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Writing is hard, but writing is easy

Atilio Mera
4 min readSep 15, 2021


Most of times when I try to hash things out I find myself in a the middle of a mist. When I write and I immerse myself into the writing process I do forget time, get into flow and let myself go. It all depends in writing, it can be hard and easy at the same time.

Creative writing is one of those areas where I let myself go. Forget about the surrounding and get into an imaginary world.

Creative writing is that alternate reality where I can switch locations. Change roles and can live into an imaginary world. Imagination is a tool that we nurture, cultivate and grow. I try and fail more often than not into letting it grow.

At the core of my writing is the reason why I write, and the purpose behind it. I’ve noticed with time that depending of my goal and core reasons, this can be an extremely difficult task. Filled with pressure, fear to failing, writing something that’s not me.

Writing is hard

Writing to be read is extremely hard. I get the fear of exposing myself, my mistakes. When I write with the focus of just getting read, in paper or digitally there is an implicit pressure. Looks like I write to be liked. This is the same feeling when you try to someone to like you. When at work, or social events (in a former life) I forced to introduce myself as someone that maybe I’m not.

Writing for others is hard. I try to fulfil an imaginary audience that I don’t know and might never will. This leads into writing for stereotypes, and this can be wrong. I write with word I don’t normally use, about concepts that I might not agree with and further most I write with the solely focus of getting approval through reads

Writing for the Internet is scary. Anybody can reach out to our content, anybody can be a critic and we might never been able to put a face to that comment. The fear that millions of people will get access to a piece I wrote and decided to share exposes me to the feeling of rejection, being a blocker rather than something that can empower me.

The list goes on. But it’s only half of the picture.

As everything in life, I could think of million of excuses not to do something, sometimes that little one thing I need is just to focus on the reasons why. How to overcome fear, the obstacles and to come to terms with myself. I’m working on it, and likely I’m not still in my sweet spot. I know I can make it.

Writing is easy

Writing is a way of expression, writing is a way I can talk with my inner self about what I believe or would like to create.

Writing is a way to let go anything in my mind and come to terms with it. Writing for letting things go, writing to inspire my own creations, writing to create my own world.

Writing is a form of communication. I can express myself. I can write for me, with pen and paper. I can write in my computer, tablet and phone. I can write in my mind. I can write anywhere I want.

When I’m conscious of who I’m writing for and why I’m writing it becomes easy. When there is no goal other than what I want to achieve for myself the process of writing is not a task, it’s a hobby, something I enjoy.

When writing stories created in my head for hours, days, weeks, months of years, I just let a part of me get into a flow that’s hard to break.

Sometimes I write stories I see in my dreams, sometimes I plan them. But I was not sharing them.

Writing is easy when you do it for reasons important for yourself. Writing is simple when expressing yourself. Lifting the pressure of what others might think of my writing is a key.

Writing is an action of expression, and my fuel for writing is my own will, my own desire.

The choice is mine

Between the challenges and benefits of writing there are too many things to think about. When writing and not thinking about the outcomes, but simply the urge to write and express myself I can overcome the hardest part of it, sit down and type.

Sharing or not sharing what I write is a choice, something that might be of likes to other people. Sometimes sharing is to help people, but I’m selfish. I share my writing because it helps me to continue in this journey. I try and experiment, covered by the infinite size of the Internet.

I’m sorry, I’m not writing for anybody else. I’m writing for myself, because I like it. I chose to expose my writing to the Internet as fuel.

I like thinking and enjoying the feeling that writing is easy, and it’s not hard. It might be complex, but writing is fun.



Atilio Mera

I explore, dream and live. Then I write. Fiction, learning and storytelling.