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The Roller-Coaster Ride of Working in Startups

Since graduating, I’ve worked in more startups than big corporations. Some startups are still alive while some have ceased to exist.

Athirah Syamimi
3 min readOct 24, 2019


Two years ago, I offered my writing and marketing services for free to a local startup. It worked out because that led me on a one and a half year journey as a fully paid content producer.

It was a life-changer. And it was thanks to someone who decided to take a chance on me, an aspiring writer. Back then, my writing isn’t as near to where it is today. If you think my writing is bad now, it is worse then. However, one person saw a light in me and took that risk.

Yes, I worked for free but it was for a leader and a vision I believed in. If I could turn back time and do it all over again, would I? Definitely. It taught me a lot and opened doors I never thought existed.

Here’s the thing, you will never know how your path will unfold until it does. It could have turned out better than expected or it could have ended badly.

I could have been strung along on an empty promise to stardom or wasted 2 years of my life. And in some ways, maybe I have been duped but I don’t think about that.

Focus on the good that came out…

