How to change Kali-Linux lock-screen wallpaper…

Aswajith J
Apr 3, 2023


In this article, we will change our kali linux lock wallpaper. We have two options to change the wallpaper.

Option :1: Terminal

You can open the terminal using ctrl + Alt+t. Then type the following command:

sudo ln -s <image_path> /usr/share/desktop-base/kali-theme/login/background.

After executing the command hit enter and reboot the system.

Option :2 : GUI {through Graphical User Interface}

Click Menu then go to the Settings section. In the settings section click on — → LightDM GTK+ Greeter settings. Authenticate if necessary.

In the appearance tab, select the image/color under Background and select the image you want to set for the background, click on save.

This is how we can change the login screen background on our Kali Linux.



Aswajith J

Certified Penetration Tester | Cybersecurity Student | Instagram :