RELEASED!- Easy Stock Data: An Android app for easily viewing extensive data on US and international stocks

Atahan Uz
5 min readNov 3, 2023


Easy Stock Data is a free Android app for viewing detailed data about stocks with a single tap.

Update: Released on Google Play!! I’ll appreciate any rating and feedback.

Important Features of the app:

  • Easy usage: Simply enter the ticker and all the data is in your hands. The application is very simple and lightweight.
  • Extended Data: Supports entire trading history of most stocks. For example, data of McDonalds (MCD) is starting from 1970.)
  • Shows detailed information: Shows the stock’s performance in various periods (1 month, 5 year, 10 year, maximum etc.) and year-by-year performance (2021,2022…). Also shows charts of
  • Reinvest Dividends: Ever wondered how much return you will get if you reinvested all dividends to the same stock ? S
  • Convert to USD: Convert the data of non-USD international stocks’ to USD. Very useful for making sense of stocks trading in Japanese Yen, British Pound etc.


Enter the ticker and press “Get Data”. You may tick the boxes for two options: “Reinvest Dividends” and” Convert to USD”

For US stocks simply enter ticker “AAPL, AMZN, TSLA, MSFT…

Enter international stocks in TICKER.EXCHANGE format. Examples:

SHELL.L (London Stock Exchange)

MBG.DE (Frankfurt Stock Exchange)

KCHOL.IS (Istanbul Stock Exchange)

Unsure about the ticker ? Go to Yahoo Finance and use the search bar at the top. The app uses Yahoo Finance’s ticker system


In general tab you’ll see that

  • Ticker: The stock’s ticker
  • Currency: The stock’s currency, USD in this example
  • Current Price: The stock’s current price.
  • Data Since: Start of the data
  • ATL: All time low of the stock price
  • ATH: All time high of the stock price
  • Dividend: How many dividends the stock has paid . Shows “never paid a dividend” for non-dividend stock like AMZN
  • Performance: Shows the performance of the stock relative to today.
  • d: day
  • w: week
  • m: month
  • y: year

Example: If today is 2023–10–25 and the stock’s price is $100, and the stock’s price was $80 on 2023–04–25, “6m” will show a 25% return.

Positive returns are highlighted with green, negative returns are highlighted with red.

Annualized Price Appreciation: Annualized price increase of the stock since the start date. If a stock’s price went from $100 to $400 over 10 years, this would mean an annualized price appreciation of 17.4 %

Annualized Dividend Yield: If the stock pays dividends and “Reinvest Dividends” is selected, the investment will generate additional return with dividends.

Annualized Total Return: Annualized total compounded return from price appreciation and dividends. This is equal to the price appreciation of


Shows the stock’s performance in each year. For example, “2022” data shows the stock’s performance between 2022–01–01 and 2022–12–31


There are two charts, Stock Price and and Growth of $1000 investment

The first chart shows the stock’s price over time. You can zoom in to see detailed data.

The second chart shows the growth of $1000 investment to the stock. If “Dividends Reinvested” is enabled, you’ll see that the growth rate is much higher than the stock price thanks to the compounded growth from dividends. If there are no dividends, you can ignore this chart as it will be equilavent to the first chart.

See that the price of T has mostly stagnated but the investment continued to grow thanks to dividends.

Dividend Reinvestment

Here is how Dividend Reinvestment works.

Say that we have 100 shares of stock trading at $100, and it paid a $20 dividend on May 20.

The dividend will be used to purchase the stock at the May 20’s closing price. Now we will have 120 shares.

And later on July 15, the stock is trading at $150 and it paid another dividend of $15. Now after reinvesting it we will have 132 shares.

We increased our share count by 32% thanks to dividends. The stock’s price has only increased by 50% but our total return is 98%

The application simulates this for every dividend paid on the available data of the stocks. You’ll see that reinvesting dividends return of some stocks will reach insane amounts. For example it boosts XOM’s 53 year return from 4800% to 56,000%. (But it requires the dedication to reinvest all 214 dividends since 1970😀 )


What makes your app different from hundreds of other stock data apps?

While there are many apps and some of them are much more advanced than mine, I think Easy Stock Data fills an unique niche.

It is the only app to show extensive data like 50 years of performance with a single click. Most apps only show 5 years of data or you’ll have to deal with annoying configurations to view more. Features like Dividend Reinvestment and Currency Conversion are either absent or done very unintuitively (oftentimes their math is totally wrong). In addition my app is very lightweight and straightforward, it requires no hassle like account creation to use

Where does Easy Stock Data get its data from ?

The app fetches its data from Yahoo Finance.

How reliable is your data ?

Yahoo Finance is one of the most known finance platforms, it is providing stock data since 1997. And the application is extensively tested to correctly handle all US & international stocks in various scenarios. Though always verify your data from multiple sources before making a serious investment decision.

How does the app work ?

When “Get Data” is pressed the app fetches its data from Yahoo Finance, processes and displays the data on the app. That’s basically the entire workflow of the app. As such:

  • The app never works in the background
  • It never stores any data. It has a size around 18 MB and it won’t grow over time.
  • It never asks for any permission (location, files etc.)
  • I don’t collect any data as the app simply never sends any data to me. It only uses internet to fetch data from Yahoo Finance.
  • It is totally free with no ads.

What happens if I select “Convert to USD” for USD stocks ?

If the stock’s currency is already USD, “Convert to USD” will take no effect. Similarly, “Reinvest Dividends” will take no effect if the stock has never paid a dividend.

Why selecting “Convert to USD” sometimes shortens the timeframe ?

When converting to USD, the timeframe is constrained by the Currency/USD data.

Say that there is stock trading in EUR with data since 1980. If EUR/USD data were only available since 1990, the stock’s data would start from 1990 as well

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Questions, feature requests and bug reports:

Disclaimer: This app doesn’t provide investment advice. It simply displays data about the past performance of a stock entered by the user.



Atahan Uz

Computer Engineering Student at Yildiz Technical University. Finance,Software, Blockchain and Classical Music Enthusiast.