it’s getting faster and bigger every day. Asura World started off with 2 MOBAs, 4 FPS, and 2 Mobile Games. With the relaunch of the new Asura World, we are happy to introduce a series of new titles that we’ll be covering. These new titles will be released on our platform over the remaining period of 2021 as we grow our team of editors.

The new titles are: Overwatch, Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Rocket League and Hearthstone.

However we will be putting our Mobile Games section on hold in the meantime.

Asura World will also slowly streamline our articles as we collect more analytics so readers can expect high quality content on a daily basis.

Upcoming features in the Asura World Articles will include Asura Quests and Points, please refer to Section 2. ii. for more details.

ii. Events & Partnerships

With the success of our current partnership with the organisers of the META League (a Riot licensed tournament), achieving a reach of over 380k people globally over a period of just over 3 weeks with an engagement of over 8200, Asura World has experienced a significant increase in traffic and exposure to our platform.

Our next plans include the continue-ship of our current META League partnership for Regionals and Finals.

Asura World also plans to expand its scope of events and partnerships in second half of 2021 with a few initiation conversations and ideas taking place right now. Asura World’s current focus are in Oceania and South East Asia, with plans to expand partnerships and events into East Asia, Europe and North America in 2022. It will also have a network of event partnerships, brand partnerships and exclusive content deals globally by 2023.

As we formalize more details, we will release more information for everyone.

iii. New User Profile System

Asura World aims to be a community platform with an emphasis on user experience and retention, therefore, there’s a strong priority to the platform’s user profile system. Initially, in the previous version of Asura World, the user sign up and personal account was unstable and missing many components, however, with the updated ver1.2 User Profile System, users can now:

  1. Edit their Names
  2. Edit their Date of Birth
  3. Edit their Current Country of Residence
  4. Change Password
  5. Change Email
  6. Redeem Asura World Points
  7. Gain Access to “Create”
  8. Gain Access to “Archive”

Currently we consider this as our Beta trial user profile system and will be working towards adjustments, improving security and adding many more functions to it. They are but not limited to:

  1. Create Username
  2. Article Treasury
  3. Gain more access to “Marketplace”
  4. Gain a “Rank”
  5. Ability to improve your “Ranking”
  6. Edit Postal Address
  7. Gain access to your own Asura Vault
  8. Gain access to your Asura Coin Token wallet
  9. Deposit / Withdraw Asura Coin Token
  10. Gain access to Asura Coin X Asura World Points exchange
  11. And much much more…

The updates listed above will be delivered in multiple updates instead of one big update batch.

iii. a. Asura World Points

Okay so personally I’m extremely excited about this, I always thought the Asura Coin Token had a certain barrier of entry to many gamers worldwide, although crypto is becoming more and more accepted around the world but the reality is, it is still very small. According to recent statistics compiled by, it is estimated there are approximately 106 million crypto users worldwide. That is 1.35% of the global population.

Point Redemption,

Thus, the introduction of Asura World Points, a loyalty/earn-able/exchangeable point system, will help grow the platform and rewards its users. This point system is mostly off-chain and focuses on introducing users to the benefits of Asura World whilst softly leads them to understand the Asura Coin Token and the separate benefits of having earning their own Asura Coin Tokens.

Currently everyday users can redeem 10 Asura World Points. With the upcoming updates, users will have multiple avenues to earn Asura World Points.

We will also provide a suitable amount of time for early platform users to accumulate coins before the launch of the Asura World Marketplace.

Please refer to Upcoming Developments for a full list of features in regards to Asura World Points.

iii. b. Asura World Ranking

Bragging rights, this is something I personally wanted to add to the community. Over time as Asura World grows and more and more users visit and stay within Asura World, users that have been contributing to the platform earlier on should have a badge of honour they should be proud of.

A small badge that is attached to the front of a user’s username and displayed whenever a user article is contributed, comments made, post contributions to the forum, tournaments, marketplace, and almost any community driven features within Asura World.

The current design of the rank badges are only a beta and final version may differ to what you see now

The ranking will follow popular gaming ranks and your rank will evolve over time based on your total accumulation of Asura World Points. That means you can still safely spend your Points without worrying about your rank dropping.

The ranks are:

  1. Bronze I, Bronze II, Bronze III
  2. Silver I, Silver II, Silver III
  3. Gold I, Gold II, Gold III
  4. Platinum I, Platinum II, Platinum III
  5. Diamond I, Diamond II, Diamond III
  6. Grandmaster
  7. Immortals (concept stage, ** details below)
  8. Asura (Staff, Invite Only)
  • ** Immortal ranked badges are only a concept right now, the top 10 users with the most points will have their current badge upgraded to Immortal.
  • ** Immortal badges are numbered 1 to 10 from the number 1 point holder to the 10th place. Any immortal badge user can get dethroned anytime by anyone. Let me know how you feel about this concept rank and if we should introduce it later on.

iv. Asura Quests

Asura Points can be earned in 3 different ways, through an in-platform exchange, by contributing to the platform with user generated content or through Asura Quests.

Asura Quests are a series of daily and weekly quests for registered users to earn more Asura World Points besides the daily login redemption option.
We’ll be rolling out a series of Asura Quests in the next update batch.
They are but not limited to:

  1. Share Asura World content on user’s social media
  2. Read a minimum amount of articles
  3. Create an original piece of content
  4. Original content that gets featured earns additional Points
  5. More Quests will be issued as the platform’s features grow

Asura Quests are refreshed Daily and Weekly.

v. 1.2 Changelog

Asura World’s recent rework has been a major overhaul of the entire platform. Without going into too much details on the inefficiencies Asura World previously had, the new platform, although looks identical from the frontend, has an entirely different backend.

One of the biggest undertakings was the splitting of the entire project into the backend and the frontend, making them essentially 2 separate projects. This is for faster updates and management of the platform’s future.

2021 Changelog

Below is a simplified list of some major changes for Asura World:

  1. Complete rewrite of the back end using the latest LTS keystoneJS version (5 vs 3beta)
  2. Added middleware to handle image uploading from the front end
  3. Added middleware to handle password reset flow with emails from the front end
  4. Added middleware to handle social account sign up with google, Facebook and twitter
  5. Added middleware to handle token redemption
  6. Games now a dynamic part of the back end
  7. Added streams as a dynamic list in the back end
  8. Added GraphQL as the server communication / query language
  9. Reworked list access controls to support user submissions
  10. Added middleware to handle user submissions and comments
  11. Added middleware to handle embedded image uploads in user submissions
  12. Added access controls to user sign-in
  13. Added capability for handling session data in database for load balancing purposes
  14. Reworked codebase to be more logical with almost no redundancy
  15. Complete rewrite of the front end using Angular v11
  16. Made games dynamic part of the site
  17. Graphic updates
  18. Added user submissions section
  19. Added account management section
  20. Footer dynamically populated with games
  21. Added social sign in
  22. Added user manual registration
  23. Added user password retrieval
  24. Added token redemption functionality
  25. Added jwt caching
  26. Added scrolling pagination to the archive pages
  27. Menu dynamically generated from backend list
  28. Reworked codebase to be more logical with almost no redundancy
  29. Hosting has been changed to support greater radiancy and load balancing for the future

2. Coming Features

i. Marketplace

The biggest upcoming Asura World change is the new feature: Marketplace, a multilayered market for a variety of both tangible and non-tangible assets.

Asura World will release the Marketplace through multiple updates as it is a big development project, however users can be rest assured that security will be a priority to prevent hacks and theft of points and assets. For the foreseeable future we will not be releasing an update for Point trading between users.

Asura World Marketplace

The Asura World Marketplace will cater to Asura World Points, Asura Coin Tokens and $Fiat. Asura Coin Tokens will hold the vast majority of utility and power through the Marketplace, however, the Points will remain free for users to gather over time. For users that wish to accumulate Points faster without grinding over time, Asura World will offer an OTC option to purchase Point bundles with $Fiat or with $ASA, with better deals offered to $ASA.

The most valuable assets to be released on the Marketplace will be collectibles, however, this is still a project in motion and more news will be released in due time.

ii. Asura World Points Functions

Currently Asura World Points have zero impact and value within Asura World besides a button to redeem 10 Points per day. However we will be rolling out a series of updates this year that will slowly introduce more features that are tied with Asura World Points.

Asura World Points is a valuable in-platform point based asset used to exchange for in-game items and other items or products, such as Steam Gift Cards, Google gift cards, collectibles, and other tangible assets.

These exchange services are available within the Marketplace due for release later this year.

Alongside redemption, users will also be able to use the Asura World Points for Random Encounters and Competitions (this feature was highlighted in a previous article, however the features release will be pushed back after Marketplace)

On top of these functions for Asura World Points and without going into too much details before an Official announcement, Asura World will be working to release a series of collectibles exclusively on the Asura World Marketplace.

Asura World Points is not a replacement for the Asura Coin Token, to best explain it would be similar to comparing F2W and P2W. Most things available for Asura World Points will also be available for Asura Coin Tokens, however for users to use Asura World Points to exchange would require much greater exchange rates vs Asura Coin Tokens.

iii. New Events Page Development

Current basic version of Asura World Events

The Asura World Events page was a bit of a last minute feature as we partnered with the organisers for the META League and through the partnership we will be working on more opportunities in the near future. Asura World aims to utilise the Events page a lot more and effectively in the upcoming Tournaments which renders the current basic layout redundant.

We’ve been focusing a lot of my time in the past month redesigning the Events page and will be aiming to upgrade the current layout before Q4 this year.

Unfortunately the new layout is not ready for a screenshot however new features will include, but not limited to:

  1. Easy Stream switching between multiple stream profiles
  2. Tournament related data tab
  3. An entirely new layout interface
  4. Better and more streamlined embed layouts
  5. (future update) Random Encounter predictions with Asura World Points & Asura Coin Tokens
  6. (future update) Asura World Quest options
  7. (future update) Partnership Registration option for Streamers and content creators
  8. And much more.

iv. Asura World Create

With the new facelift of the Events page, we will also be facelifting the Create page. These two pages are currently extremely basic and will be updated at a later time. As we introduce more updates to Asura World in the near future, we aim to redesign and update these pages with many new features.

The Create page’s new layout is set to roll out also this year at a similar time as the Events page. Some of the new features will include, but not limited to:

  1. Entirely new interface
  2. Better instructions and tools to assist users creating content
  3. Streamlined creation form instead of the current WYSIWYG form
  4. Recent User Content uploaded tab
  5. Highlighted popular user contents
  6. (future update) Asura World Quest rewards
  7. (future update) Content boost option with Asura Coin Tokens & Asura World Points
  8. And much more.

3. Asura Coin Token Migration

Asura Coin migration

Users that have been following Asura World closely will notice that the topic of migrating the existing Asura Coin Tokens from NEO to another blockchain has been brought up quite often.

It has not fallen on deaf ears and it’s a topic I have discussed internally with my team and advisors.

The answer is YES, we will be migrating to another blockchain however exactly what chain, we have yet to finalise but I can promise it will be a major chain that provides great support for our developers to plug Asura World into.

All existing token holders will be provided the opportunity to directly swap their current $ASA to the the new Tokens (still the same name).

I will release the formal announcement with full details once all things have been considered and we’re 100% sure we’re ready for the migration but to shed a little light, this will all happen before the end of the year.

4. Bounty Program

Asura World Bounty Program

Leading up to the first update patch for Asura World 1.2, Asura World will offer a Bounty Program for current holders and new holders.

Please stay tuned for detailed in-depth instructions in the coming weeks.

Thank You.

Again, I just want to thank everyone’s patience.

Asura World was and still is my biggest passion, our small team have worked through a mountain of obstacles in our path to develop the vision and dream that is Asura World.

We’re not quite there yet, however I feel like each day as we work on this project, we’re moving that one little bit closer towards achieving it.

We didn’t give up after the first market crash and I’m not about to give up anytime soon.

To avoid distractions I usually do have most social apps on mute such as Telegram, so as always, I’m best reached by email:

The team at Asura World wishes you and your family all the best for 2021.



