On Guns, Something is Better Than Nothing

The Senate Framework is a Start

Jack Vance
2 min readJun 15, 2022


Silhouette with guns
Image by Alex Kovalerov from Pixabay

Homelessness is a massive problem, even in the “richest country in the world” (i.e., ‘Murica). Imagine for a moment that someone had a cost-effective plan to reduce homelessness by 10%. Would we listen?

Based on recent events, I’d say with great confidence that some would not listen. They would be too focused on expressing outrage about how the plan didn’t do enough. They’d shout about “only 10%” as if reducing any sort of suffering by 10% wasn’t valuable.

Countless liberals are decrying the gun safety measures the Senate is working on. Many are saying these efforts are no better than doing nothing at all. Reducing homelessness by 10% is better than nothing. Reducing gun violence by even a fraction of a percent is better than nothing.

The Senate plan, if passed, would not end gun violence. Far from it. It is too weak on gun control. It is still better than nothing. If you want to complain that it doesn’t go far enough, I’ll join you. What I won’t do is pretend that something is no better than nothing.

Most of us know that the problem is guns and not mental health. And yet, wouldn’t most of us agree that there are unmet mental health needs in the United States? Our community mental health system still hasn’t recovered…



Jack Vance

Blogger @ Atheist Revolution (https://www.atheistrev.com/). I write about atheism, humanism, skepticism, freethought, and other topics of interest.