Jack Vance
Mar 20, 2022


Don’t ruin music for others. Today is the 34th anniversary of Iron Maiden releasing “Can I Play With Madness,” the first single from their Seventh Son of a Seventh Son album. This made me feel old, but it also gave me a laugh.

Cover for Iron Maiden’s Seventh Son of a Seventh Son album
Image from cdn.shopify.com

I had a friend in high school who had an odd relationship with music. He’d become fixated on a song and play it so many times that the rest of us would never want to hear it again. It sucked because he’d always pick a good song. After weeks of hearing it…



Jack Vance

Blogger @ Atheist Revolution (https://www.atheistrev.com/). I write about atheism, humanism, skepticism, freethought, and other topics of interest.