Civil Engineering Lab Equipment Suppliers

Atico Export
5 min readFeb 21, 2024


Of the various branches of engineering, civil engineering continues to hold immense value for a long time. But in modern times, the significance has increased considerably due to the dire need to create infrastructures that are:

  • Sustainable,
  • Safe,
  • Smart,
  • Scalable,
  • Strategic,
  • Socially inclusive and more

Modern infrastructure includes systems that support the functioning of communities, businesses, and economies, including transportation networks, utilities, communication systems, and public facilities.

Civil Engineering Lab Equipment Suppliers

Marvelous Infrastructures With Civil Engineering Lab Equipment Manufacturers

Civil Engineering Lab Equipment manufacturers manufacture the most advanced and sophisticated civil engineering lab equipment. The need for civil engineering lab equipment supplied by top Civil Engineering Lab Equipment suppliers is rising. The demand for the best quality civil engineering lab equipment is increasing worldwide. There are several reasons for this. The highlighted ones are:

  • Needed To Build Safe Manmade Structures

The prime reason is that civil engineering is a vital field that helps to ensure the safety and stability of our built environment. With reliable and accurate data from testing, it would be easier to design and construct safe buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure.

  • Obtaining Better Data

Another reason for the increased demand for advanced civil engineering lab equipment is that it has made it possible to obtain better data about building and construction materials and their performance under various stringent conditions.

The advanced civil engineering lab equipment is user-friendly and more accessible to operate than older models, making it more accessible to civil engineers worldwide.

Quality of building materials and safety of the building constructed is the ultimate motto of every civil engineering project. For this reason, top civil engineering lab equipment suppliers rely on the best Civil Engineering Lab Equipment suppliers like Atico Export. The best Civil Engineering Lab Equipment suppliers understand how crucial accurate data is to ensure the safety of civil engineering projects. They bring the highest quality civil engineering testing and lab equipment to the market. This trend will continue as civil engineering becomes an increasingly essential part of our lives.

List Of Civil Engineering Lab Tests

The purpose of civil engineering lab tests is to verify the 3S:

  • Strength
  • Safety
  • Stability of materials used in construction

All of this is possible with specialized civil engineering lab equipment that helps civil engineers select the best quality materials for a particular civil engineering project.

The tests ensure that every infrastructure project will be safe, sound and stable. Civil engineering lab tests involve testing compressive strength, shear strength, and tensile strength. By putting construction and building materials through these tests, engineers can be confident that they are using the best materials for the job.

List Of Civil Engineering Lab Tests

Here is the comprehensive list of civil engineering lab tests. The list has been concise, and to have further information on the List Of Civil Engineering Lab Tests, kindly contact the top Civil Engineering Lab Equipment suppliers.

Tests On Steel

  • Tensile Test On Steel
  • Compression Test On Steel
  • Torsion Test

Test On Soil

  • Sand Replacement Test
  • Liquid Limit Test
  • Plastic Limit Test

Tests On Bitumen

  • Water Content Test
  • Viscosity Test
  • Float Test
  • Ductility Test
  • Flash & Fire Point Test
  • Softening Point Test

Test On Fine Aggregate

  • Silt Content Test
  • Sand Density Test
  • Bulkage Of Sand Test

Test On Brick

  • Compression Test
  • Shape & Size Test
  • Soundness Test
  • Water Absorption Test

Test On Coarse Aggregate

  • Crushing Value Test
  • Impact Value Test
  • Abrasion Test
  • Specific Gravity Test

Test On Concrete

The concrete testing lab equipment is divided into two categories:

Tests On Fresh Concrete

  • U Box Test
  • L Box Test
  • Workability Of Concrete Test

Tests On Hardened Concrete

  • Non- Destructive Test
  • Destructive Test
  • Concrete Tensile Test

Test On Cement

The cement testing lab equipment helps to conduct the following tests:

  • Compressive Strength Test
  • Cement Soundness Test
  • Consistency Test
  • Fineness Test
  • Setting Time Test

The list of civil engineering lab tests mentioned above is a must before civil engineers start a project. Let us check the civil engineering lab equipment list needed to conduct the civil engineering lab tests.

Civil Engineering Lab Equipment List

Here is the must-have list for every civil engineer’s civil laboratory equipment. All civil engineers must equip their lab with the most superior quality civil engineering lab equipment for the success and safety of projects.

The civil laboratory equipment list helps to conduct the following tests:

  • Aggregate Testing Equipment
  • Bitumen Testing Equipment
  • Cement Testing Equipment
  • Compression Testing Equipment
  • Concrete Testing Equipment
  • Construction Equipment
  • Soil Testing Equipment
  • Survey Instruments

Here is the range of the equipment manufactured and supplied by the top Civil Engineering Lab Equipment manufacturer, Atico Export. The equipment bears the highest quality standards at the best price.

  • Digital CBR Test Machine
  • Laser Theodolite
  • Digital Level
  • Auto Level
  • Precision Engineered Cube Mold
  • Liquid Limit Apparatus
  • Los Angeles Abrasion Test Machine
  • Marshall Stability Testing Machine
  • Soil Sieve
  • Soil Moisture Tester
  • Soil Humidity And Density Apparatus
  • Brick Cutter
  • Sieve Shaker
  • Concrete Vibrator Machine With Nozzle
  • Vicat Apparatus
  • Concrete Mixer Machine
  • Proving Ring
  • Marsh Cone Funnel
  • Weigh Batcher
  • Pendulum Impact Tester
  • Electronic Total Station
  • Proctor Compaction Apparatus
  • Electronic Total Station
  • Direct Shear Test Machine
  • Unconfined Compression Test Machine
  • Triaxial Compression Test Machine
  • Skid Resistance Tester
  • Load Frame
  • Swell Test Apparatus
  • Standard Penetration Test Kit
  • Lateral Pressure Assembly
  • High-Speed Stirrer
  • Field Density Test Apparatus
  • Extractor Frame (Universal)
  • Rapid Moisture Meter

With all this equipment, civil engineers are revolutionizing civil engineering projects worldwide. Civil engineering needs equipment that is dynamic to cope with the changing needs of the civil engineering landscape. More than ever, the world needs the strongest buildings, road networks, plumbing systems, waterways, and everything else that makes our living better and more sustainable.

Countries Connecting With Civil Engineering Lab Equipment Exporters

The pursuit of robust infrastructure is a common goal shared by nations worldwide. To achieve this, construction projects of varied scales rely heavily on the expertise, resources and equipment provided by Civil Engineering Lab Equipment exporters, ensuring the construction of high-quality and resilient structures.

Connecting with Civil Engineering Lab Equipment exporters requires two steps. For further seamless customer experience, choose to connect in any of the following ways:

Email: Call 0171–400–4736, +91–999–618–6555.

