TYPO3 Tricks and Tips

Athulya K
4 min readDec 11, 2021


About TYPO3

TYPO3 is an open-source, free, flexible CMS (Content Management System) written in PHP. We can build any type of applications using TYPO3.

Official website for TYPO3- typo3.org

1. How to set a 404-page in TYPO3.

  • Go to Sites module in TYPO3 back end
  • Inside the Error Handling tab, you can create a new entry for 404 page by click on the Create New button.

2. To add Static routes / Roborts.txt content to the website.

  • Go to Sites module in TYPO3 back end
  • Inside the Static routes tab, you can add your contents there as follows.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /*?id=*
Disallow: /*&id=*
Disallow: /*?L=0*
Disallow: /*&L=0*
Disallow: /*?type=98*
Disallow: /*&type=98*
Disallow: /typo3/*
Disallow: /typo3conf/*
Disallow: /typo3temp/*
Allow: /typo3conf/ext/your_package/Resources/Public/*

3. Sitemap.xml in TYPO3 v10

  • Include XML Sitemap(seo) to backend templates
  • For news extension, paste the following code in backend setup
plugin.tx_seo.config {xmlSitemap {sitemaps {news {provider = TYPO3\CMS\Seo\XmlSitemap\RecordsXmlSitemapDataProviderconfig {table = tx_news_domain_model_newssortField = sortinglastModifiedField = tstamppid = 55recursive = 2url {pageId = 54fieldToParameterMap {uid = tx_news_pi1[news]}additionalGetParameters {tx_news_pi1.controller = Newstx_news_pi1.action = detail}useCacheHash = 1}}}}}}

Note : pid = Id of storage folder of news, pageId = Id of detail page of news

  • Add the following code in config.yaml
rootPageId: 1routeEnhancers:PageTypeSuffix:type: PageTypedefault: /index: ''map:/: 0sitemap.xml: 1533906435

4. To Change back end site name

Settings -> Configure Installation-Wide Options -> System -> [SYS][sitename]

5. To Change Backend Login Logo & Name

Settings > Extension Configuration -> backend ->login

6. Solution for the issue: Image Getting Darker when uploading to the backend.

Settings -> Configure Installation-Wide Options -> Image Processing ->[GFX][processor_colorspace] = sRGB

7. How to set OG Image to a TYPO3 website?

  • Edit your Root page, go to Social media tab,

8. To add metadata to the website.

  • Edit your Root page, go to Metadata tab,

9. Typoscript condition to check is the current page is home page.

<f:if condition="{data.uid}=='1'">

1 is the uid of the page.

10. Typoscript Condition to check if the page is hidden.

<f:if condition="{f:uri.page(pageUid: 90)}">      // some functions</f:if>

The function only execute if the page of uid 90 is active/not hidden.

11. How to bring the select options If select box not appear in Grid columns.

Add the line below the <type>select</type>in the corresponding XML file


12. How to reset TYPO3 backend login Username and Password.

  • Enter in to install tool by baseurl/typo3/install.php
  • Create the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file in typo3conf/
  • Reload the page
  • Give a dummy password
  • Copy the hash value generated and paste it in LocalConfiguaration.php file
  • Reload the site and create a new user.

13. Typoscript condition to add different class to odd and even iterations.

<f:for each="{imagegroup}" as="image" iteration="iterator"><img src="fileadmin{image.identifier}" class="{f:if(condition:'{iterator.isOdd}', then:'img-fluid', else:'img-fluid light-img')}" alt=""></f:for>

14. How can I add a trailing slash to TYPO3 v10 URLs?

Link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53144596/how-can-i-add-a-trailing-slash-to-typo3-v9-urls

15. How to add meta title and description.

  • Edit the root page in Backend
  • Go to the SEO tab. We can add the title and description there.

16. Typoscript condition for particular page in page tree.

Typo3 v9


Typo3 v10

[76 in tree.rootLineIds]

17. Powermail double submit issue solution.

settings.setup.misc.ajaxSubmit = 0settings.setup.spamshield._enable = 0

add this in powermails setup under extensions of configurations

18. Typolink inside a tag.

<a href =”{f:uri.typolink(parameter: item.link)}” class=”read-more-arrow”></a>

19. To remove extra p tag occurrence in RTE

tt_content.stdWrap.dataWrap >lib.parseFunc_RTE.nonTypoTagStdWrap.encapsLines >

Add this in setup

20. To disable delete option of page content for Editor User

options.disableDelete.tt_content = 1

— paste this in the user group’s tsconfig.

21. Typoscript dynamic copyright

&copy; Your Company 2005 — {f:format.date(date: ‘now’, format: ‘Y’)}

Thank you! More will come soon..

