Overload Vs Override in Object Oriented Programming(OOP)

Atanda Oluchi Aminat
1 min readMay 21, 2018



Overloading a method simply means two or more methods have the same method name with different arguments or parameters(compulsory) and return type(not necessary).


public class Overloads{
static String uniqueId;
public static void setUserId(String theId){
uniqueId = theId;
System.out.println(“uniqueId “ + uniqueId);
public static void setUserId(int number){
String numString = “” + number;

public static void main(String[] args){


Overriding a method simply means that a subclass redefines its inherited method(s) when it needs to change or extend the behavior of that method.

Rules for Override

  1. Arguments or parameters of the method in both superclass and subclass must be the same i.e same type and numbers of arguments.
  2. You cannot assign weaker access privilege to overridden methods. i.e You can’t override a public method and make it private.


public class Dog extends GeneralClass{
public void makeNoise(){


public String eat(String name){
return name;


public class GeneralClass {

public void makeNoise(){


public String eat(String foodName){
return foodName;

public void roam(){


public void sleep(){


