Arfan Syahranu
2 min readJan 27, 2018


for you guys are often traveling but constrained by time, now present a new solution only in snapcity, with the most advanced applications offered by snapciti through the application of love (IOS and Android) allows the traveling to cruise to various places and can capture your most beautiful moments.


Token Name: Yellow SnapToken
Token Price: 25.000 SNPT = 1ETH
Token Amount: 50,000,000
Contract Address: 0x1B33c83F9032d30b24E92073A6Dd12457F7D98Aa decimal
: 18
SNPT-Y Platform: Etiquette

Purchase method accepted: ETH

ERC20 ether token

What do you think?

Applications created by SnapCity can go to a place and take photos, completing a mission by visiting your location will get a token. exchange your tokens to your local currency. Very easy solution and help the traveling is not it.
not only that, there are more interesting things here

ask your friends!

With a token you can invite your friends

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author : asyahranu123

ETH : 0xc7eAa3a5aF7f96F129814f3195286E7e2b899163

