TWTW — Week 3

Aswathy R
2 min readNov 10, 2018


Excel 2018 was all done and now it was time to get back to academics . A heap of assignments , lab works and projects were staring at me and without even taking a break I had to jump from one busy schedule to another . I hadn’t attended classes properly for past many days , so getting back to class seemed like a task.

Me and few of my other friends had decided to attend the GHCI Career Fair . So we had to figure out things regarding the transportation and accommodation . Amidst all this I got a mail from Actions on Google that my Hacktoberfest Bot wasn’t approved due to mic open error . Soon after that I got another mail saying that the bot we made for Excel , Excel MEC bot was approved . That boosted my confidence . I quickly made few changes to the bot and submitted it again for review . My health too was not at its best this week which made me feel a bit low .

Getting back to this week’s theme , #Apply.

On Nov 6 , we received another mail from Arya Murali briefing about this week’s theme .

“…If you don’t talk about you and your work , no one else will.”

Initially when I had to give my application for WIT Cohort 1 , I had done one vaguely . But later as the deadline came closer I got this exact same feeling which made create a proper detailed version explaining every single thing in my mind , which I believe is the reason why I’m here .

The applications would open on Friday since some of the girls had exams . Our exams starts on monday and still I didn’t want to give up on this opportunity and went in to the process of applying .

It was a great 2 week journey which helped me in lot many ways . I had lost hope certain times , but regained it as soon as possible . I indeed expanded my comfort zone and explored new things . Things which I wouldn’t have done if I hadn’t been a part of this wonderful program . Thank you rethink Foundation and Arya Murali for giving us this wonderful opportunity . It was an enthusiastic 2 weeks with all other energetic girls out there .

