Tarot Hall of Fame— 50+ Unique Tarot Decks by Theme (including 2020 newly-released decks)

Exotic art at one place — Beautifully crafted and styled tarot decks depicting history, race, gender, nature, and spirituality.

Athena Man
15 min readAug 28, 2020
Photo from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/705657835343941796/

This piece is a supplementary appendix, or rather, tarot glossary, to another piece that I have written here, where I detail all the key things to note when looking for an ideal tarot deck. I guide you through the different types of information that you can find online about tarot, and tell you about other fundamental aspects of a tarot deck, including tarot systems, themes, expressive focus, and illustration style.

If you want more information and direction on deck selection, go read that article first now and save this for later. You will be directed back when you reach the part where I discuss about tarot card themes.

“How to Choose The Right Tarot Deck For Yourself — Step by Step Guide & Checklist”

I am sooo into beautiful tarot decks and I figure that there are simply far too many of them that I want to showcase, so I decided to create this separate portal for good, to house all tarot decks in, in one virtual canvas.

Alternatively, if you are just casually browsing tarot decks for fun, or are looking to be impressed by art imbued with profound meaning, wander no more, you have stumbled into the right place.

Without further ado, let us begin the one and only, glorious Tour of the Tarot.

Yes, I just made that up.

Be my guest.

The Hush Tarot by Jeremy Hush

Casanova Tarot created in the style of Albert Dürer’s paintings

Golden Tarot by Kat Black

Ancestral Path Tarot by Julie Cuccia-Watts

Pagan Otherworlds Tarot by designers and artists Linnea Gits and Peter Dunham

Lotus Tarot by Angie

Tarot of Unknown Shadows by Dark Synevyr

Considerate Cat Tarot by Madeleine Belanger

The Wildwood Tarot by Mark Ryan

The Wooden Tarot by Andrews Swartz

Crow Tarot by Margaux Jones

Forest Enchantment Tarot by Lunaea Weatherstone & Meraylah Allwood

White Sage Tarot by Theresa Hutch

Ostara Tarot by Molly Applejohn, Eden Cooke, Krista Gibbard, and Julia Iredale

The Stolen Child Tarot by Monica Knighton

Dreams of Gaia Tarot by Ravynne Phelan

The Hoodoo Tarot by Tayannah Lee McQuillar

Practical Magic Tarot by Chinggay Labrador

Modern Spellcaster’s Tarot by Melanie Marquis and Scott Murphy

Modern Witch Tarot by Lisa Sterle

The Moon Deck by The Moon Deck Team

The Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne

Star Spinner Tarot by Vietnamese American comic book artist Trungles

Our Tarot by Sarash Shipman

Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

5. Empyrean Decks

Spirituality, religion, metaphysics, higher consciousness, otherworldliness and extraterrestriality (Starchild & Moonchild Tarots, The Fountain Tarot, Serpent Fire Tarot Deck, Next World Tarot, The Star Seeker Tarot, The Artist’s inner Vision Tarot, Ananda Tarot, Spirit De La Lune Tarot, The Gendon Tarot)

The Fountain Tarot by Jason Gruhl (based on paintings of Johnathan Saiz)

The Gendron Tarot by Melanie Gendron

Next World Tarot by Cristy C. Road

The Star Seeker Tarot by Nicky The Van Mystic

Serpentfire Tarot by Devany Wolfe

Ananda Tarot by Ananda Kurtz

The Artist’s Inner Vision Tarot from collaboration of 26 artists

6. Surrealist Decks

Fantasy, gothic aesthetics and macabre, and mythical creatures — angels and demons, vampires, monsters, fairies, mermaid, etc (Mermaid Tarot, Slow Holler Tarot, Reckham Tarot, The Night Sun Tarot, XIII Tarot, Epic Tarot, Tarot of the Little Prince, Tarot of Monsters by Madam Lydia Wilhelmina, Santa Muerte Tarot, The Green Witch Tarot, Tarot Draconis)

Slow Holler Tarot by Slow Holler

Reckham Tarot by Arthur Reckham

XIII Tarot by gothic illustrator Nekro

The Green Witch Tarot by fantasy artist Kiri Leonard

Tarot of Monsters by Madame Lydia Wilhelmina

Epic Tarot by Riccardo Minetti

Night Sun Tarot by Fabio Listani

Mermaid Tarot by Dame Darci

Santa Muerte Tarot by Fabio Listrani

6. Fandoms-inspired

Game of Thrones Tarot Card Set

Product information from Amazon: “This deluxe box melds the tradition of the tarot with the deep archetypes of Game of Thrones. Each card, from the Major Arcana to the Cups, Coins, Spears, and Swords of the Minor Arcana, offers a rich and meaningful experience. Game of Thrones fans will pore over a treasure trove of much-loved characters, scenes, and stories from the mega-hit television show depicted in a style both surprising and true to the world of Westeros. An accompanying hardcover booklet explains the symbolism of each card and how to use them in a tarot reading.”

Solaris Tarot — Star-Wars-inspired Tarot Deck

The incredibly talented artist Elithian has been creating a ravishing Star-Wars-themed tarot deck for 3 years. I first discovered her art from Pinterest and has become a fan since because her art moves me in a visceral way, and I am not even particularly much of a Star Wars fan. The deck is completed at last in 2019, debuting under the name Solaris Tarot. Second batch is available for pre-order at Kickstarter.

Checkout more of Elithian’s work and his tarot creation process here.

7. Painting or art inspired



Athena Man

21 | Writer, Amateur Astrologist & Tarotist | Spirituality & Philosophy | I write about the arbitrary, curious wisdom in life