On finding courage in a tree

Athalia Moren
1 min readDec 13, 2021


Companion words for courage and faith in yourself

digital collage by Divinity Daily

You are like a beautiful tree.

Like a tree branch, do not be afraid to lift into the sky.

Feel where you ground, know where the sun of your heart faces,

then go…

Stretch into your light’s direction, wildly but attentively, even if you doubt your step is precise — it doesn’t have to be.

Do it, even if your move is an inch of an inch blindly.

Remember that you can always feel yourself again; more and more, you will know your true balance, and later you can dance again with the world.

When it appears too scary, here is the paradox: your growth into new directions is shelter — your own protection, and space you can hold for others.

The more you allow your true size to manifest, the more you can breathe in nourishment and gratitude, and the more beauty, depth and strength you can gift to yourself and the world.

Thanks for reading! If you liked this, let me know what resonated with you — I’d love to hear your story :)

