The Lajna Imaillah USA Centenary Exhibition- A Celebration of Faith, Legacy, and Progress

Attiya Ghani
6 min readJul 27, 2023


At this year’s Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) which took place from July 14th to 16th, 2023 in Harrisburg, PA the air was charged with excitement and enthusiasm as attendees gathered from around the world to celebrate the hundred years of the establishment of Lajna Imaillah. While the Convention takes place every year, this year was not ordinary as it marked a momentous occasion- the celebration of the Women’s Auxiliary’s centenary. One hundred years of dedication, achievements, progress, and innovation were about to be commemorated through a grand Centenary Exhibition, capturing the essence of the organization’s legacy and its vision for the future.

Lajna Imaillah (meaning the “handmaidens of Allah”) is the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association -one of the auxiliary organizations and was established in 1922 by His Holiness Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmud Ahmad (may God be pleased with him) who was the Community’s second worldwide spiritual head. His wife Amatul Hai (may God be pleased with her) had a great passion for the development and progress of women and it was on her advice that His Holiness inaugurated it in India as an independent women’s organization for all Ahmadi Muslim women. The exhibition hall was elegantly decorated with banners displaying historical milestones of this auxiliary. The exhibition was the centerpiece of the event, meticulously curated to take visitors on a journey through time from 1922–2022.

Establishment of Lajna Imaillah

No centenary celebration would be complete without paying homage to the visionaries and pioneers who had laid the foundation for the organization’s success. A hall of fame displayed portraits and biographies of the eminent personalities (Amatul Elahee, Nycemah Yaqub, Salma Ghani, and Mubarka Malik) who had led the organization throughout its journey. Many attendees were inspired by their stories of perseverance, determination, and foresight. The organizers had spared no effort to showcase the organization’s evolution and the quotations of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community) which read, “Husbands should treat their wives in such a manner as though they are two close and warm friends. The first witness to a person’s high morals and relationship with God Almighty are these very women. If their relationship is not cordial with them, then how is it possible for them to be at one with God Almighty?”

The Rights of Women in Islam

Ahmadiyya in the United States was introduced by missionary Mufti Muhammad Sadiq (may God be pleased with him) who came from India. He was a direct companion of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Missionary Sadiq founded a scholarly magazine under the title of “Moslem Sunrise” in July 1921.

One of the exhibition’s focal points was the early inception of Islam Ahmadiyya displayed through a Timeline of Triumphs- a visually stunning display charting the organization’s history from its humble beginnings to its current global stature. Each decade was represented through interactive exhibits, featuring multimedia presentations, artifacts, and testimonials from key figures who had played pivotal roles in shaping the organization’s growth.

An entire section of the exhibition hall was dedicated to highlighting the auxiliary’s most remarkable financial sacrifices, innovations and breakthroughs. One of the exceptional achievements was the building of Zion Mosque as the first Lajna funded mosque in the United States, an opportunity Lajna Imaillah received in October 2019. The organization was given the target to collect 1.2 million dollars. The outbreak of the Coronavirus during 2020 created economic and social turmoil and uncertainty around the globe. Despite tough times, and in the absence of any in-person fundraising events, Lajna Imaillah USA exceeded their target and collected 1.7 million dollars. The mosque was inaugurated on September 27, 2022 by His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, the current and fifth leader of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

The Zion Mosque display

Beyond its achievements, Lajna Imaillah USA had also made a significant impact on spreading education worldwide. A heartwarming section of the exhibition showcased the various social and philanthropic initiatives undertaken over the years. In 1979, Annisa Walid and Aziza Ahmad established an Ahmadi Muslim elementary school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Aisha Sharif and Zainab Asad established Nooruddin School in York, Pennsylvania.

The “Sewing Circle”, was a national institute for Ahmadi Muslim women started in the 1990s, exclusively by African-American Women.

Lajna Imaillah Student Affairs department compiled a “Mentor Directory” listing all professional Ahmadi women members across the country willing to mentor and offer advice to students in need of educational guidance. Lajna Imaillah USA has understood the essential roles education and faith play in human development. Across different regions, cultures, and individuals Lajna Imaillah have come together to promote this message for all under the guidance of the current supreme head of the community, His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad who said, “Never forget who you are, rather, take pride in your faith and religion. Where you strive to excel in your studies, you must also remember that your faith should take precedence over all worldly and material matters….”

Quotes from His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad

One of the organization’s greatest strengths was its global outreach and collaborative spirit. Under Public Affairs department initiatives, the Centenary Exhibition showcased its first nationwide Voter Registration campaign, in which all Lajna members were encouraged to register to vote in presidential elections. The displays depicted how knowledge and expertise were shared, fostering a network of brilliant minds working together for a better future.

A display on the Quranic verses about women

The Centenary Exhibition wasn’t just a static display. It was designed to engage and involve visitors actively. Lajna Imaillah USA launched the Title 1 project through the Social Services and Public Affairs department under “Loyalty to Nation” initiatives. Hands-on exhibits, virtual reality experiences, and interactive simulations allowed guests to experience some of the organization’s work firsthand.

The Lajna Flag display

As the exhibition drew to a close, a final section focused on the auxiliary’s vision for the future. The future home of Lajna Imaillah USA is the Lajna Conference Center. The project gave visitors a glimpse of what was yet to come. It was a reminder that even after a century of achievements, the auxiliary’s thirst for progress and positive impact to go beyond boundaries and reach the world remained undiminished.

The Centenary Exhibition at the Jalsa Salana, was a resounding success. It encapsulated one hundred years of devotion, excellence, and community building. Attendees left with a profound sense of pride and admiration for Lajna Imaillah USA’s journey thus far. As the convention concluded, it was evident that the centenary was not just a celebration of the past but a launchpad for an outstanding future.



Attiya Ghani

Attiya Ghani is an Ahmadi Muslim Writer and resides in Lawrenceville, GA. Her work has been published on AJC, Gwinnett Daily Post, The Dawn, and Daily Times.