Photo by Jonathan Rados on Unsplash

Are You Getting Distracted By Things That Don’t Matter? Me Too.

Athirah Syamimi


In February, I made it a goal to start building my Medium profile. I wanted to be known in the writing (and Medium) space for my work… and get a decent income from it.

I was on track with progress for the first few months with a consistent writing schedule and increasing income from the Medium Partner Program. It wasn’t a lot but it was enough to convince me that I can do this.

I can write and get paid for it.

It was short-lived because greed got the better of me. It seemed like opportunities to earn more money started popping out from everywhere.

Opportunities to join new ventures (with others), to start my own e-commerce business, to start trading, and many more blocked my path. The promise of good money was so tempting especially when I was financially struggling.

I needed the money and I wanted to earn it fast.

At the back of my mind, I knew that I could earn that money through Medium. But I knew it would take months or years.

So, I got distracted.

Instead of spending hours on improving my writing and publishing more articles, I was on YouTube. I spent hours working on things that could (but not for certain) bring in more money.

