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Can’t Accomplish Your Goals? Learn To Love Yourself First

Athirah Syamimi
3 min readApr 28, 2020


It’s easy to feel like you’re not accomplishing anything. Especially for us millennials who, according to Simon Sinek, are looking for instant gratification.

When you compare where you’re at now and where you want to be in 5 years, it’s impossible for you to be anywhere near it. This can make you feel as though you’re a loser. But you’re not.

You’re a work in progress, don’t forget that.

Even when all of us have reached our goals, there are some of us who constantly feel that we aren’t good enough. No matter what we do, it just doesn’t seem to satisfy us.

There’s always something not right.

Find Acceptance In Your Imperfections

While it’s great that we want to constantly grow and be better, the greatest satisfaction comes when we accept that we are all unique in our own ways.

When you feel like someone is better than you in one skill set, remember that you have your own unique traits that make you… you. There…

