Hypertension classification and management

8 min readDec 20, 2021


Hypertension is the clinical term for a condition where the blood vessel pulse is reliably over the ordinary reach. A circulatory strain perusing comprises two numbers. The number at the top addresses systolic strain. This is how much strain that the heart produces when syphoning blood out through the courses. The number beneath addresses diastolic strain. This is how much strain in the conduits when the heart is very still, in the middle of pulsates. At the point when the perusing is over the 140 (systolic)/90 (diastolic) range, it means hypertension.

This disease is known as a “silent killer” since it has no symptoms and causes irreversible damage to the human body. In Europe and the United States, the term “high blood pressure” is often used. Hypertension is more widespread in post-Soviet countries. In truth, these ideas are interchangeable because superstress has the same meaning in Greek.

The disease is manifested by a constant change in blood pressure. Variations are observed, starting with the following indicators:

  • systolic: from 140 mm Hg. v .
  • diastolic: more than 90 mm Hg. Art.

This mainly affects the elderly. And at a younger age, hypertension affects men more often. Statistics around the world are disappointing: 20% of humanity suffers from the effects of hypertension. The reasons why they appeared are different, but it is noticeable that emotional people are often subject to this disease. Some scientists call high blood pressure “a disease of hidden emotions.” This means accumulating unspoken claims, complaints or desires, which later turn into a serious chronic illness.

There is essential (primary) and secondary or symptomatic hypertension. The mayor is developing for the following reasons:

  • age: in women, the incidence threshold for incidence is 65, for men, 55 years;
  • nicotine addiction;
  • emotional overload, stress, psychological trauma;
  • lack of exercise;
  • overweight;
  • diabetes.

Symptomatic hypertension occurs on the basis of existing diseases, such as:

  • endocrine disruption;
  • severe cardiovascular dysfunction;
  • malfunction of the urinary system;
  • pregnancy;
  • Chronic alcoholism;
  • drug use.

Sometimes the disease itself is violent and sometimes not at all felt by patients, even in the final stages of disease development. As in medicine, this question is individual and requires careful study.

So, high blood pressure: the stage and degree of risk, what must be done to stop the disease — these topics will be discussed in the article. You will find complete information on this issue.

Hypertension: stages and degrees

It is necessary to distinguish the notions of arterial stage.hypertension and the degree of this disease. Stage — a description of the symptoms and damage to the organs during the disease. And the degrees are the data on blood pressure that allow the classification of the disease. For the successful treatment of any disease should find its cause, therefore in this review it is useful to identify several main groups of pathologies that cause high blood pressure:

  1. pulmonary . This type of hypertension develops due to disruption of the pulmonary vessels, leading to decreased blood flow. This situation negatively affects cardiac activity.
  2. malignant . This type of disease is characterised by a pressure increase of up to 220 (upper) and 130 (lower) mm Hg. Art., Which involves a radical change of the bottom and venous thrombosis. The final reason for the conversion of conventional hypertension to malignancy has not yet been elucidated.
  3. Renovascular or vasorenal. This species is associated with impaired renal function and dysfunction in the blood supply to the body. These disorders are usually caused by an overestimated diastolic index. The vast majority of secondary hypertension occurs for this very reason.

Symptoms of high blood pressure can cause headaches, numbness of the limbs, dizziness, but sometimes there is a complete lack of symptoms. This often happens when a patient has stage 1 high blood pressure.

Mild hypertension

The average degree of hypertension is expressed in the following pressure indicators:

  • upper: 160–180 mm Hg. v .;
  • lower: 100–110 mm Hg. Art.

There are cases in which the increase in pressure happens in a specific way, quite unevenly. For example, only diastolic values ​​are above normal. Or there are cases of high blood pressure only in certain circumstances, for example, at a doctor’s office. At home, the indicators return to normal. This happens in patients who have an unstable or unstable type of nervous system.

Again, depending on the patient’s condition, there is a hypertension of 2 degrees but such coincidences do not always happen. Sometimes the pressure gauges correspond to a range of power, and the symptoms are not limited to headaches. On the contrary, they increase in speed, causing severe damage to the heart, kidneys, and brain.

Severe hypertension

The latest degree of hypertension is characterised by extremely undesirable indicators of high blood pressure:

  • systolic: from 180 mm Hg. v .;
  • diastolic: from 110 mm Hg. Art.

There are situations when the normal indicators only exceed the systolic pressure. Such disorders are most often seen in elderly patients. This type of hypertension is referred to as a grade 4 increase in blood pressure, which in itself is incorrect.

Stage 1: Hypertension

If you look at the stages of high blood pressure, then the first is the easiest and most imperceptible to the patient. But it is also the beginning of serious problems in the future. Therefore, even if the hypertension is still insignificant, there is no reason to ignore it. The symptoms per se are not observed in the first stage of hypertension, except, of course, a slight and irregular high blood pressure. But the tendency to change these important indicators should alert and induce action. If there is stage 1 high blood pressure, then the patient sometimes complains of poor sleep, episodic headache, or nosebleeds. Treatment in this case may be limited to a diet that reduces the amount of salt and optimises the daily regimen.

Stage 2: High blood pressure

If, for some reason, the disease is not treated at the initial stage, there is a more severe stage, characterised by a complicated course. The symptoms increase to such an extent that it is no longer possible to ignore them. Headaches become intense, frequent and prolonged, nasal bleeding becomes regular, do you suffer from pain in the heart region? These signs are often characterised by hypertension of 2 degrees, 2 stages. In order to normalise and adjust the patient’s condition, he is obliged to seek help from a doctor. This is due to the effects of high blood pressure, which has exhausted the body for a long time, causing hypertension stage 2, grade 3. And such a situation can pose an immediate threat to the patient’s life.

The risk of stage 3 neglect treatment strategies are very high. In addition to the mandatory medication, it is necessary to give up alcohol, nicotine, to balance the diet almost by eliminating salt from it.

The third stage: the organs suffer

Hypertension 3 is characterised by the severity of complications that occur due to the negative effect of extremely high pressure on all organs and systems. Especially in such cases, the heart, kidneys, eyes and brain suffer. Inadequate or inadequate treatment may have serious consequences in the form of strokes, encephalopathies, myocardial infarction, renal and heart failure, arrhythmias, and irreversible damage to the eye. Untreated hypertension in stage 3 (the risk of stage 4 in this case increases sharply) threatens to develop into isolated systolic hypertension. Subjectively, patients feel impaired memory, impaired mental activity and frequent loss of consciousness.

Correct diagnosis

A set of basic analyzes must be performed:

  • blood tests (with mandatory hematocrit determination);
  • urine analysis (advanced);
  • a blood test to determine your blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • in-depth study of serum;
  • electrocardiogram.

In addition, there are additional methods for making a differential diagnosis, which your doctor will prescribe as needed. A reliable history is also important. Secondary hypertension usually begins suddenly, reluctantly treatable, and is not inherited. This condition is often seen during pregnancy. Severe hypertension usually occurs in the 5th month of pregnancy and disappears after birth. But these mothers are registered to adjust the care during the birth. Women with a similar diagnosis are included in the group on the possible occurrence of preeclampsia.

Patients are usually divided into risk groups, depending on how severe their blood pressure is. The degree, the stage — the risk of complications depends on these factors. There are four categories that are delimited according to the principle of probability of damage to internal organs in the future:

  • less than 15%;
  • about 20%;
  • from 20 to 30%;
  • more than 30%.

The worst prognosis for patients diagnosed with grade 3 is 2–3 stages of high blood pressure. These patients belong to risk group 3 or 4 and need immediate complex treatment.

What can cause a hypertensive crisis?

The following factors can cause this complication:

  • adverse weather conditions;
  • emotional disorders;
  • physical overload;
  • pre-eclampsia;
  • use of narcotic drugs;
  • nicotine or alcohol abuse;
  • late use of necessary medications;
  • certain types of tumours;
  • head trauma;
  • use inadequate amounts of liquid and salt.

By eliminating these factors, you can reduce the risk of a dangerous situation.

The main symptoms of this disease are:

  • severe headache;
  • nausea;
  • blurry vision;
  • vomiting;
  • vague and confusion;
  • bleeding from the nasal cavity;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • chest pain;
  • anxiety, fear;
  • convulsions;
  • faint

Preventive tactics:

At the point when the principal degree and a similar phase of hypertension, the sickness can be turned around assuming sufficient assistance is given over the long haul, while changing the eating routine and way of life.

Beginning in the subsequent grade, the sickness is viewed as serious and ongoing. In any case, the peculiarity of the sickness is that, because of its risk and intricacy, it is not difficult to make due. Assuming you change your eating regimen, follow the day by day schedule, screen your pulse consistently, then, at that point, you can standardise your condition and stay away from intricacies.

The diet for such health problems involves the exclusion of such products from the diet:

  • any type of fat, including mutton;
  • fatty meat;
  • rich drinks;
  • cocoa, tea, coffee;
  • spicy snacks, pickles;
  • organs;
  • baking;
  • fried creams;
  • chocolate products.


In the event that the patient is overpowered with heftiness, which can likewise cause hypertension, it is smarter to eat fragmentary segments, tolerably lessening its caloric substance. Such limitations will eliminate overabundant liquid from the patient’s body and will unquestionably let him free from abundant cholesterol.

Treatment of the underlying level of hypertension is decreased to non-drug measures: active recuperation, diet, surrendering negative propensities, normalising weight. In addition, in moderate and extreme types of hypertension, drug-related treatment dependent on beta-blockers, diuretics, and inhibitors is endorsed. Regardless, the specialist will choose the right strategy for treatment.

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Just an ordinary guy want to share unique ideas and information, experience in sales consultancy and customer support, currently working in food sector.