How to prepare for German Language A1 (Spouse/ Family reunion Visa)

Ateeqa Altaf
4 min readJun 9, 2020


My Goethe-Institut German Language Level A1 Certificate

Why do you need to know German Language Level 1?

To join your spouse/ family member in Germany, you are required to know some basic German language so that you can easily mingle with German society and understand their culture well. There are five levels of the German Language from A1-A2-B1-B2-C1 but giving proof of the first level, i.e., A1 is sufficient for Spouse/ Family reunion. However, some applicants are exempted from providing an A1 level German certificate.>> Read Point 16 on the German embassy website.

What is the German Language Level A1?

Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1 is a German language exam for adults. It certifies that candidates have acquired fundamental language skills and corresponds to the first level (A1) on the six-level scale of competence laid down in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). German Language Level A1 is the elementary level, and passing this exam shows that you can introduce yourself, and ask others about themselves, make simple requests, understand others if they talk slowly and clearly, and use familiar and everyday expressions.

In my experience, the German Language is exciting, and you can learn level A1 very quickly if you are dedicated and devote a particular time every day to learn it.

How much time is required to prepare for the German Language Level A1 Exam?

According to Goethe Institut Website, To reach level A1, candidates need to have completed between 80 and 200 45-minute units of teaching, depending on their previous knowledge and learning requirements.

Goethe Institut Intensive Course: 7 Weeks ( 5 days for almost 3 hours daily) completing 20 Teaching Units per week and 140 teaching units in 7 weeks. The bottom line is, to prepare for the German Language level A1, you need almost 2 months if you study 5 times a week for 3 hours daily.

I believe this is not the rule of thumb, and everyone can learn in their capacity and pace. As for me, I did not join any Intensive course and studied for 2.5 months at home for free. And a month before the exam, I attended four week Summer Classes at NUML Islamabad and revised everything.

Where can you learn the German Language Level A1 in Pakistan? (Paid)

There are many online and in-class learning options for you in Pakistan. I will discuss them all with their durations and fee structures.

Goethe Institut Karachi
Fee Structure for the intensive 7- week course is 27000 pkr and 3500 pkr for the coursebook. >> Visit Goethe Institut website for course registration and prices.

National University of Modern Languages (NUML)
NUML university offers many preparatory courses from time to time. Fee Structure is 25000 pkr for a 9-week course and 2500 pkr for the coursebook. >>Visit their website to know more about courses.

Other Private Institutions teaching German Language with price ranging from 45000 to 50000 are given below:

How to prepare for the German Language Level A1 exam for FREE?

If you are someone who does not have the time or money to attend a 3 months course at some institute, You can easily learn German Language level A1 yourself at the comfort of your home, if only you are dedicated, and you stick to the schedule that I will provide. (I have personal experience of passing German Language A1 with score 96/100 by studying at home for 2.5 months)

Follow this Schedule :

Step 1:
A vocabulary list for Goethe-Zertifikat A1: Start Deutsch 1 is provided on the Goethe Institut website. >> Click here to download the vocabulary list.

Print this list, and learn 5 to 10 words every day, I used to translate the words with Google Translate App( The one that instantly scans the text and translates) and write English translation alongside the German words and highlight the word that I learned every day with a highlighter. This will motivate you to learn new words daily.

Given below are some very useful Youtube series for learning the German Language. Keep a notebook and a pen with you and take notes as you would be doing in a classroom.

Key to success is to practice daily and keep revising previous lessons.

Step 2:
Studio D A1 book is taught at all German Institutes in Pakistan and is recommended by Goethe Institut as well. >> Click here to download the Studio D A1 book for free.

Step 3:
In my opinion, this book is enough to prepare for the exam, but if you want further training, I will recommend this book too. >> Click here to download Pruefungstraining (book) for free.

Step 4:

What is the Structure for the German Language level A1 exam?

A1 exam has 4 parts:

1.Hören (Listening) Duration: approx. 20 minutes
2. Lesen (Reading) Duration: 25 minutes
3. Schreiben (Writing) Duration: 20 minutes
4. Sprechen (Speaking) Duration: 15 minutes

To read more about it, visit the Goethe-Institut website.

If you liked this article, read my other article on How to apply for German Spouse(Family Reunion)Visa from Pakistan.



Ateeqa Altaf

I am a writer and an imaginator. I can be anyone, go anywhere and have anything when I am writing.