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Asking The 7 Whys To Get To Your Truth

To enjoy what you’re doing, you must understand WHY you’re doing it

Athirah Syamimi
2 min readMay 21, 2019


This isn’t a new method that I’ve invented. It’s one that has been used for problem solving and self-improvement. Basically, you ask yourself “why” until you can’t get a deeper answer. Sometimes, it’s 7 whys. But it can also be either more or less than 7.

Here’s an example of how this can play out:

Let’s start with… what do you want to do? To be a writer.

  • Why do you want to be a writer? To be able to share my story with the world.
  • Why do you want to share your story? To help someone who has gone through a similar ordeal.
  • Why do you want to help someone? I know how it feels like to feel lost and having no one to turn to so I want my readers to feel less alone.
  • Why do you want your readers to feel less alone? The road to success can feel lonely at times and having someone who understands can really 10x their output.
  • Why do you want them to 10x their output? So they can live better lives.
  • Why do you want them to live better lives? Because we only have one life so we should live it to the fullest and enjoy the journey.

