TensorFlow Lite on Unity

Koki Ibukuro
2 min readJun 14, 2020


Style Transfer

TensorFlow Lite is a lightweight inference engine released as a sub package of TensorFlow. It runs on mobile and supports GPU acceleration with Metal on iOS/macOS, OpenGL on Android. A simple Unity plugin (the only single add ops network model) has been added in the experiments directory.

Unity already has developed official ML libraries called ML-Agent and Barracuda as an inference engine. It supports the ONNX format, so you can convert the model from TensorFlow or PyTorch... But I thought it would be great if I could use the pre-trained TFLite model without converting to the ONNX format. That’s why I started to test some models on TFLite examples to Unity, making some pull-requests to improve the Unity plugin which includes GPU support on Unity. Here is my repository.

How to use

Using the TFLite is simple.

  1. Prepare the input array
  2. Run `interpreter.Invoke();`
  3. Postprocess the output array

Here is a simple MNIST script.

Simple usage of MNIST

GPU delegate option will dramatically improve the speed if your model has image inputs/outputs. At the moment, it does not support passing GPU-texture as models’input directly, despite Unity Barracuda supports it.

How to use Metal Delegate option

Usually, the model using Image needs pre/post-processing. Unity makes it easier and faster than native implementations.

The resize / crop sample


SSD Object Detection

SSD (single shot detector) Object Detection.

DeepLab Semantic Segmentation

DeepLab Semantic Segmentation.

Text classification

Also, the Text Classification worked on the CPU-mode.

Style Transfer

A practical sample that uses Style Transfer as a camera filter.

Future development plans

  • Support direct passing Unity texture to TensorFlow GPU delegate to reduce the exchanging textures between the GPU and CPU.
  • Support custom Ops insertion to use MediaPipe examples.

