Heart breaking suicide of a Liverpool fan - Mark Houghton

Atang Dauda
2 min readApr 24, 2024
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Soccer is arguably the most-watched sport on Earth, with about 3.5 billion fans worldwide. It is normal for fans to feel emotional towards their favorite clubs or teams—the joy of winning, the pain of losing, and the sigh of a draw.

In the year 2005, Liverpool qualified for the Champions League Final and were to play AC Milan for the biggest soccer cup in Europe. The match played between the two European giants was thrilling and exciting.

Liverpool were losing 3-0 in the first half of the game. A three-goal lead in the first half of the game was an advantage that should have guaranteed AC Milan the Champions League Trophy that year.

Tragically, Mark Houghton, a Liverpool fan, committed suicide when Liverpool's defeat seemed imminent. Mark was found hanging from a leather belt in his kitchen by his girlfriend, Jacqueline Young.

A three-goal comeback is nothing new in the world of soccer, with players like Robert Lewandowski scoring 5 goals in nine minutes. However, in a Champions League setting, a goal comeback is almost impossible. Liverpool stunned the crowd with a three-goal comeback, taking the game into penalties. They emerged as winners of the penalty shootout, scoring 3-2. The victory, however, was mixed with sorrow because of the death of a beloved fan.

The suicide incident was investigated by Coroner Michael Singleton. It was then revealed that Mr. Mark Houghton had been battling depression for a long time. Mark had been depressed since he lost his job as a forklift driver due to an industrial accident that took place two years ago.

The accident left Mark with back and shoulder pain, causing him immense suffering. Jacqueline Young, who had been Mark's girlfriend for nine months, confirmed his devotion to Liverpool Football Club. Jacqueline also added that the death of Anfield legend Emlyn Hughes in November had deeply affected him.

She expressed her ignorance of his suicidal thoughts but had actually noticed signs of depression two weeks before his death. Ms. Young was unable to comprehend why her boyfriend would resort to suicide. She found his lifeless body around 9 pm, as Liverpool found themselves trailing by three goals.

It was later revealed that Dr. Ajeet Gupta, Mark's GP, had been treating him for depression since 2002. Despite trying various treatments, none seemed to have a significant effect on Mark's well-being. Eventually, he was referred to mental health specialists.

This tragic incident is a reminder of the devastating impact that depression can have on individuals and their loved ones. One's passion for a soccer club can become entangled with their mental health struggles. We should prioritize mental health and seek support when we are down.



Atang Dauda

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