How to Simplify Your Front-End Development with Angular CLI

Aswin Chandran
5 min readOct 13, 2023


Keeping up-to-date on cutting-edge tools and frameworks is essential for success in web development. Angular CLI is one of those tools that has become more popular in recent years. We’ll explain what you need to know to stop asking, “What is Angular CLI?” The Angular CLI, which stands for “Command Line Interface,” is an impressive collection of commands and tools that may greatly improve and streamline your front-end development process.

The difficulties of developing advanced online apps are nothing new to you as a web developer. There are several moving parts, including initialising the development environment, managing dependencies, and optimising for production. Here’s where Angular CLI comes in to help simplify things and streamline your code.

An Introduction to Angular CLI

Let’s get down to brass tacks and cover the fundamentals of Angular CLI before we go into the various ways it can streamline your front-end development. Scaffolding, developing, testing, and deploying Angular apps is made simple with the help of Angular CLI, a command-line tool. It is an extension of the Angular framework that helps programmers save time by doing repetitive tasks for them.

Faster Project Initiation

The speed with which a new Angular project may be created is one of Angular CLI’s most impressive capabilities. You may start a new project with a single command rather than wasting time setting up folders and files.

Using Angular CLI, you can have a development server and all of the necessary files and directories for your project automatically generated. Since no manual configuration is required, you may get straight into writing code.

Creating Code

The Angular CLI has some impressive code creation options. Create your own parts, services, and modules with little effort. The following command may be used, for instance, to produce a new part:

This generates the required files and incorporates them into the correct module, which immediately updates your program.

Streamlining Development

The importance of a well-organised codebase cannot be overstated as a project matures. Using Angular CLI, you can ensure that your code is of a high standard and that development goes without a hitch.

Code Linting

TSLint and ESLint, two of the most widely used linting tools, are supported by the Angular CLI. It ensures your code is consistent and well-organised by enforcing coding rules and principles. When working in a group, this is especially helpful since it guarantees that everyone is on the same page and can avoid common problems.

Testing Made Simple

Software development would be incomplete without the need to write tests. Angular CLI has robust testing tools built right in, making it simple to execute unit tests, end-to-end tests, and more. With the built-in testing infrastructure in place, you can spend less time concerned about setting up testing libraries and frameworks and more time focusing on developing useful tests for your software.

Optimising for Production

Angular CLI is a convenient tool for delivering your Angular app. To make sure your application loads fast and efficiently, it provides tools to optimise your code and assets for production.

Production Builds

The following command will provide a build of your application suitable for release:

By using this command, a number of optimisations are triggered, decreasing the bundle size and speeding up loading times. These include minification, tree shaking, and Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation.

Strategies for Deployment

With Angular CLI, you can easily publish your project to numerous hosting providers thanks to its support for several deployment options. If you’re deploying to a web server or a cloud service like Firebase or Netlify, Angular CLI has the commands and settings you need to get the job done quickly and easily.

The Benefits of Using Angular CLI to Improve Teamwork

Angular CLI’s benefits extend beyond improved productivity in the development process. All members of the team will be on the same page thanks to the streamlined cooperation made possible by the system’s standardised project structure and automation. The linting tools included in Angular CLI ensure that all code is consistently formatted, making code reviews simpler and lowering the likelihood of disagreements. Team members may spend more time on feature development rather than on setup and configuration, thanks to the CLI’s simple code generation and automated testing.

Staying Current in the Angular Community

To get the most out of Angular CLI, you need to keep up with the ever-changing Angular environment. You can’t separate the Angular CLI from Angular or the extensive ecosystem of packages and extensions that support it. You can get the newest features, bug fixes, and security updates by keeping your project dependencies, such as Angular CLI, up-to-date on a regular basis.

Thankfully, this is another step that Angular CLI streamlines for you. To keep up with the latest developments in the Angular community and to prevent compatibility concerns, it offers commands to update your project’s dependencies easily.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Angular CLI is a potent tool that streamlines project setup, automates everyday activities, and improves production-ready code. It frees you up to concentrate on the really important tasks at hand, such as producing first-rate online apps.

To answer your question, “What is Angular CLI?” You should know by now that it’s a huge deal for web designers. Embrace this tool, learn about its features, and experience a smoother front-end development process. Stop wasting time with tedious manual setups and start enjoying more efficient, stress-free creation. Have fun, and good luck with your code!

