Asura World Progress Report

Asura World
7 min readNov 26, 2018



Dear Asura Community,

After many internal considerations, we’ve decided to compile a larger Quarterly Report instead of monthly reports, this way we are able to introduce many more updates and provide a clearer picture to everyone instead of fluctuating news every month.

Therefore, from henceforth, reports will be published on a Quarterly basis, we hope everyone will understand this new norm.

This report will be the first Quarterly report and last for 2018, so we will use everyone’s response to improve future reports.


  1. Esports Market Update
  2. Exchange Listings
  3. Spotcoin Airdrop
  4. General Company Report
  5. Investment Plans
  6. Platform Development
  7. Forum Update
  8. Bet Statistics Technical
  9. New Road-map

Esports Market Update

With the ever growing and expanding market that is esports, often we find our data outdated within a few short months, resulting in mismatched data, growth, and news. Therefore Asura World will be working closely with Newzoo (, the global leader in games and esports analytics, to receive the latest trends and market estimations. Steering Asura World into the right direction of esports ahead of our competitors.

The Global Leader in Games and Esports Analytics

By working closely with Newzoo, Asura World will be able to track which tournaments attract the most betting slips, which games produce the most unaffiliated tournaments, and many more helpful data.

Asura World believes by working closely with Newzoo, it will provide us with insights before many of our competitors giving us an edge, producing a snowball effect overtime and eventually enabling Asura World to be set as a standard within the emerging esports market.

Exchange Listings

In October, ASA was listed on Switcheo ( and Aphelion (, two decentralized exchanges within the NEO community.

After internal deliberation, we have collectively agreed in the meantime to not further any exchange partnerships for 2018. The reasoning comes from question “what’s the point of listing on all these exchanges when we’re currently behind on development?”, therefore, we want to eliminate as many factors that do not directly contribute to the value and stability of our tokens as possible.

Without a solid foundation, regardless of how many exchanges we are listed, it would not produce any serious value for our community except perhaps a very short-term burst.

Spotcoin Airdrop

Hold ASA for SPOT

We have successfully audited the Spotcoin airdrop promotion for ASA holders, all that awaits now is for Spotcoin to send us the SPOT and we will distribute them accordingly to our database.

A friendly reminder that the amount of SPOT you will receive is based on the percentage of ASA you were holding at the time of auditing.

General Company Report

In light of Asura World’s delayed development due to the under performing market, we have been busy building our network in esports within Oceania and China.

Asura World has been in several meetings with NZESF (New Zealand E-Sports Federation), the governing body of esports for New Zealand (our base of operations). And together we have mutually discussed the many problems esport is facing currently and how everyone can help contribute to a better esport community.

New Zealand E-Sports Federation

Through the meetings, President of NZESF and CEO of Asura World, Peter Shen, have both expressed strong interests in forming a partnership to further develop and regulate New Zealand’s esports scene.

NZESF is an organisation that is also endorsed by the IESF (International E-Sports Federation)

On the development side of Asura World, as everyone can imagine with the current market, we had to diversify our manpower towards many different sectors to balance out workload. Please refer to the latest roadmap for updated targets, although development has slowed down, we have tried to maintain speed on all odd statistics to the original roadmap so once the betting mechanism is live, we can seamlessly plugin all the odds and launch mainnet shortly after testnet.

Investment Update

In Q3 this year, we’ve started preparing on alternative back up plans in case the market crashes or of any unforeseen circumstances that may arise affecting Asura World negatively.

The Asura Team will be traveling to China & Korea in December 2018 to meet with investors and funds in hopes of receiving some additional funding support to speed up our progress. We, as a company, don’t wish to announce continuous delays because of the market, but instead try to find solutions to the problem.

We aim to raise an additional $1 million USD, the funding would go towards development, marketing and necessary partnerships to grow Asura World as a platform and as a Brand.

Platform Development

Asura World is entirely built on MongoDB utilizing the neon.js, as we approach ever closer to the launch of mechanism 1, we will be testing wallet adoption, depositing, withdrawing, community points, and security on testnet before the official launch.

After careful talks within the team, we have decided to move away from Alibaba Cloud and implement with Amazon Web Services instead for data hosting on Asura World. We believe AWS would provide users with a faster Asura World experience and also a more suitable adaptation to Asura World’s development phases.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within

For now, Asura World will utilize a wallet via the neon.js cross referencing with node.js.

Mechanism 2; due to some responsive issues that have arisen with different mobile phones, we will be re-vamping the entire design of the betting platform. We want our users to experience a streamlined and flawless betting experience, which is not very apparent with the current design flaws.

Ignoring the design re-vamp soon to take place, we have been testing tranquil betting, betting in real time as the betting event takes place, testing match-scheduling for users to always get the most updated notifications.

To provide users with the best possible product, we have also been testing with different APIs, such as the Betsafe javascript samplers, and Odds Pullers with our own integrated odds.

Although delays are unfortunate, however we promise not to cut any corners just to push out a mediocre product. And right now, through the numerous testings behind the scenes, mechanisms 1 and 2 are coming ever so closer towards the MainNet launch.

Forum Development

Recently, we’ve redesigned our forum interface to provide a more simpler reading and posting experience both via PC and Mobile. Focusing on responsiveness and speed.

Addition to the new design, we have also decided to introduce Community Points earlier than we originally planned. C.P uses an inbuilt script algorithm to differentiate useful posts from spam, offensive languages and repetitive responses. Collected C.P can be redeemed for ASA, special privileges, account advancements and many more exclusive to members only.

This way we can reward our awesome community members and motivate new members to be more active and contribute useful content for the growth of Asura World.

General Forum Interface
Game Title Forum Interface

Bet Statistics Technical

Not often companies will give insight to technical materials, however we decided in this ever doubting market, we wanted to give our community a little boost of confidence.

Below are a few extracts from our Data Statisticians that have been working hard on compiling our own odds for the Bet Creator and Betting Odds. It might not be very comprehensible to the majority of the audience however we just wanted to give everyone a little insight on what’s been happening behind the scene.

Extract 1 & 2
Extract 3 & 4

These calculations are only a portion of a whole calculation that provides odds for a Team’s winning chance during a Tranquil Bet [odds calculated at real time during a live game].

New Road-map


  • Asura World Betting Testnet / Odds testing
  • 5000 Simulation runs for the bets
  • Asura World Forum, Community Centre, Community Points Reward System Testing
  • Asura World Community Centre JS Launch, ready for Blockchain cross-over.


  • Asura World Betting Official Launch
  • Dota 2 and League of Legends to be implemented first for Official Launch
  • CSGO, Fortnite and PUBG Odds testing and simulation runs, trial period for selected users.
  • Twitch Live Stream starts


  • Asura World Tournament Internal Testing and Simulation runs OFF blockchain
  • Asura World Tournament Testing with Twitch Streaming
  • Asura World First Tournament to be test hosted and publicly run


  • Migrate Tournament Mechanism to Blockchain
  • Asura World First Tournament to be test hosted and publicly run ON blockchain
  • Asura World Betting focused mobile APP utilizing ASA and reward chained with main platform


  • Asura World Professional Guides Implementation


  • National Government eSports Association Co-operation
  • Matchmaking Mechanism #4
  • Team Matchmaking Mechanism #4
  • Sustained Video content section for Community Center
  • Targeting Top 10 Exchanges for ASA
  • Asura World v1.1 Launch by Year End [An updated ver. of the complete Asura World platform, focusing on bugs, streamlining, speed, and experience]
  • Asura World Pro Team, game specifics not yet determined

For all inquiries please contact us at:

