Photo by Kevin Bluer on Unsplash

Every Job Deserves To Be Respected

Athirah Syamimi
3 min readMay 1, 2019


There are a lot of jobs that aren’t in the “cool kids” options. The jobs that your parents will forbid you to do. You know which ones I’m talking about.

The type of jobs that will bring shame to your family because it shows that you didn’t study hard enough, or you’re a failure.


  • Trash collector
  • Road cleaner or any form of cleaning job
  • The security guard at a local mall
  • Deliverers
  • Waitress
  • Retail salesperson

There’s nothing wrong with these jobs

I’m so sick and tired of people judging others based on where they work. We are all humans. We are all working to support our lives.

Some of these jobs are a little harder to do but none deserves to be ill-respected. In fact, you should thank the person who clears the trash for you. Without them, your pile of rubbish will sit and stink up your whole neighbourhood.

If you are in a not-so-popular job, it’s okay. Work with pride. You are earning a living for yourself and your family. It’s honest work. At least you aren’t stealing or hurting anyone. You’re actually helping people.

