Jack Vance
May 20, 2023


Ghost hunters deserve a purpose-built tool.

A hammer is a purpose-built tool. You can use it for all kinds of other things, but that doesn’t change what it is. It is so effective at its purpose that there are many jobs that would be hard to imagine attempting without one. That’s an effective tool!

Why don’t ghost hunters have a purpose-built tool for detecting ghosts? They use a wide variety of tools designed for other purposes. They deserve some credit for their creative application of the tools they use. But why don’t they have an effective tool designed to detect ghosts? A tool they can all use, one that rarely fails?

Ghost standing in a field
Photo by Tandem X Visuals on Unsplash

Could it be that most people wouldn’t view such a tool as being worth the effort to develop? Why might that be?



Jack Vance

Blogger @ Atheist Revolution (https://www.atheistrev.com/). I write about atheism, humanism, skepticism, freethought, and other topics of interest.