J2EE : Collection of great resources

Shailendra Jain
2 min readMar 25, 2023


Everybody wants to become expert in J2EE or Springboot now a days. But is there any set of resources which one can follow to become the expert in J2EE technology.

I have created a curated list of resources which you can use to become expert. To become a successful J2EE Expert, you need to develop expertise in the following areas:

Strong foundation in Java:

Understanding of Java EE specifications and APIs:

Java EE application servers, such as GlassFish, WildFly, and WebLogic:

Design patterns and architectural patterns:

API design and development:

Data management:

Enterprise Java Beans (EJB):

Java Message Service (JMS):

JavaServer Faces (JSF):

Performance optimization:



Deployment and CI/CD:

If you like this curated list , don’t forget to follow me and give me some claps. Cheers !!!

You can find great learning resources collection on Python from my post https://medium.com/@asynchronouscal/python-in-nutshell-for-archi-cc752b365551



Shailendra Jain

A curious reader and learner by heart. A scientist in day to day life. Technical Architect @HCL Technology,India || Ex-IBM || Ex-Samsung