Human Nature Craves a Change

Danielle Agami
5 min readMay 5, 2020


It’s not 1776 anymore — America wake up. Please.

Photos by Cheryl Mann

Hope is not found in one leader. Hope lies in our own ability to think critically, educate ourselves, and develop a sense of obligation. Left or Right debates about Human Rights aside, it’s time for a new campaign: Nature’s Rights.

We must aspire to a 50–50 Give-and-Take with Mother Nature, because #NatureToo has been abused, raped, and ignored by most humans.

As with any creative endeavor, an artist knows that time is a key factor. Let’s admit that God only took seven days, when in fact much more time was needed. God left the job unfinished, and in our hands to not only finish it, but to sustain it. That can only be done by taking the time to learn about creation.

God wanted us to learn that there is no creation process without recognizing limitations. Americans are failing to understand that essential point. Humans must honor and respect limitations. In fact, they should seek out limitations for the sake of our own wellbeing.

Unlike Judaism and Buddhism, Christianity does not provide guidance for the safety of Mother Nature. Therefore, it is not surprising that many Americans are blind to environmental limitations.

As I approach 10 years of “living the dream” in the United States of America, things feel different than anticipated. Along with excitement and growth opportunities, I often bear the pain of discoveries about American culture and indoctrinated social behavior. American men and women, young and old, suffer from severe ideology crisis with unproductive repetition in social debates and politics. It is also evident that many Americans fight for something only to a certain extent until their car, gun, comfort are at risk. Americans remain selfish, simply because they believe that being selfish will translate to staying safe.

Well, Mother Nature just made a big announcement: Human selfishness has endangered our safety.

So yes, we Americans are experts at lying to ourselves, all of us, myself included. The fact is, if you are not in the business of respecting your limitations, you are in the business of demolishing your world.

So far, the only limitation that we have been concerned about is production cost. Meaning, God for us, is Money. The ONLY real limitation is Mother Nature. It is no surprise then that a nation only fed junk and taught to care for nonsense has grown to be insensitive, selfish, and self-absorbed.

In a nation of this kind, women will never be respected. The source of life — womanhood, motherhood, longevity, and patience — are overlooked and easily dismissed.

The fact is that feminine forces are stronger than any military. They possess the gift of wisdom and survival, high pain tolerance, patience to teach, endless forgiveness and the power to create new life — just like Mother Nature. Is it surprising that men drag us away from our female culture? Away from our connection with earth — The Mother.

American politics is led by men, who offer us only lies. It seems our country is led by men that reject female strength because they care to protect primarily their ego and comfort. The funny thing is that God left them here for one reason only — to protect us. In the big picture they fail at that.

For the last hundred years America has been the leading force of our world. But it’s time to admit that we have done it for all the wrong reasons. We simply wanted to project a façade of power, exceptionalism, and wealth. But we are now very poor. Poor in leadership. Poor in ideology. Poor in purpose.

I urgently implore Americans to wake up. The entire world is averting their eyes in shame of America. But they will begin to mock, blame and sue us for our unsustainable dream. We are not a free nation because we are not free from blame. We are a harmful product of the greatest manufacturer = USA. Harmful because our individual habits are harmful.

If we want any chance to survive and regain some dignity, there is MUCH we must change. We are in need for a revolution! A revolution of our habits. A revolution of our priorities. In the year 2020, we are considered antiquated. The world sees us as stuck, repeating the same tired arguments.

In this current world we are the slaves to capitalism. Yet, we are completely complacent before the horrors all around us. We are branded as easy women, confused youth, insecure men. We are heavily dependent on addictive substances and have raised the meaning of the word anxiety to a whole new level! As Americans we were promised the pursuit of Happiness but look how far we have drifted from the path. We were promised Life, but we are not safe because our bodies and earth are not healthy. AND as for Liberty, that one was an illusion to begin with!

It is true that Money is a great tool. No doubt about it. But Money should be a means of support, not the main Goal. It is clear that Money has become the only God we care for. Maybe Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness should be earned, not bought.

So HOW do we begin to change? It seems impossible right? Well we must take the bravest actions:

1st step: Face the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

2nd step: Commit resources to finding new solutions to fixing this mess.

3rd step: We have no choice. We must LIMIT profits.

Dear Americans! Setting Limitations is not a sign of weakness. It shows maturity and responsibility. It shows progression of thought. Setting Limitations doesn’t mean we are afraid. It shows we are sensitive and thoughtful. We must limit production. Limit consumption! YES, limit travel, hunting, breeding, killing, poisoning.

We sure won’t eliminate all of those, but we can certainly limit all of those. We can find a formula that respects nature, gives it time to heal. We must equalize ourselves and our impact 50–50 with Mother Nature. Mother Nature deserves Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness as well.

No doubt we are different than we were during the 1776 signing of the Declaration of Independence. Over the years we allowed ourselves to evolve and CHANGE. We changed our minds, our rules and our reality. Now it’s time to do it again.

Photos by Cheryl Mann



Danielle Agami

Agami’s unique leadership puts her at the forefront of the dance profession. Founder of Ate9 Dance Company. A busy artist living in Los Angeles, California.