
How Trump will win the 2016 presidential election

Attila Szigeti
3 min readOct 23, 2015

TL;DR: Trump will take Rubio as VP against Clinton, unless Biden steps in and saves Democrats…

I’m an enthusiastic follower of the US presidential elections ever since Stephen Colbert played that hilarious game with his SuperPAC. He might be out, but in the current round of The Hungry for Power Games we have Trump, who will make sure that we have a ludicrous year ahead of us.

Another source of entertainment is Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, who regularly writes about Trump’s supposedly surprising successful victory march. His Master Wizard Theory states, that Trump uses his superior linguistic skills to influence rivals, the media and an entire nation, without almost nobody noticing. (Adams also wrote a book, which in my mind is the last book on how to become successful, you ever have to read. Thanks for asking.)

With so much inspiration and entertainment in the air, I feel the need to cast my own predictions on the 2016 campaign. So after watching all debates so far, reading all of Adams’ #Trump posts, watching all relevant interviews in the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, I’m ready to make the following predictions:

Prediction 1: Trump will become republican nominee

I’m not saying that Trump is the best presidential candidate. But his republican opponents are either too boring or he makes sure to eviscerate them before they can gain significant momentum. See how Jeb! Bush almost literally emasculates himself under the clever trap Trump laid for him.

In addition Trump gets unexpected support from multiple directions:

  1. Looks like Bill Clinton wants Trump to be the president. Watch the B.Clinton — Colbert interview, and you will notice that he called trump “macho” and said that “he’s the most interesting characters out there. (Adams theorizes that B.C. doesn’t want Hillary to become President because that would emasculate his previous presidential achievements.)
  2. Master-Wizard Tony Robbins seems to campaign for Trump in this video.
  3. I also believe that Adams secretly hypnotises his readers (including me) to sympathize more and more with Trump.

Prediction 2: If democrats select Hillary Clinton, Trump will take Rubio as VP and win big time

Apart from her email scandal that taints her electability (according to Trump, a “major security risk”) I think Clinton lacks the emotional relatableness needed for her to get elected. So if she wins then it wil be an easy fight for Trump.

I think, that in this scenario Trump would take a young hispanic person as VP (most likely Rubio — if they manage to not go against each other’s throat in the near future). This would give them the opportunity to show themselves as a sympathetic father-son or master-apprentice duo, that would easily get America’s emotional support.

Prediction 3: Joe Biden might step into the game, and that will cause a greater challenge for Trump

So, Biden said that he’s not running. If that will be the final case, then Trump will become president. But I think that Democrats desperately want him to enter the Game.

And I think that Biden is more and more ready to enter. When he talked with Colbert, he said that he’s emotionally not ready to run. But in his recent announcement he said that he’s not running because he doesn’t have time to mount an effective campaign. The first reason is completely understandable — nobody would expect him to run a campaign while he’s still grieving.

But the recent reason is pure logistics and fundraising. And I believe, Democrats and their financial supporters might become so desperate in the last minute, that they will move heaven and earth (and a sh*tload of money) to get Biden to run.

And if that happens, then Trump will have a much harder time to win. Biden would easily get the emotional support of the nation, Trump and his VP would not be able to play the father — son / master — apprentice game, and even Bill Clinton might change his mind.

Either way, elections will be fun and educational to watch. I already have my popcorn ready. Let the hunger games continue!

