NoSQL Unveiled: Vulnerabilities & Injection

Aswin Chandran
8 min readSep 14, 2023



Hello Everyone, In this blog, we’re going to explore NoSQL databases and the important issue of NoSQL Injection vulnerabilities. We’ll look at the potential risks and how they can affect your data security. Join us as we uncover the basics of these vulnerabilities and discuss ways to keep your data safe when using NoSQL databases. Let’s get started with these essential topics.

1. What is NoSQL?

NoSQL, short for “Not Only SQL,” refers to non-relational types of databases. These databases use a flexible schema model to store data in non-tabular formats, such as documents, key-value pairs, wide columns, graphs, and more. They are chosen by organizations for managing large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data that don’t fit well into traditional relational databases. NoSQL databases offer flexibility, horizontal scalability, and ease of development compared to fixed-schema relational databases, making them suitable for various data-intensive applications. Notably, they are widely used in the storage and management of large data sets, particularly in applications like social media platforms.


Classification of Data

1. Structured Data:

Structured data is highly organized and follows a predefined schema. It’s typically presented in a tabular format with well-defined rows and columns. Examples of structured data include data in relational databases, like customer information (names, addresses, phone numbers) or financial records (transaction dates, amounts, account IDs). Structured data is well-suited for scenarios where data consistency, integrity, and relationships between data elements are crucial. Relational databases (SQL databases) are commonly used to manage structured data due to their ability to enforce strict data models.

2. Semi-Structured Data:

Semi-structured data lacks a fixed schema but has some level of structure. It often uses tags, attributes, or hierarchies to organize information. Examples include data in XML, JSON, or NoSQL databases, where fields may vary between records, but there’s still a discernible pattern. Semi-structured data is valuable when dealing with data that doesn’t neatly fit into rigid structures, such as product catalogues, social media posts, or sensor data. NoSQL databases excel at handling semi-structured data due to their flexibility and schema-less design, accommodating evolving data formats.

3. Unstructured Data:

Unstructured data is the least organized and lacks a specific structure or schema. It includes text, images, audio, video, and more. Examples encompass social media comments, emails, images, and videos. Unstructured data poses significant challenges for traditional databases, as it doesn’t conform to the tabular structure SQL databases rely on. NoSQL databases, particularly document-oriented or binary stores, are well-suited for managing unstructured data due to their ability to store and retrieve information without imposing rigid constraints, making them ideal for applications like content management, search engines, and multimedia data repositories.

Classification’s of Data

NoSQL databases types

1. Document Databases: Document databases store data in flexible, semi-structured documents, often using formats like JSON or BSON. Each document can have its structure, allowing for a high degree of flexibility in data representation. This makes document databases suitable for use cases where data can vary in structure, such as content management systems or product catalogues. Popular document databases include MongoDB and CouchDB.

2. Key-Value Stores: Key-value stores are among the simplest NoSQL databases, where data is organized as key-value pairs. These databases excel at high-speed data retrieval, making them ideal for caching, session management, and scenarios where quick access to data is crucial. Redis and Amazon DynamoDB are well-known key-value store databases.

3. Column-Family Stores (Wide-Column Stores): Column-family stores organize data into column families, resembling tables with columns but with flexibility in the number and type of columns. They are particularly useful for handling large volumes of data, especially in scenarios where data needs to be distributed across multiple servers efficiently. Apache Cassandra and HBase are popular column-family store databases.

4. Graph Databases: Graph databases focus on modelling and querying relationships between data points as nodes and edges in a graph. They are designed for scenarios requiring complex relationship analysis, such as social networks, recommendation engines, and knowledge graphs. Neo4j and Amazon Neptune are examples of graph databases.

5. Time-Series Databases: Time-series databases are specialized for handling time-stamped data points efficiently. They are used in applications that involve monitoring, IoT data storage, and systems tracking changes over time. InfluxDB and Prometheus are well-known time-series databases.

6. In-Memory Databases: In-memory databases store data in RAM for lightning-fast access, making them suitable for applications requiring real-time data processing. They are often used for caching, real-time analytics, and low-latency applications. Redis, Memcached, and Apache Ignite are examples of in-memory databases.

7. Object Stores: Object stores are designed to store objects or binary data without enforcing a fixed schema. They are particularly useful for storing and serving large objects like images, videos, or files. Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage are prominent object store services.

No SQL Database Types

2. Vulnerabilities found in NoSQL

NoSQL databases, like any software system, can be vulnerable to various security issues if not properly configured or if best practices are not followed. Here are some common vulnerabilities associated with NoSQL databases:

1. Injection Attacks: Just as in SQL databases, NoSQL databases can be susceptible to injection attacks if user inputs are not adequately sanitized. NoSQL injection can allow attackers to manipulate queries and potentially access or modify data.

2. Insecure Authentication and Authorization: Improperly configured authentication and authorization mechanisms can lead to unauthorized access. It’s essential to enforce strong access controls and properly manage user privileges.

3. Weak Passwords: Weak or default passwords for NoSQL database accounts can be exploited by attackers. Implementing strong password policies and regularly updating passwords is crucial.

4. Lack of Encryption: Failure to encrypt data at rest and in transit can expose sensitive information to unauthorized access. Enabling encryption is essential to protect data integrity and confidentiality.

5. Exposure of Sensitive Data: Inadequate access controls or misconfigured security settings can lead to the exposure of sensitive data to unauthorized users. Proper data classification and access control measures are necessary.

6. NoSQL-Specific Vulnerabilities: Some NoSQL databases have unique vulnerabilities. For example, MongoDB instances with default settings have been targeted due to exposed ports and missing authentication.

7. Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks: NoSQL databases can be vulnerable to DoS attacks if not properly configured to handle excessive traffic or resource-intensive queries. Attackers can flood the database with requests, causing it to become unresponsive.

8. Data Consistency Issues: NoSQL databases that relax ACID properties may be susceptible to data consistency issues, particularly in distributed environments. Proper configuration and understanding of the chosen consistency model are essential to avoid data integrity problems.

9. Inadequate Logging and Monitoring: Without proper logging and monitoring, it becomes challenging to detect and respond to security incidents promptly. Implementing robust logging and monitoring solutions is critical for identifying and mitigating threats.

10. Unpatched Software: Failing to keep NoSQL database software and associated components up to date can leave systems vulnerable to known security issues. Regular patching and updates are essential.

3. NoSQL Injection

NoSQL injection is a security vulnerability that targets web applications utilizing NoSQL databases. Much like SQL injection, it stems from inadequate input validation and processing practices. When developers accept and process user inputs without adequate sanitization, attackers can exploit this weakness to execute malicious operations on the NoSQL database.

NoSQL injection can have severe consequences, allowing attackers to bypass authentication, access sensitive data, tamper with database records, or even compromise the database and the underlying server. Unlike SQL injection, where attackers manipulate SQL queries, NoSQL injection attacks involve manipulating NoSQL database queries.

Commonly used operators in NoSQL Injection Vulnerability

$ne = Not equal to

$eq = Equal to

$gt = Greater than

$lt = Less than

$regex = Regular expression

$in = Check if the required data is present in a data structure such as an array, etc.

Example: If a web application uses MongoDB as its database for user authentication. The application takes user input for username and password, performs a query to check the user’s credentials, and grants access if they match.

Vulnerable Code (Python/Flask): This is a simplified example of a login route in a Flask web application that interacts with MongoDB. It’s vulnerable to NoSQL injection.

Vulnerable MongoDB Code

Attack Example:

In this example, an attacker attempts to bypass authentication using NoSQL injection.

1. Using Form URL Encoding Schema:

Inserting $ne NoSQL query operator into the password field

Attack Process:

· The attacker sends a POST request to the /login endpoint with the payload.

· The payload password[$ne]= injects the NoSQL query operator $ne (not equal to) into the password field.

· The query becomes users.find_one({“username”: “admin”, “password”: {“$ne”: “”}}) which checks if the password is not equal to an empty string.

· Since $ne is true for any non-empty password, the attacker bypasses authentication and gains unauthorized access.

2. Using JSON Object:

Inserting $ne NoSQL query operator into the password field

Attack Process:

· The attacker sends a POST request to the /login endpoint with a JSON payload.

· The payload inserts the NoSQL query operator $ne into the password field.

· The query becomes users.find_one({“username”: “admin”, “password”: {“$ne”: “”}}).

· Similar to the previous attack, $ne is true for any non-empty password, allowing the attacker to bypass authentication.

These examples illustrate how an attacker can exploit NoSQL injection vulnerabilities to manipulate queries and potentially gain unauthorized access to a system.

Preventing NoSQL injection requires thorough input validation and sanitation. Developers must ensure that user inputs are validated and sanitized before being used in NoSQL database queries. It’s also essential to use parameterized queries or prepared statements provided by NoSQL database libraries to mitigate the risk of injection attacks. Proper security measures are critical to safeguard sensitive data and the integrity of NoSQL database-driven applications.


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Aswin Chandran

Certified Ethical Hacker | Cybersecurity Researcher | RedTeam | Penetration Tester | Helped Secure Facebook